BF/UP/04 - Parking Guidelines Effective January 2018
I. Purpose
As part of the California State University (CSU) system, Stanislaus State operates a parking program in compliance with applicable laws and CSU regulations. These guidelines, first drafted in 2001, outline the rules and regulations for the administration of the parking program.
The University President has delegated authority for the administration and daily operations of the Parking Program to the University Police Department. Facilities Services has responsibility for the maintenance, construction, and planning of parking facilities. Financial Services provides accounting and audit oversight to revenues collected through the parking program. Working in collaboration, these departments provide for the efficient and effective provision of parking facilities and services to the campus community.
II. Authority
- Education Code: 89031 - Grants the CSU authority to make rules and regulations for the government and maintenance of the University buildings and grounds. It is a misdemeanor to violate or attempt to violate these rules and regulations.
- California Code of Regulations 42200 - Authority to grant permission for the driving, stopping, parking or to leave standing any vehicle at Stanislaus State.
- California Code of Regulations 42201 - Permission to park at Stanislaus State may only be given to persons who have paid a parking fee. Evidence of compliance will be demonstrated by display in plain view of a valid parking permit. Provides six parking fee exemptions.
- California Vehicle Code 21113 - Grants authority to enforce all parking and traffic laws and regulations upon Stanislaus State pursuant to the California Vehicle Code.
- California Penal Code Section 830.2 - Provides authority for the California State University Police to enforce all laws at Stanislaus State.
- California Education Code 89701 and 89701.5 - Provides statutory authority for CSU parking fees and their use for operations.
- California State University, Coded Memorandum 95-09 issued June 19, 1995 Transfer of Parking Programs to Campuses.
- Executive Order 1102 issued July 2015 - Fee policies.
- Campus Parking Fee Schedule and General Plan, issued April 20, 2015 by President Joseph F. Sheley.
III. Parking Lots
Maps of the University, including parking lots, faculty/staff parking, disabled parking, motorcycle parking, and parking ticket dispensers, can be located on the University web site at:
IV. Hours of Enforcement
- Parking is enforced at all times.
- Parking permit and timed limited parking is enforced Monday through Friday 7:00AM -10:00PM, including all non-instructional days where there are no classes and the campus is open (e.g. spring break and between semesters).
- Permits do not exempt vehicles from paying the appropriate hourly parking fee. Exception: Vehicles displaying a Disabled Persons Parking Placard/or Disabled Persons License Plate issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles may display a valid Stanislaus State permit in lieu of paying the hourly fee per CCR42200(c)(2), also see Disabled section XII.
- Employee parking spaces designated Faculty/Staff are enforced Monday through Friday, 7:00AM - 4:00PM
- After 4:00PM Monday through Friday employee spaces designated “Faculty/Staff” become open to all vehicles displaying a valid Stanislaus State parking permit (Economy permits excluded).
- The purchase of a parking permit allows permission to park on the premises. It does not guarantee a parking space on campus.
V. Reserved
Spaces designated “Reserved” are available only to those currently have a reserved permit and to Deans, Full Vice Presidents, and the President of Stanislaus State.
- Reserved permits require an additional fee (see appendix).
- Reserved parking spaces are enforced 7:00AM - 5:00PM Monday through Friday.
- After 5:00PM these reserved spaces become open to all vehicles displaying a valid parking permit (Economy permits excluded).
VI. Parking Permits
- Permission to park at Stanislaus State may only be given to persons who have paid a parking fee.
- Evidence of compliance will be demonstrated by display in plain view of a valid parking permit (California Code of Regulations Section 42201).
- Employees and students may purchase parking permits online at
- The purchase of a parking permit does not guarantee the availability of a parking space. Parking is available on a first come, first serve basis.
- Please refer to the University Police website for valid effective dates of available permits. Effective dates are also located on permits.
- Parking permits are not transferable from person to person. Under no circumstances may you sell exchange or give your permit to someone else. Inappropriate use may result in the confiscation of the parking permit and citation.
- A refund of parking permit fees may be requested at the University Police Department. Refunds will follow the parking fee refund schedule outlined in Section VII of the Parking Guidelines, and may not be requested retroactively.
