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Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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AA/07/AS/08/UEPC - Unretrieved Student Work

Effective Fall 2008

Resolved: That the CSU Stanislaus Academic Senate recommend that the following policy be adopted:

Policy on Unretrieved Student Work

  • Absent prior written notification as specified in department/program policies concerning student work, instructors must retain all unretrieved student work [whether, paper, electronic, or online student work] for any given course until the grade appeal period for that course has expired.
  • Instructors (such as adjuncts and visiting lecturers) who are uncertain of their continuation through the grade appeal period should submit unretrieved student work to the department chair/program coordinator.
  • Disposal of unretrieved student work should be carried out in such a manner as to protect the student’s confidentiality and intellectual property rights, and to prevent its subsequent use for purposes of academic misappropriation.
  • Each individual graduate department will identify in their written comprehensive examination procedures, conditions for availability and the length of time designated for retention of the examination for their respective department. The written procedures will be kept on file in the Graduate School; and be it further

Resolved: That the policy become effective beginning in the academic year following final approval of this resolution.

Rationale: A formal policy on unretrieved student work would be helpful for several reasons:

  • It will help ensure that such work is not disposed of prematurely, particularly with regard to grade appeals. The one-year specification should allow ample time for grade appeal processes, including possible unforeseen time delays.
  • It helps prevent confusion about expectations.
  • For some, it will allow the freeing up of space in file cabinets, hard drives, and/or online course delivery systems.
  • A policy that includes information on how materials are to be disposed of will help support student and faculty privacy needs.
  • Students aware of such a policy will be more inclined to pick up their graded papers or other work in a timely fashion rather than hoping that they will still be available to them when they realize that something is missing from a portfolio or is needed for some other purpose.

Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on April 1, 2008. Approved by President Hamid Shirvani on May 8, 2008.

Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): AA/7/AS/08/UEPC - Unretrieved Student Work  

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