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Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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BF/FIN/13 - Travel Policy

Effective July 1, 2011

A. Purpose

This policy articulates California State University (CSU), Stanislaus requirements related to official university business travel to assure that funds allocated towards travel are appropriately used, properly authorized, supported by a documented business purpose, substantiated by applicable receipts, correctly processed for payment, and in compliance with all applicable regulations. This travel policy and associated travel procedures and guidelines are issued under the Chancellor’s delegation of authority to campus Presidents. The implementing regulations are issued under re-delegation of authority to the campus Vice President, Business and Finance (CFO). This policy confonns to the Integrated California State University Administrative Manual (ICSUAM) Policy 3601.01.

B. Scope of Policy

This policy applies to all University employees, students, and others traveling on official University business and where the University will be paying for the travel. The responsibilities and procedures contained in this document shall apply to all official University travel, including sabbaticals funded by the University and travel funded under grants and contracts. The terms of an extramural funding agreement will govern only when such terms are more restrictive than these University travel policy and procedures.

C. Definitions

Approving Authority: The University employee who has been granted authority, by way of the University delegation of authority policy and process, to approve the use of funds.

Business Purpose: The business purpose of a university traveler may include activities that contribute to any one of the University’s major functions of teaching, research, or public service. It is the primary reason the employee must incur travel related expenses.

Grants: Awards of financial assistance in the form of money by government or other organization for specified purposes to an eligible grantee with no expectation that the funds will be paid back.

Official University Business Travel: To be considered official university business travel, at least one of the following criteria must apply:

  • A trip is certified by the President or designees to be essential to university operations;
  • The trip relates directly to University programs including professional development activities and objectives;
  • The trip is to a meeting of a professional association or society to deliver a paper, to serve as moderator or group leader, to serve on a panel, or to fulfill obligations as an association or society officer; or
  • The trip has as its primary purpose recruitment of faculty or administrative personnel.

Preferred Supplier: Preferred Suppliers deliver competitive value in the range of services required by university travelers. Such suppliers include airlines, car rental agencies, hotels, travel agencies, and online booking providers. 

Reimbursement: To pay back or compensate another party for money spent. 

Traveler: University student or personnel who is traveling for university business. 

University: California State University, Stanislaus 

D. Policy

The California State University (CSU), Stanislaus President delegates authority for the oversight of University Travel Policy to the University Chief Financial Officer. The University pays or reimburses for official university business travel related expenses that are ordinary, reasonable, not extravagant, and necessary to conduct official University business. All expense reimbursements and business travel arrangements must comply with University policies and procedures, prudent accounting practices, and applicable collective bargaining agreements.

It is expected that university employees will act in an ethical and responsible manner, regardless of whether a particular rule or policy statement addresses a specific situation. Travelers may be held accountable for their conduct under any applicable University or campus policies, procedures, collective bargaining agreements, and/or applicable provisions of the California Education Code. Where the provisions of this policy are in conflict with the collective bargaining agreements pursuant to HEERA, the collective bargaining agreements shall take precedence. 

The University assumes no financial responsibility for expenditures incurred by individuals who fail to adhere to policy. Travel expenses not directly related to official university business are not reimbursable. Altering of business-related travel for personal convenience is pennitted as long as there is no additional cost to the State or loss of productivity. 

Exceptions to this policy must be in writing, documented and approved by the campus President, or his/her designee, the Vice President, Business & Finance. Exceptions may be granted due to extenuating circumstances. Any request for an exception must document the circumstances and need for the exception. When an exception has been approved, expenses will only be reimbursed to the extent of actual costs incurred, provided such costs are deemed to be ordinary, reasonable, not extravagant, and necessary under the circumstances. 

E. Responsibilities:

It is the responsibility of each individual who spends funds related to official university business travel and for each administrator and approving authority who approves use of funds related to official university business travel to be aware of and follow this policy and related procedures in effect at the time of travel. Authorization to travel must be obtained from appropriate administrators within the employee’s organization as determined by the organization’s identified delegation of authority. Individuals traveling on official university business are responsible for ensuring they have documented authorization in advance.