Annual Permits
- Annual permits may be purchased online at Available to Employees through payroll deduction, or by a single payment. Effective annually, July 1st - June 30th.
- Must be adhered face-up to the inside lower left windshield, or displayed from an approved clear or transparent mirror hanger (available for purchase at
- Permits may be transferred between vehicles driven by the person to whom the permit was issued.
- Annual permits are valid from 7:00AM - 10:00PM, Monday through Friday, including academic holidays.
- Annual permits are valid in the following parking areas:
- Faculty/Staff Parking
- Student Parking
- Economy Parking
Faculty/Staff Semester Permits
- Faculty/Staff semester permits may be purchased online at
- Faculty/Staff semester permits may be purchased individually for fall, winter, spring and summer semesters.
- Available to Stanislaus State employees in bargaining units in compliance with respective collective bargaining agreements.
- Must be adhered face-up to the inside lower left windshield, or displayed from an approved clear or transparent mirror hanger (available for purchase at
- Permits may be transferred between vehicles driven by the person to whom the permit was issued.
- Faculty/Staff permits are valid from 7:00AM - 10:00PM, Monday through Friday, including academic holidays.
- Faculty/Staff permits are valid in the following parking areas:
- Faculty/Staff Parking
- Student Parking
- Economy Parking
Student Semester Permits
- Available to Stanislaus State students who are currently enrolled.
- Student semester permits may be purchased online at
- Student Semester permits may be purchased for fall and spring semesters.
- Student fall semester permits shall also allow students to park during the winter Intersession at no extra cost.
- Student spring semester permits shall also allow students to park during the summer semesters at no extra cost.
- Must be adhered face-up to the inside lower left windshield, or displayed from an approved clear or transparent mirror hanger (available for purchase at
- Permits may be transferred between vehicles driven by the person to whom the permit was issued.
- Student Semester permits are valid from 7:00AM - 10:00PM, Monday through Friday, including academic holidays.
- Student semester permits are valid in the following parking areas:
- Student parking
- Economy parking
Economy Permits
- Economy permits may be purchased online at
- Sales of Economy permits are limited to not more than 440 permits, and are sold on a first come, first served basis.
- Student fall Economy permits shall also allow students to park in economy spaces during the winter Intersession at no extra cost.
- Student spring Economy permits shall also allow students to park in economy spaces during the summer semesters at no extra cost.
- Available to Stanislaus State students who are currently enrolled.
- Must be adhered face-up to the inside lower left windshield, or displayed from an approved clear or transparent mirror hanger (available for purchase at
- Permits may be transferred between vehicles driven by the person to whom the permit was issued.
- Economy permits are valid from 7:00AM - 10:00PM, Monday through Friday, including academic holidays.
- Economy permits are valid in the following parking areas:
- Lot 11a
- West end of Lot 2
- North side of Lot 7
- Lot 8, rows E & F
- Handicap spaces with a valid handicap placard or plate (all lots)
Student Evening Permits
- Evening permits are valid from 4:00PM - 10:00PM, Monday through Friday, including academic holidays.
- Evening permits may be purchased online at
- Evening permits shall also allow students to park from 4:00PM - 10:00PM during the winter Intersession at no extra cost.
- Student spring Evening permits shall also allow students to park from 4:00PM - 10:00PM during the summer semesters at no extra cost.
- Available to Stanislaus State students who are currently enrolled.
- Must be adhered face-up to the inside lower left windshield, or displayed from an approved clear or transparent mirror hanger (available for purchase at
- Permits may be transferred between vehicles driven by the person to whom the permit was issued.
- Evening permits are valid in the following parking areas:
- Student parking areas between 4PM and 11PM
- Faculty/Staff area after 4PM
- Reserved areas after 5PM
Daily Permits
- Daily Permits may be purchased at the seven dispensers located at campus entrances.
- Must be displayed face up on the driver’s side of the vehicles dashboard, clearly visible from the outside.
- Not valid in meters, unless a Disabled Persons Parking Placard/or Disabled Persons License Plate issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles is also displayed.
- Daily permits are valid in the following parking areas:
- Student parking
- Faculty/Staff lots after 4:00PM
- “Reserved” spaces after 5:00PM
- Employees using a Daily permit to park in Faculty/Staff lots prior to 4:00PM must:
- Purchase and display a Daily Permit and
- Must obtain a specialized pass from UPD to display with the Daily Permit allowing permission to park in employee areas.
