AA/05/AS/19/UEPC - Leave of Absence Effective Fall 2019 Resolved: That the Academic Senate of California State University, Stanislaus approve the attached Leave of Absence Policy. The policy shall be effective Fall 2019, providing time for the Request for a Leave of Absence form to be revised to reflect the new policy language and requirements.
Rationale: At Stan State the Leave of Absence Policy is currently an administrative policy, developed out of Enrollment Services. The University Educational Policies Committee (UEPC) has not only recommended changes to the policy, but has put forward these revisions in the form of an Academic Policy requiring approval by Academic Senate and the President. Such a move both elevates recognition of the role a leave of absence may play in a student’s progress toward degree completion, and ensures that faculty are aware and supportive of any future changes to the policy.
The current Leave of Absence Policy indicates that students may not request a leave for “financial reasons,” yet this is not required by system policy nor law. For many students, financial concerns are a primary reason for needing to take time away from their degree progress, and this policy language suggests to students that they must withdraw from the university if they need to take more than one semester off within a calendar year. In reality, financial concerns often are at the root of approved Leave of Absence requests, and we want to ensure that all students know this is a valid reason to request a leave. The revised policy makes explicit that financial reasons are an acceptable reason to take a leave.
The revised policy removes the language of “Planned” and “Unavoidable” leaves, as these terms are often confusing to students and advisors as they apply to the reasons a student may desire a leave. The policy instead identifies four types of leave that are available, and any coding of “planned” or “unavoidable” will be addressed administratively by Enrollment Services after the request is submitted.
To help students to better understand eligibility, access to services, and what is expected upon return, more detailed information about these topics is included in the policy.
Revision of the Request for a Leave of Absence form is currently underway, as members of the GREAT Advising Practices Work group, UEPC, and staff in SPEMI and Student Affairs are making suggestions for changes to many Enrollment Services forms prior to likely conversion to electronic formats. It was this review process that drew attention to need to revise the Leave of Absence policy. This Leave of Absence Policy revision will inform the revision of the request form, whether or not the electronic conversion occurs.
Students who do not enroll at least part-time for one semester each calendar year risk the loss of rights to their original catalog year graduation requirements. A Leave of Absence is a temporary leave from the university, which may be necessary during your academic career. This leave ensures that your program of study and access to many University services remain active. The length of time permitted for approved leaves of absence is governed by Title V and CSU Chancellor’s Office Memorandum.
A Leave of Absence is initiated by submitting a Request for Leave of Absence form, including all requested documentation, to Enrollment Services. Students will be notified by the Director of Enrollment Services (or designee) if the request for leave was approved or not approved.
Stanislaus State students who will not be enrolled at Stanislaus State for only one semester DO NOT need to request a leave of absence. Students are granted an automatic leave of absence for one fall or spring semester each academic year.
Who is eligible?
- Stanislaus State undergraduate, second baccalaureate, and credential students who will not be enrolled at Stanislaus State for more than one fall or spring semester in a calendar year may file for a leave of absence to maintain enrollment eligibility and catalog rights to specified degree requirement options.
- Continuing International Students: Foreign students with J or F visas who meet the criteria for a leave of absence are required to contact the Office of International Education to learn more about the impact of a leave on their visa status.
Who is not eligible?
- Students dismissed due to academic deficiencies or disciplinary actions are not eligible for leaves of absence.
- Students enrolled only in extension courses or as auditors are not eligible for leaves of absence.
- A request for a leave of absence is not required by the Graduate School; however, it may be required by the program. Students should consult with the specific graduate program director for individual program policy. If enrollment is interrupted for more than one semester, it will be necessary for students to reapply to the University and program.
- This leave of absence petition is NOT for students who will be taking courses at another accredited college/university.
What if I need to file this petition in the middle of the semester?
- Educational leaves may begin at any time. However, if a student chooses to begin a leave while coursework is in progress, the student is subject to all applicable regulations and University policies. All contractual agreements (housing, financial aid, etc.) must be satisfactorily terminated in addition to withdrawal from courses.
Types of Approved Leaves of Absence
- Medical
- Military
- Personal (including work obligations, family obligations, financial challenges)
- Planned Educational (to pursue educationally-related activities that will enhance the prospect of successful completion of their academic programs)
Availability of Services while on Leave of Absence
- A student on a Leave of Absence shall be expected to devote the period to off-campus activities. The student shall be classified as “on leave” and shall not be considered a regularly enrolled student. Therefore, the student is not entitled to the campus services normally provided to enrolled students, except that the student may confer with academic advisors and other university personnel regarding leave activity and plans for re-enrollment.
- Students on leave will continue to have access to their campus email and the student portal (including all notifications related to registration, financial aid, holds, etc).
Return Responsibilities and Benefits
- Students returning from an approved educational leave may be required to submit a new admission application. Readmission is guaranteed providing the admission application is filed according to the following schedule: fall, Oct 1- 30; and spring, August 1-31; or 30 days after leave approval, whichever is later. A student will be guaranteed normal registration priority and rights to prior graduation requirements provided leave terms fully are met and proper return procedures are followed.
- A student on a Planned Student Leave who does not comply with the provisions of this policy and the conditions of the leave is subject to forfeiture of the advantages of this program.
- Continuing students who are on approved leave but do not enroll in the fall or spring semester following the leave will need to reapply for admission to the University, including appropriate fees. Students will be required to meet admissions and graduation requirements associated with the term of re-admission.
Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on March 12, 2019. Approved by President Ellen Junn on April 23, 2019.
Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): AA/05/AS/19/UEPC - Leave of Absence Policy , AA/05/AS/19/UEPC - Leave of Absence Policy Resolution
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