Feb 17, 2025  
Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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AA/12/AS/19/UEPC - Class Registration Closure Policy

Effective Fall 2019

Resolved: That California State University, Stanislaus Academic Senate adopts the attached revisions to the Class Registration Closure Policy (7/AS/15/UEPC);

Resolved: That this policy be effective beginning with the Fall 2019 semester, allowing time for any necessary revisions to be made to Enrollment Services forms.

Resolved: After the adoption of 7/AS/15/UEPC, it became unclear how adds between the 14th and 20th day should be handled with regard to the charging of the $10 petition fee for an Exception to University-Wide Requirements. There is no additional work required on behalf of Enrollment Services to review and process late add forms before the 14th day and between the 15th and 20th day that would warrant the charging of a late fee. Therefore, this policy revision changes and makes explicit how adds are handled after the 14th day, and that the use of the petition and imposition of any petition fee is only after Census date (when there are additional actions taken in Enrollment Services, including notifications to students that they won’t obtain an increase in financial aid after Census).

The structure of the policy has been revised to reflect traditional policy language, rather than a series of resolved clauses.

In the second paragraph, the second sentence has been revised to clarify that the 14 calendar days begins from the date “the term begins,” as some have been interpreting the original wording as 14 days from the first day the course met (which could be 6 days after the start of the term).

In the fourth paragraph a mention of the “add form” is included because PeopleSoft does not allow the use of permission numbers after the 14th day of the semester.

Mention of Summer and Winter session is included in the sixth paragraph because the deadlines are set much earlier than in Fall and Spring, and there are separate dates for the first and second summer session.

“Late Add” has been added to the title of the resolution to make visible that issues related to course adds are included in the policy.

Related Policies and Procedures: AA/4/AS/05/UEPC - Adding a Course AA/7/AS/15/UEPC - Class Registration Closure Policy  

Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on April 16, 2019. Approved by President Ellen Junn on May 23, 2019.

Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): AA/12/AS/19/UEPC - Class Registration Closure Policy  

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