Feb 17, 2025  
Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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AA/11/AS/14/UEPC - General Education Program Mission Statement

Effective December 4, 2014

Be it Resolved: That the Academic Senate of California State University, Stanislaus approve the following General Education Mission Statement:

“General education is fundamental to a university education. General education develops foundational communicative, quantitative and critical thinking skills. It promotes an understanding of history and culture, fosters appreciation for the arts and humanities, and encourages a broad knowledge of social issues and scientific inquiry. Attaining a general education means that students understand that all learning is connected and enriches all aspects of life: personal, civic, and professional.”; and be it further

Resolved: That the Mission Statement for General Education be effective immediately and be included in the next University catalog.

Rationale: General Education is a cornerstone of a rich educational experience. CSU Stanislaus is revising its General Education goals in compliance with Executive Order 1065. The first step in revising the General Education goals is to ensure the Mission Statement for General Education reflects the collective voice of CSUStanislaus.

The University Educational Policies Committee (UEPC), the General Education Subcommittee of the UEPC, and the General Education Ad Hoc Committee endorse the revised Mission Statement for General Education. The UEPC recognizes the sensitive nature of the changes to the CSU Stanislaus General Education goals, and applauds the General Education Ad Hoc Committee and the General Education Subcommittee of the UEPC for its work on developing the mission statement as part of the process of revising the goals.

Related Policies and Procedures: Executive Order 1065

Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on October 21, 2014. Approved by President Joseph Sheley on December 4, 2014.

Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): AA/11/AS/14/UEPC - General Education Program Mission Statement  

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