- Display both face-up on the driver’s side of the vehicle dashboard.
Motorcycle Permits
- Motorcycle Permits (including mopeds and scooters) are valid only in specifically designated motorcycle parking locations. These special permits are not valid in regular parking spaces.
- Display the permit on the outside of the front fork.
- Semester motorcycle permits are available through
- May be annualized through payroll deduction.
- Semester motorcycle permits are offered at a reduced rate in relation to standard vehicle permits.
- Motorcycle owners may purchase a standard vehicle parking permit at full price, which allows parking consistent with the rules for a full sized vehicle.
Visitor/Volunteer Permits
- Visitor/Volunteer permits are available for visitors and volunteers who visit campus for official university business.
- Visitors receiving any compensation, stipend, honorarium, course credit or other form of remuneration from Stanislaus State for their participation in the program/event must pay for parking (CCR 42201)(b)(2).
- Visitor/Volunteer permits are issued by the University Police Department upon receipt of a Visitor/Volunteer Parking Exemption Request.
- Visitor/Volunteer Parking Exemption Request must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the scheduled visit.
- If the guest does not meet eligibility, the host department will be notified and required to provide a funding source (e.g. chart string or account) to obtain the guest’s parking permit.
- Campus departments are responsible for communicating the appropriate parking information and/or issuing visitor permits to guests prior to their visit.
Foundation Board Member Permits
Foundation Board Member Permits are issued by the University Police to Advancement for distribution to current Foundation Board Members (CCR 42201)(b)(2), and are valid during the fiscal year in which they were issued.
Chancellor’s Office Permits
- Chancellor’s Office Permits are issued by the Chancellor’s Office for official business.
- Used by visiting CSU employees and representatives.
- Does not exempt payment of Parking Permit fees for persons employed by or attending Stanislaus State.
VII. Fees and Payments
Current parking fees were established in 2015 by the Campus Parking Fee Schedule and General Plan, issued April 20, 2015 by President Joseph F. Sheley, and in compliance with collective bargaining agreements. Daily Parking Permits are $6, and are available from seven dispensers located around campus. To view the parking permit rate schedule for students and employees please see the Appendix.
Parking fees for portions of a fall or spring semester are as follows:
- 1st - 30th day - 100%
- 31st - 60th day - 75%
- 61st - 90th day - 50%
- 91st - end of term - 25%
Prorated parking fee refund schedules of a fall or spring semester are as follows:
- 1st - 30th day - 75%
- 31st - 60th day - 50%
- 61st - 90th day - 25%
- 91st - end of term - None
Exemptions from Payment of a Parking Fee
The CCR Section 42201(b) outlines the exemptions to the payment of a fee on CSU campuses. In summary these exemptions include:
- When directed by a State University Police Officer, or when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with a traffic control signal.
- Non-employee visitors conducting state business or providing a service such as volunteers, vendors, contractors, etc., with the approval of the University Police Department.
- Persons parked temporarily in designated areas to load and/or unload property or people.
- Temporarily disabled vehicles.
- Occupants of residence halls constructed under the State College Revenue Bond Act of 1947 to whom parking facilities have been assigned pursuant to Section 42202.
- Students with disabilities who have demonstrated financial need for parking fee financial assistance as determined by the campus financial aid analysis.
VIII. Disputes
Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Sections 40200.7 and 40215, each person receiving a parking ticket is entitled to participate in a three-stage appeals process. There are no provisions under law to conduct administrative reviews or administrative hearings if statutory time limits for filing are not met. If the time frames are not met, all parking penalties and late fees must be paid.
- First Level - Must be disputed within 21 days from the date the ticket was issued, or 14 days from the date the reminder notice was mailed. The initial dispute is required to be submitted online. If the time frame is not met, you will no longer be given the option to dispute the ticked and it must be paid.
- If the ticket recipient has paid the ticket, you have waived your right to dispute the ticket.
- Second Level - If you have submitted an Administrative Review, and received a determination you wish to dispute further:
- An Administrative Hearing request must be submitted within 21 days of receiving the Administrative Review determination.
