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Policy Handbook
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AA/34/AS/13/FAC - Evaluation Policy Procedures for Temporary Faculty

Effective October 18, 2013

1. Purpose

The performance of temporary faculty (e.g., Lecturers) should be carefully evaluated in order to: 1) provide our students with the best instruction, best coaching, best counseling, and best library services possible; 2) provide these faculty with timely feedback concerning their efforts; and 3) assist in the careful consideration of faculty needed for any future temporary or probationary positions for which they may be candidates.

This document provides general guidance and specifies the policy and procedures which will be used to implement various articles of the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) related to the evaluation of temporary faculty. In the event of a conflict between this document and the CBA, the CBA shall prevail.

2. Notification

2.1 Within fourteen days after the acceptance of an initial temporary appointment, the Department Chair (or appropriate administrator1) shall provide the temporary faculty member a printed copy of the evaluation policies and procedures in effect at that time: this document and the criteria developed by the department, or equivalent unit (e.g. Athletics, Counseling, and the Library).

Any changes to evaluation criteria and procedures must be made prior to the commencement of the evaluation process, and all faculty must be advised of such changes in writing prior to the start of the evaluation cycle. Once the evaluation cycle has begun, no further changes to evaluation criteria and procedures will be permitted.

2.2 Temporary faculty must be evaluated in terms of their particular assignment and the criteria appropriate to that assignment. Departments or equivalent units shall develop specific, written criteria instructional and non-instructional assignments (e.g., coaches, counselors, and librarians). Within departments and programs, similar assignments shall be evaluated according to the same criteria. Such criteria must be incorporated into this document by reference2, and must be distributed to candidates prior to the start of the evaluation cycle.

2.3 Departments or equivalent units which employ temporary faculty in instructional activities beyond classroom teaching (e.g., the supervision of student-teachers, the direction of artistic activities, etc.) must also develop specific criteria appropriate to the work assignment. Such criteria must be in writing, must be incorporated into this document by reference, and must be distributed to candidates within fourteen days after the acceptance of an initial temporary appointment.

3. Multiple Assignments

Temporary faculty are to be evaluated separately within each department or equivalent unit in which they have an appointment.

4. Process

The CBA mandates a periodic evaluation of temporary faculty that results in written statements which areplaced in the candidate’s Personnel Action File (PAF). The specific elements of this periodic evaluationprocess are explained below.

Full-time Temporary Faculty

4.1 Full-time temporary faculty appointed within a single department for two or more semesters, regardless of a break in service, shall be evaluated in terms of their particular assignment and the department or equivalent unit criteria appropriate to that assignment. For faculty with instructional assignments, librarians, and counselors, a department or equivalent unit peer committee of tenured faculty shall consider at a minimum:

(a) written student evaluation forms administered and placed in the PAF in conformance with section 15.14 of the CBA; written student evaluations are optional for librarians and counselors;
(b) any input from faculty unit employees; and
(c) all materials previously assembled in the PAF.

The committee shall also consider optional materials and information provided by the candidate, which must be submitted to the Department Chair, or appropriate administrator, no later than the deadline established by the URPTC; examples of inclusions are: course materials, the outcomes of class visitations, or other forms of peer review requested by the faculty member under review from specific peers of his or her choosing.

Departments may develop additional procedures and request additional materials for review so long as these requests are evenly applied to all under review.

For instructional faculty, the Department Chair may write a separate recommendation as part of the evaluation process; if such a separate recommendation is made, the Chair shall not participate as a member of the department peer committee.

Full-time temporary coaches shall be evaluated by the appropriate administrator after an opportunity for peer input.

4.2 During the review process, additional documents provided by the candidate or gathered by the department committee (and/or Department Chair) shall be considered an extension of the PAF. As stipulated in Article 15.2 of the CBA, faculty unit employees, students, academic administrators, and the President may contribute information to the evaluation of a faculty unit employee. Information submitted by the faculty unit employee and by academic administrators may include statements and opinions about the qualifications and work of the employee provided by other persons identified by name. Article 11.4 of the CBA asserts: “The faculty unit employee shall benotified of the placement of any material in his/her Personnel Action File, and shall be provided with a copy of any material to be placed in the Personnel Action File at least five (5) days prior to suchplacement.” Pursuant to Article 15.12c of the CBA, no written recommendation shall be made at any level without a thorough prior review of the PAF.

4.3 All documentation assembled as a consequence of the evaluation, including the written evaluation recommendations of the department committee and department Chair (if the Chair conducted a separate review) shall be forwarded to the appropriate college Dean or equivalent appropriate administrator. Following his or her review, the Dean shall forward his or her written recommendation (accompanied by the evaluations of the department committee and, possibly, the department Chair) to the Office of Faculty Affairs for inclusion in the PAF. Copies of these evaluation documents will also be provided to the candidate, the department committee, and the department Chair. Supporting documentation gathered as part of the review process will be returned to the candidate or the department Chair as appropriate.

4.4 The evaluation process for full-time temporary faculty must be concluded no later than the deadline established by the URPTC. As stipulated by Art. 12.7 of the CBA, careful consideration of the evaluation materials and PAF is required before subsequent appointments may be made.

