Sep 07, 2024  
Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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UA/08 - Events and Activity Related Fundraising

Effective August 24, 2011


SAM Section 20050 states that the elements of a satisfactory system of internal accounting and administrative controls include a system of authorization, as well as recordkeeping procedures adequate to provide effective accounting controls over assets, liabilities, revenues and expenditures. It further states that one symptom of a deficient internal control system is procedural or operational manuals that are either not currently maintained or are nonexistent. 

The California State University, Stanislaus Foundation (Foundation) is the philanthropic aim of California State University, Stanislaus (Stanislaus). All gifts in support of the goals, missions, and programs of California State University, Stanislaus (including all colleges, schools, academic and non­academic units) are made through the Foundation. 


  1. All fundraising events at California State University, Stanislaus are to be supervised, coordinated, and directed by University Advancement under the direction of the Vice President of University Advancement. University Advancement will work with and coordinate with the Vice President of Academic Affairs/Provost, Vice President of Student Affairs and the Director of Athletics. Each of these executives is charged with ensuring that their assigned organizations comply with and adhere to the policies identified herein.
  2. Proposals to conduct a fundraising activity or event must be submitted for approval by the sponsoring department or unit to the Vice President of University Advancement and the Foundation’s Executive Director not less than 120 days prior to the event. Events which are insufficiently conceived, planned, funded, and/or scheduled will be returned to the department or unit for further work and the proposed schedule will have to be revised.
  3. Event concepts centered on the engagement of a public speaker, celebrity, or other high-profile public personality/entertainer must be approved by the Foundation Board and University President prior to the formalization of any commitment. In certain cases, approval by the California State University Office of the Chancellor may also need to be secured. Engagements of this nature tend to require significantly more lead time than other forms of event fundraisers. Departments should seek Foundation approval for such fundraisers early in the event planning process, the requirement for event approval 120 days prior to the event notwithstanding.
  4. Fundraising events shall be conducted by the sponsoring office, overseen by the Division of University Advancement, and advised by Auxiliary and Business Services staff and the Foundation’s Executive Director.
    • Control procedures shall be established, maintained, reviewed, updated and followed to ensure that any Foundation event complies with California law, Federal law, and California State University system-wide policies.
    • Ticket sales, auctions, raffles, donations, and all other remittances or receipts are required to have strict controls placed over each activity in accordance with Foundation procedures. All necessary reports to the Foundation Board, University officials, federal and state tax authorities, the Office of the State Attorney General or others shall be prepared and filed in a timely manner. Records pertaining to such activities shall be retained to meet all federal and state audit requirements.
    • Contractors providing services in fund raising events shall be engaged under standard University or Foundation contracts, with appropriate risk management, insurance, accountability and scope of work definitions. No contractor which is disallowed by federal, state or University policy shall be engaged to perform any activity for a University fundraising event.

Review History: Approved by the Foundation Board of Directors President Matthew Swanson and President Hamid Shirvani on August 23, 2011.

University Advancement Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): UA/08 - Events and Activity-Related Fundraising  

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