Traveler Responsibility: 

  1. Individuals traveling on official university business must familiarize themselves with and adhere to the CSU Stanislaus Travel Policy and Travel Procedures and Regulations.
  2. Travelers must ensure they have documented authorization to travel prior to embarking on the trip and/or prior to making non-cancellable travel arrangements.
  3. Travelers should make certain that the business related expenses they incur are ordinary, reasonable, not extravagant, and necessary for the purpose of the trip.
  4. Traveler will utilize CSU preferred vendors and CSU negotiated terms and conditions whenever possible. Use of additional waivers and discounts available to governmental employees is strongly encouraged.
  5. Traveler will take all steps to minimize risk to themselves and the University. This includes utilizing safe transportation and lodging options and acquiring appropriate insurance coverage.
  6. The person due the reimbursement for travel costs incurred is responsible for:
    • Submitting travel claims within 30 days from the return of the trip.
    • Providing the business purpose and inclusive dates of each trip.
    • Certifying he/she:
      • Received authorization to travel.
      • Traveled on official business.
      • Actually spent the amount for listed expenses.
      • Has verified that the amount due is accurate.
      • Traveled on official business.
      • Has not and will not seek reimbursement for (1) a duplicate claim or (2): from any other source.
    • Returning to the University within 30 days, any reimbursement or payment issued by the University which subsequently results in a refund to the individual.

Approving Authority Responsibility: The approving authority is the University employee who has been granted authority, by way of the University delegation of authority process, to approve the use of funds.

  1. The approving authority designated to approve travel claims ensures all expenses are reasonable in terms of price, purpose, and necessity.
  2. The approving authority is responsible for:
    • Ensuring expenses charged to his/her accounts are supported by sufficient funds and ensuring appropriateness of use of funds.
    • Ensuring expenses requested are ordinary, reasonable, not extravagant, necessary, and supported by a business purpose or justification, as appropriate.
    • Validating, to the extent possible, that the expenses listed were actually incurred by the employee and that appropriate supporting documentation is attached.
    • Reviewing and approving the business purpose and ensuring the request is in compliance with any applicable sponsored project/grant requirements.
    • Approving/denying payment of the travel claim in a timely manner.
    • Denying expenses not directly related to official University business.

Travel Reimbursement Office: A University designated travel reimbursement office will perform the following fonctions:

  1. Review/audit documents for compliance with policy.
  2. Verify appropriate approver.
  3. Ensure appropriate documentation is submitted.
  4. Process reimbursements and payments.

F. Travel Procedures and Regulations:

CSU Stanislaus follows the Travel Procedures and Regulations as written in CSU Office of the Chancellor document Number G-001. Said document, along with related forms and additional travel infonnation, can be found on the CSU Stanislaus Travel web site at

G. Laws, State Codes, Regulations and Mandates:

  • Policy Mandates
  • ICSUAM 3601.1, Travel Policy
  • EO-3 7, Authorization and Appointment of State College Presidents to Approve Sabbatical Leaves
  • EO-181, Provisions for Extension and Summer Sessions Independent Study Programs Involving Foreign Travel
  • EO-688, Delegation of Authority-Approval of Travel Requests
  • EO-731, Designation of Chief Financial Officer
  • EO-760, Procurement Cards
  • EO-761, Hospitality, Payment or Reimbursement of Expenses
  • EO-842, Competitive Bid of Goods & Services
  • EO-849, CSU Insurance Requirements
  • EO-715, California State University Risk Management Policy
  • EO-1041, CSU Student Travel Policy

Related Policies and Procedures:  EO-37, Authorization and Appointment of State College Presidents to Approve Sabbatical Leaves, EO-181, Provisions for Extension and Summer Sessions Independent Study Programs Involving Foreign Travel, EO-688, Delegation of Authority-Approval of Travel Requests, EO-731, Designation of Chief Financial Officer, EO-760, Procurement Cards, EO-761, Hospitality, Payment or Reimbursement of Expenses, EO-842, Competitive Bid of Goods & Services, EO-849, CSU Insurance Requirements, EO-715, California State University Risk Management Policy, EO-1000, Delegation of Fiscal Authority and Responsibility, EO-1041, CSU Student Travel Policy

Review History: Approved by President Hamid Shirvani on July 1, 2011.

Business & Finance Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): BF/FIN/13 - Travel Policy  

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