AA/18/AS/20/SEC - Temporary Modification to University Grading Policies 4/AS/05/UEPC and 19/AS/19/UEPC and Published Deadlines during the COVID-19 Pandemic Effective Spring 2020 Resolved: That the Academic Senate, California State University Stanislaus [AS] acknowledge that the COViD-19 Pandemic has necessitated a mid-semester transition of all courses to non-face-to-face modes of instruction; and be it further
Resolved: That AS assert that the most effective means of supporting our University’s core mission is to ensure that students are not penalized because of a public health crisis; and be it further
Resolved: That AS approves the attached statement, Temporary Modification to University Grading Policies and Published Deadlines as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and urges immediate implementation of the statement; and be it further
Resolved: That the standard procedure of forwarding resolutions to the University President 10 days after Senate minutes are published be waived and that this resolution be immediately forwarded to the President for action; and be it further
Resolved: That the modification to University Policies and deadlines described in the attached statement be implemented immediately for Spring 2020 and that the Senate Executive Committee, in concert with the Provost, monitor the evolving Pandemic situation and determine whether the modifications in the statement will apply to Summer 2020, reaching a decision no later than the end of Spring Semester Finals Week.
Rationale: The COVID-19 Pandemic has caused our campus to transition all face-to-face courses to non-face-to-face modes of instruction in the middle of the semester. We are also aware that our students’ home and work lives are being upended, and that many students are experiencing significantly increased levels of stress. We believe that our University has a moral obligation to do what we can to facilitate our students’ success in their Spring coursework by adjusting our policies.
The mission of Stanislaus State is to create “an inclusive learning environment which encourages all members of the campus community to expand their intellectual, creative, and social horizons.” We believe that fulfilling our mission requires that we respond to the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on our students’ lives and instruction by making thoughtful and considered modifications to University Policies concerning grading options and deadlines. In conformity with guidance provided by the Chancellor’s Office we developed the attached statement of modifications.
Attachment to 18/AS/20/SEC:
Temporary Modification to University Grading Policies and Published Deadlines as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic
published deadlines will be implemented.
a. The deadline for students to select a grading option will be moved to the last day of final exams.
b. The deadline for students to withdraw from a course will be moved to the last day of final exams.
c. If students select Credit/No Credit grade option, a course grade of Credit will be assigned for the grades of A, B, or C [including C-]. A course grade of No Credit will be assigned for grades of D or F.
d. The default course grading option would remain what it is now [for most courses that would be letter grades].
e. For courses designated as letter or credit/no credit, students will have the option of changing their grade option [regardless of whether they previously selected credit / no credit].
f. For courses designated as letter grade only, students will have the option of selecting a grade option of credit / no credit.
g. For courses designated as credit / no credit only that designation remains in place.
h. All departments and programs will accept credit / no credit grades for courses completed in Spring 2020 regardless of requirements for letter grades in major courses.
i. Courses completed in Spring 2020 with credit / no credit grade will not be included in the 24 unit cap.
j. Instructors are asked to inform students in their courses that they have the opportunity to select a grade option.
k. Instructors are asked to inform students of their current “course grade” to assist students with making informed choices.
l. The restrictions on repeating courses with credit / no credit will be waived for courses completed in Spring 2020.
m. In the event that subsequent information indicates that students may be harmed by the credit / no credit grade assigned for a class, instructors may submit a grade change that would allow a change of grade option to a letter grade.
n. Students who ceased attending class after 13 March will be assigned a grade of A, B, C or No Credit based on their work in the course.
Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on April 7, 2020 Approved by President Ellen Junn on April 8, 2020
Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): AA/18/AS/20/SEC Temporary Modification to University Grading Policies 4/AS/05/UEPC and 19/AS/19/UEPC and Published Deadlines during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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