- You must submit all evidence as a whole that shows that the ticket in question was not validly issued. Such evidence includes, but is not limited to: copies of parking permits; disabled placards; records; documents or testimony of witnesses; photographs of the location where the vehicle was parked showing relevant signs posted or curb striping.
- Third Level - The third level in the appeals process is to appear in the court of the county where the parking ticket was issued. You must file the appeal within 30 days of the Administrative Hearing Examiner’s decision. To request a Court appeal, you must contact the Parking Management Bureau at 1-800-700-4417. The Court requires a filing fee to process an appeal.
For additional information on disputing a parking ticket, please visit
IX. Parking & Traffic Ordinance (PTO) Violations
PTO’s are enforced at all times. Vehicles with five or more unpaid parking tickets are subject to impound pursuant to §22651(i) CVC.
- PTO #1
- All vehicles parked on the Stanislaus State campus are required to display a valid Stanislaus State parking permit, temporary permit, or hourly permit, except those vehicles parked in loading zones.
- PTO #2
- No person shall attempt to evade payment of parking fees by the use of a forged or fictitious parking permit.
- PTO #3
- Parking permits must be adhered face-up to the inside lower left windshield, or displayed from an approved clear or transparent mirror hanger.
- PTO #4
- No person shall violate the Parking Guidelines concerning the use/or display of parking permits.
- PTO #5
- Vehicles must be parked in the areas valid for the parking permit they display.
- PTO #6
- No vehicle may be left parked upon expiration of a time limited pass.
- PTO #7
- Vehicles shall not park in the following areas:
- Any area of the campus which is not posted or improved and marked for parking.
- Any area assigned for disabled parking unless that vehicle displays a valid Stanislaus State parking permit and distinctive license plates or placard issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
- Any area marked for loading/unloading, unless that vehicle is immediately engaged in loading/unloading within the posted limitations.
- PTO #8
- All vehicles shall park in a designated space, between the white lines.
- PTO #9
- No person shall disobey the lawful orders of a member of the University Police Department relating to the parking and/or movement of vehicles on campus.
- PTO #10
- Use of “Reserved” spaces requires the display of a “Reserved” permit.
- PTO #11
- Motor vehicle travel is restricted to the roadways and parking areas of the campus. Individuals requiring the use of sidewalks for vehicular movement shall obtain advance permission from the University Police Department.
- PTO #12
- Vehicles shall not be remain parked on campus grounds between the hours of 1AM and 5AM without permission of University Police Department, with the exception of vehicles operated by dormitory residents.
- PTO #14
- Persons operating bicycles on campus shall obey the following rules:
- Bicycle travel is restricted to the roadways, parking areas, sidewalks and pathways.
- Bicycles will be operated in a safe manner, having due regard for persons and property.
- Bicycles will be parked in provided bike racks and shall not be chained to any stationary objects, with the exception of bike racks. Bicycles parked in violation of this section may be impounded by the University Police Department.
- Bicycles will be equipped as required by the vehicle code and shall display a valid bicycle license.
- Bicycles shall not be ridden in campus buildings at any time.
- Bicycles are restricted to 10MPH on all sidewalks and pathways.
- PTO #15
- It shall be unlawful for any driver of a vehicle to fail to obey any sign or signal erected or maintained by the university to regulate the flow of traffic.
- PTO #16
- No person shall, without lawful authority, deface, injure, attach any material or substance to, knock down, or remove any traffic control device, traffic guidepost, or traffic post erected or maintained by the university.
- PTO #18
- No person shall use a parking permit that has been reported as lost or stolen, or for which the appropriate fee has not been paid.
- PTO #20
- Evening permits are valid only between the hours of 4pm and 10pm.
Parking & Traffic Ordinance fine schedule:
View PDF attachment
X. Team Van and Bus Parking
A team van or bus is a vehicle that is owned, rented or operated by a university or school for the purpose of transporting students, teams, and their equipment. Personal vehicles are not eligible for parking in team van and bus parking turnouts.
- Bus parking is prohibited without prior approval from the University Police Parking Supervisor.
- Team vans and buses do not need to purchase a permit.
