HR/04 - External Review Team Evaluation of Executive Managers Reporting to the President Effective February 18, 2009
It is the goal of the University President to provide an opportunity for the campus community - faculty, staff, students and administrators - to submit comments on the performance of the President’s Executive Managers, in accordance with applicable policies and procedures of The California State University and California State University, Stanislaus.
Title 5 of the Education Code, Section 42722
CSU Stanislaus MPP Performance Appraisal Policy, Section 5936
Executive Managers reporting to the President are the: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Vice President for Business and Finance; Vice President for Student Affairs; Vice President for University Advancement; and Associate Vice President/Chief Information Officer.
An External Review Team will consist of two individuals from outside the University who possess expertise in a field relevant to the person being evaluated. The President will identify the team members.
It is the goal of the University President to provide a process whereby members of the entire campus community have an opportunity to give individual, formal written input to the President for use in the evaluation ofhis/her Executive Managers (as defined above) that extends beyond the annual evaluation process.
The external review process will start in the Fall of the Executive Managers fourth year on campus, with the next review conducted in the Spring of their sixth year and every three-years thereafter. External reviews would be staggered, so that no more than two are conducted during any given year.
The External Review Team (ERT) will spend two-days on campus. The ERT will meet with the Executive Manger currently under review and with various individuals including, faculty, staff and students. No group interviews will be held.
The process will begin with an open letter to the campus community inviting comments on the Executive Manager currently under review and provides a statement about the External Review Team process. The instructions will state that: (1) comments must be in writing, including name and title, and signed by the individual; (2) comments must be sent in a sealed confidential envelope addressed to the University President; (3) comments must come from an individual and not a committee or a group of individuals; and (4) anonymous or unsigned letters or emails will not be accepted.
The announcement will include a commitment that letters will only be opened and reviewed by the President, and will not be shared with the Executive Manager or anyone else.
At the conclusion of the visit, the External Review Team will write a report and submit it confidentially to the President. The ERT report would not be distributed beyond the President.
Related Policies and Procedures: HR/01 - Management Personnel Plan (MPP) Performance Appraisals
Review History: HR/04 was revised on January 12, 2009. Approved by President Hamid Shirvani on February 18, 2009.
Human Resources Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): HR/04 - External Review Team Evaluation of Executive Managers Reporting to the President
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