Temporary faculty unit employees eligible for a three-year appointment pursuant to Article 12.12 shall be evaluated in the academic year preceding the issuance of a three-year appointment. This evaluation shall include student evaluations of teaching performance for those with teaching duties, peer review by a committee of the department or equivalent unit as defined in provision 15.2, and evaluations by appropriate administrators. The evaluation shall rate the temporary faculty unit employee as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Satisfactory ratings may include narrative comments including constructive suggestions for development. This periodic evaluation shallconsider the faculty unit employee’s cumulative work performance during the entire qualifyingperiod for the three-year appointment. A three-year appointment shall be issued if the temporary faculty unit employee is determined by the appropriate administrator to have performed in a satisfactory manner in carrying out the duties of his/her position. The determination of the appropriate administrator shall be based on the contents of the Personnel Action File and any materials generated for use in any given evaluation cycle pursuant to 15.8. Where the appropriate administrator determines that a Temporary Faculty Unit Employee has not performed his/her duties

in a satisfactory manner, then the reasons for his/her determination shall be reduced to writing and placed in the Personnel Action File.

Temporary faculty unit employees holding a three-year appointment pursuant to Article 12.13 shall be evaluated in the third year of the appointment. This evaluation shall include student evaluations of teaching performance for those with teaching duties, peer review by a committee of the department or equivalent unit as defined in provision 15.2, and evaluations by appropriate administrators. The evaluation shall rate the temporary faculty unit employee as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Satisfactory ratings may include narrative comments including constructivesuggestions for development. This periodic evaluation shall consider the faculty unit employee’scumulative work performance during the entire three-year appointment. A subsequent three-year appointment shall be issued if the temporary faculty unit employee is determined by the appropriate administrator to have performed in a satisfactory manner in carrying out the duties of his/her position. The determination of the appropriate administrator shall be based on the contents of the Personnel Action File and any materials generated for use in any given evaluation cycle pursuant to 15.8. Where the appropriate administrator determines that a Temporary Faculty Unit Employee has not performed his/her duties in a satisfactory manner, then the reasons for his/her determination shall be reduced to writing and placed in the Personnel Action File.

Part-time Temporary Faculty

4.5 Part-time temporary faculty appointed for two or more semesters, regardless of a break in service, shall be evaluated in terms of their particular assignment and the department or equivalent unit criteria appropriate to that assignment. Departments may develop additional procedures and request additional materials for review so long as these requests are evenly applied to all under review.

Each department may decide whether evaluation of part-time temporary faculty will be completed by the Chair alone or by the Chair in conjunction with a departmental peer committee of full-time tenured faculty.

At a minimum, the department Chair or the Chair and a peer review committee shall review written student evaluation forms for part-time temporary faculty with instructional duties.

For librarians and counselors, this review shall be performed by the appropriate administrator, after an opportunity for faculty unit employee input; written student evaluations are optional. The candidate may also submit optional additional materials at his/her discretion. An opportunity for faculty unit employee input, including input solicited by the candidate, shall also be provided to departmental colleagues.

4.6 The Chair or appropriate administrator shall forward copies of the evaluation recommendation and all supporting documentation to the college Dean or the appropriate administrator who shall in turn forward his or her written recommendation (accompanied by the evaluation of the department Chair and, possibly, a departmental committee) to the Office of Faculty Affairs, for inclusion in the PAF. Copies of these evaluation documents will also be provided to the candidate, the department committee (if any), and the department Chair appointment. This evaluation shall include student evaluations of teaching performance for those with teaching duties, peer review by a committee of the department or equivalent unit as defined in provision 15.2, and evaluations by appropriate administrators. The evaluation shall rate the temporary faculty unit employee as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Satisfactory ratings may include narrative comments including constructivesuggestions for development. This periodic evaluation shall consider the faculty unit employee’scumulative work performance during the entire qualifying period for the three-year appointment. A three-year appointment shall be issued if the temporary faculty unit employee is determined by the appropriate administrator to have performed in a satisfactory manner in carrying out the duties of his/her position. The determination of the appropriate administrator shall be based on the contents of the Personnel Action File and any materials generated for use in any given evaluation cycle pursuant to 15.8. Where the appropriate administrator determines that a Temporary Faculty Unit Employee has not performed his/her duties in a satisfactory manner, then the reasons for his/her determination shall be reduced to writing and placed in the Personnel Action File.


Temporary faculty unit employees holding a three-year appointment pursuant to Article 12.13 shall be evaluated in the third year of the appointment. This evaluation shall include student evaluations of teaching performance for those with teaching duties, peer review by a committee of the department or equivalent unit as defined in provision 15.2, and evaluations by appropriate administrators. The evaluation shall rate the temporary faculty unit employee as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Satisfactory ratings may include narrative comments including constructive suggestions for development. This periodic evaluation shall consider the faculty unit employee’scumulative work performance during the entire three-year appointment. A subsequent three-year appointment shall be issued if the temporary faculty unit employee is determined by the appropriate administrator to have performed in a satisfactory manner in carrying out the duties of his/her position. The determination of the appropriate administrator shall be based on the contents of the Personnel Action File and any materials generated for use in any given evaluation cycle pursuant to 15.8. Where the appropriate administrator determines that a Temporary Faculty Unit Employee has not performed his/her duties in a satisfactory manner, then the reasons for his/her determination shall be reduced to writing and placed in the Personnel Action File. Supporting documentation gathered as part of the review process will be returned to the candidate or the department Chair as appropriate.