- Loading and unloading of team vans and buses is restricted to the recessed pullouts located on Merced Avenue near lot 10, and on Mariposa Drive in lot 2 and lot 11.
- Vans or buses may not stop in roadways, even temporarily, for the purpose of loading or unloading. Vans or buses located stopped in the roadways are subject to citation pursuant to PTO #7, and/or §22400(a) CVC.
- Vans or buses left standing upon a highway in a position so as to obstruct the normal movement of traffic, or in a condition so as to create a hazard to other traffic upon the highway, may be towed pursuant to §22651(b) CVC.
XI. Disabled
Disabled parking spaces are clearly marked and enforced at all times.
- A valid Department of Motor Vehicles Placard or Disabled plate and a valid Stanislaus State parking permit are required to be displayed while using University parking facilities including hourly parking, general/employee parking and Disabled spaces. If the vehicle does not have a valid Stanislaus State parking permit, the vehicle may park in an hourly space and the hourly fee must be paid, per CCR 42200(c)(1-2).
- Requests for a waiver of the campus parking fee are available to students only through the Financial Aid Office as required per CCR 42201(b)(6).
XII. Special Events
Requests for special event parking accommodations must be made while reserving the event facility through the Campus Calendar (R25Live). While completing your reservation request, specify a parking lot within the Parking Moratorium Request field. Host departments and/or organizations are responsible for requesting the necessary parking accommodations through R25Live no later than two weeks prior to the event. Request for parking accommodations will be reviewed by the UPD Parking Supervisor and either approved or denied.
The President may temporarily discontinue enforcement of parking fees when it is clearly demonstrated that the collection of the fee for a special event is uneconomical (e.g. Commencement & 4th of July). During these temporary periods where fees are not required all other regulations continue to be enforced.
The University Calendar can be located at:
XIII. Parking Accommodation Requests
Campus departments hosting campus events may request a parking fee exemption. The program/event should achieve or be consistent with our students’ educational requirements or be a University sanctioned event. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Art, Music and Theatre Department productions, performances or exhibits. This conforms to academic requirements of these respective departments.
- Warrior Athletics sporting events (e.g. Warrior Basketball, Softball, Soccer, etc.) Student athletes must meet academic and NCAA requirements to participate in these sanctioned events.
Campus departments hosting non-campus events are not eligible for a parking fee exemption. These events are outside the primary scope and educational mission of the University. Examples of events that are not eligible for a parking fee exemption include, but are not limited to:
- Summer development camps
- Youth sports clinics and camps
- Community concerts, car shows, and fundraisers
- University Student Union/Associated Students Inc. events
Campus clubs and organizations are not eligible for parking fee exemptions.
Events that do not qualify for a fee exemption may pay a flat rate per parking lot while the event is in session. Rates are based on the number of spaces available in each lot, and are as follows:
- Lot #2 - $103
- Lot #3 - $78
- Lot #4 - $166
- Lot #6 - $72
- Lot #7 - $94
- Lot #8 - $99
- Lot #11 - $129
- Lot #11a - $45
The department or groups sponsoring or coordinating an event are responsible for communicating parking information to their guests.
XIV. Allowable Emergency Services and Other Prohibited Activities
Motor vehicle assistance and emergency services are allowed at all times (i.e. towing, flat tire change, locksmith, and battery jump-start). Extensive auto repairs, maintenance, and vehicle cleaning services are prohibited.
Posting of materials on vehicles parked at Stanislaus State is prohibited per the University. Posting Guidelines approved June 18, 2015.
XV. Parking Rates
Parking rates are set in accordance with the Campus Parking Fee Schedule and General Plan signed by President Joseph F. Sheley, April 20 2015. The plan can be viewed at:
Parking rates are published annually at:
Related Policies and Procedures: Campus Parking Fee Schedule and General Plan, BF/1 - Posting Policy
Review History: Approved by President Marvalene Hughes in January 2001. Revision approved by President Marvalene Hughes in January 2004. Revisions approved by President Hamid Shirvani in January 2007, 2010, and 2012. Revision approved by President Joseph Sheley in January 2016. Revsions approved by President Ellen Junn in January 2017 and 2018.
Business & Finance Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): BF/UP/04 - Parking Guidelines
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