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Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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HR/03 - Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment for MPP Personnel policy

Effective March 21, 2006


It is the goal of the MPP Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and Procedures to attract and select the best-qualified candidates to MPP vacancies in accordance with applicable policies and procedures of California State University, Stanislaus.


Education Code 89532 (a)
Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Article 2.2
The CSU Management personnel Plan, January 1, 1984
CSUS Affirmative Action Plan
The CSU System-wide Guidelines for Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Programs in Employment, Executive Order 340, February 27, 1981


The Management Personnel Plan includes employees designated as “Management” or “Supervisory” in accordance with the provisions of the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA) and pertains to appointment, evaluation, advancement and other terms and conditions of employment. These employees do not serve a probationary period, do not attain permanent status, and are excluded from collective bargaining. MPP employees serve in academic administrative or other administrative assignments at the pleasure of the President.

The appointing administrator makes official appointments to management positions. The University President designates in writing the appointing administrator.

The hiring administrator is the immediate supervisor of the vacant MPP position.


It is the policy of CSU Stanislaus to ensure that all MPP recruitment’s, selections, and appointments are made in accordance with established procedures. Under Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, the President has ultimate responsibility and authority for the appointment of management personnel.

The President has the sole authority to appoint MPP personnel. Under the existing MPP Plan enacted by the Chancellor, reassignments of current MPP personnel remain the exclusive authority of the President. All new MPP positions must be approved by the President. The authority to reassign and/or appoint employees to the MPP may be delegated by the President.

Recommendations to appoint an individual to an MPP position must be fully presented in writing by the hiring administrator and approved by the appointing administrator.

Formal searches, either internal or external, are usually conducted in order to fill MPP positions. Generally, external searches are preferred. Internal searches are appropriate when it is determined that an internal search is in the best interest of the University and qualified internal candidates(s) are available. Upon the recommendation of the appointing administrator, the president may approve an internal search. Under unusual circumstances, the President may make an MPP appointment without a formal search when such appointments are in compliance with AA/EEO policies and when in the President’s judgment such action meets the needs of the University. The President will consult with appropriate individuals and governance bodies when making direct appointments.

From time to time it is appropriate to appoint acting or interim MPP personnel. Such appointments may be made for up to one year or until a selection has been made, whichever occurs first. If a failed search necessitates filling a position with an interim professional, then the members of the search committee shall not be considered for the interim position, due to potential perceived conflict of interest. Extensions to acting or interim appointments require the recommendation of the appointing administrator and the approval of the President.

The President, the appointing administrator, and the hiring administrator retain authority to reject any and all candidates for MPP positions.

The University is committed to affirmative action and equal employment opportunity, and it intends to fill all MPP positions with the best-qualified individuals. The University endeavors to provide professional development opportunities for its current employees. A notice of vacant MPP positions shall be made available to current employees.

Assignment of Responsibilities

The appointing administrator is designated by the President and makes official appointments to management positions. Responsibilities of the appointing authority include the following:

  • Reviewing area assessments provided by the hiring administrator and all job-related documents and justifications for the proposed recruitment plan.
  • Reviewing and approving position qualifications and specifications prepared by the hiring administrator.
  • Approving search committee and chair as recommended by the hiring administrator.
  • Reviewing final recommendations of the hiring administrator for final appointment.
  • Issuing all letters of appointment.
  • Insuring that appointments to the MPP are made in accordance with the University’s recruitment, selection, and appointment policies and procedures.

The hiring administrator in consultation with the appointing administrator is responsible for the following:

  • Completing an area assessment.
  • Preparing all job-related documents and justifications for approval.
  • Preparing a statement of position qualifications and specification for approval.
  • Recommending a search committee and its chair for approval.
  • Leading the recruitment process with the search committee chair.
  • Pro-active networking to build an applicant pool.
  • Consulting with appropriate constituencies.
  • Recommending candidate(s) for employment consideration to the appointing administrator.

The hiring administrator shall adhere to the policies and procedures established for MPP appointments and will maintain contact with the Human Resources Office and the appointment administrator throughout the process.

The Search Committee

Normally, search committees are utilized when filling an MPP position. Exceptions, or not utilizing a search committee, must be approved by the President. In consultation with the appointing administrator, the hiring administrator will establish and appoint a search committee to assist with an MPP search. The committee should consist of at least three people and usually no more than nine individuals. In establishing search committees, every effort should be made to ensure that these committees reflect the culturally diverse character of the campus and that faculty, staff, and students are included as is appropriate. The hiring administrator shall appoint the search committee chair who normally will be a member of the MPP. The Human Resources Director or designee shall review the composition of the search committee in compliance with AA/EEO guidelines.

When comprising search committees for MPP positions at the level of Dean or senior academic administrator, the President or the appointing administrator shall consult with the Academic Senate Executive Committee (SEC) or the appropriate governance body within an academic college or school, whichever is appropriate. This consultation should normally include selection of faculty search committee members and review of the job description. The COC (in consultation with SEC) will make all faculty search committee recommendations for university- wide committees. Searches regarding individual college deans will require a recommendation by the faculty of that college. Number of faculty should be at least 50% of the total search committee for Dean or senior academic administrator and at least 33% for all other senior administrator positions.

The role of the search committee is to assist and advise the hiring administrator in identifying, screening and recommending qualified candidates for MPP positions. Search committee members serve as representatives of CSU Stanislaus and not representatives of campus groups or constituencies. Search committees are expected to function in a coordinated and consultative manner with the hiring administrator for the duration of the search process. The hiring official will consult with the search committee in determining the extent of interactions candidates will have with the broader campus community, including meetings with other interested individuals or groups. Search committees shall have a 2/3 quorum of the membership in order to conduct business, and sufficient advance notice to assemble the required quorum. (As a learning centered institution, teaching schedules will be given due consideration when scheduling meetings.) The recommendations of the search committee shall be supported by a majority affirmative vote of the members by presence or proxy. The search committee will forward their recommendations regarding the most suitable candidates from the pool of qualified candidates to the President. The President or hiring administrator will consult with the committee regarding the recommendations before making the appointment.

The University shall maintain all information regarding recruitment, selection, and appointment in the strictest confidence. This applies to resumes, interview questions and answers, evaluation of applicants, deliberations and search committee recommendations. Breach of confidentiality at any stage of the process may disqualify a search committee member. All documents utilized in the process are the property of the University and must be filed in the Human Resources Office. No portion of any confidential document may be duplicated without the expressed written consent of the hiring administrator. Public statements pertaining to MPP searches and any MPP appointments shall be the responsibility of the appointing administrator, hiring administrator, or designee.

The Human Resources Office shall monitor adherence to the overall employment process. This office will advise the appointing administrator on the appropriate tracking classification, salary range, and other terms and conditions of employment. The hiring administrator shall meet as appropriate with the Human Resources Office. All official letters of appointment will be prepared by the Human Resources office for signature of the appointing administrator.

The Director of Human Resources or designee shall review all MPP recommendations, selections and appointments in accordance with Affirmative Action/EEO guidelines. The hiring administrator shall consult with the Director of Human Resources to assure compliance with established AA/EEO guidelines.

California State University, Stanislaus is an Equal Employment/Affirmative Action/Title IX/Section 504 Employer. Qualified women, minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. CSU Stanislaus hires persons lawfully authorized to work in the United States.

Review History: Approved on February 27, 1992. Amended and approved by President Hamid Shirvani on March 27, 2006.

Human Resources Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): HR/03 - Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment for MPP Personnel Policy  

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