4.7 The evaluation process for part-time temporary faculty must be concluded no later than the date established by the URPTC. As stipulated by Art. 12.7 of the CBA, careful consideration of the evaluation materials and PAF is required before subsequent appointments may be made.

Temporary faculty unit employees eligible for a three-year appointment pursuant to Article 12.12 shall be evaluated in the academic year preceding the issuance of a three-year

4.8 Part-time temporary faculty appointed for one semester or less shall be evaluated at the discretion of the department Chair or, in equivalent units where there is no department Chair, the appropriate administrator. In addition, the department or equivalent unit or the employee may request that an evaluation be performed.

5. Temporary Coaching Faculty

In addition to the above guidelines, evaluations for all Coaches shall include peer input (as defined in Section 4.2 above) and evaluation by appropriate administrators. It shall be the responsibility of the appropriate administrator to solicit faculty unit employee input; however, the candidate may also solicit feedback from faculty unit employees. For the purposes of implementing section 4 above, the appropriate administrator will facilitate collection of materials for the PAF.

Temporary coaching faculty shall receive a detailed Position Description outlining their duties and responsibilities at the time of their initial appointment. Appointment letters shall include both the detailed Position Description and specific criteria for evaluation (as developed in accordance with Section 2.3 above).

6. Temporary Librarian Faculty

In addition to the above guidelines, evaluations for all temporary Librarians shall include peer input (as defined in Section 4.2 above) and evaluation by appropriate administrators. It shall be the responsibility of the appropriate administrator to solicit faculty unit employee input; however, the candidate may also solicit feedback from faculty unit employees. For the purposes of implementing section 4 above, the appropriate administrator will facilitate collection of materials for the PAF.

Temporary librarian faculty shall receive a detailed Position Description outlining their duties and responsibilities at the time of their initial appointment. Appointment letters shall include both the detailed Position Description and specific criteria for evaluation (as developed in accordance with Section 2.3 above).

7. Temporary Counselor Faculty

In addition to the above guidelines, evaluations for all temporary Counselors shall include peer input (as defined in Section 4.2 above) and evaluation by appropriate administrators. It shall be the responsibility of the appropriate administrator to solicit faculty unit employee input; however, the candidate may also solicit faculty unit employee input. For the purposes of implementing section 4 above, the appropriate administrator will facilitate collection of materials for the PAF.

Temporary counseling faculty shall receive a detailed Position Description outlining their duties and responsibilities at the time of their initial appointment. Appointment letters shall include both the detailed Position Description and specific criteria for evaluation (as developed in accordance with Section 2.3 above).

8. Volunteer Part-time Temporary Faculty

Volunteer faculty will be evaluated following the process and procedures outline above at the discretion of the department Chair or, in equivalent units where there is no department Chair, the appropriate administrator, and/or if the Volunteer requests such an evaluation.

9. Rebuttal

At all levels of review, and before recommendations are forwarded to the next level of review, the candidate shall be given a copy of the written recommendation based on established, written criteria and materials submitted. The candidate may submit a rebuttal statement or response in writing and/or request a meeting be held to discuss the recommendation within seven (7) days following receipt of the recommendation. Copies of any written responses or rebuttal statements shall be distributed to all previous levels of review and shall be included in the PAF.

10. Confidentiality

All deliberations in the evaluation process are to be held in strictest confidence. As stipulated in Article 15.11 of the CBA, recommendations shall be confidential except that the affected faculty unit employee, appropriate administrators, the President, the Chair, and the peer review committee members shall have access to written recommendations.

11. Timelines

Timelines for the entire evaluation process shall be established annually by the University Retention,Promotion, and Tenure Committee after consultation with the President or the President’s designee andwidely promulgated throughout the campus. All evaluations shall be conducted and concluded within the periods of time specified within these published timelines, and the WPAF shall be forwarded to the next level of review in a timely manner.

For the purposes of this document, “appropriate administrator” is defined as follows: for instructional faculty, it is the Dean of the academic college; for counseling faculty, it is the Dean of Students; for librarian faculty, it is the Dean of Library Services; for coaching faculty it is the Athletic Director.
2 That is, department or equivalent unit criteria should include the statement: These criteria fulfill the requirement in section 2.2 of the CSU Stanislaus Evaluation Policy & Procedures for Temporary Faculty

Related Policies and Procedures: Replaces 3/AS/08/FAC and 15/AS/07/FAC

Review History: Approved by President Joseph Sheley on October 18, 2013.

Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): AA/34/AS/13/FAC - Evaluation Policy Procedures for Temporary Faculty  

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