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Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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AA/07/AS/04/SEC - Grant-Related Instructional Faculty

Effective June 15, 2004

Background Rationale: Grant-related instructional faculty (GRIF) is a classification for faculty receiving compensation from grants that permits such compensation to be processed through the University so that it becomes part of one’s base pay (up to 35% of normal pay).

When the GRIF classification was established in 1975, campuses were asked to establish procedures for selection of appointees. While many campuses established such procedures, CSU, Stanislaus did not. As a result, faculty qualified for this classification have been denied its benefits. The following resolution proposed by the Office of Faculty Affairs remedies the omission.

Whereas; Grant-related Instructional Faculty (GRIF) is a classification for faculty whose work involves grants and grantor institutions; and

Whereas; CSU, Stanislaus has faculty who might qualify as GRIF, but there are no set criteria or procedures for nomination and appointment; and

Whereas; Since the work of faculty is in the framework of academic programs, the process should be regulated through shared governance (i.e., the Academic Senate) with the exception of contractual provisions (i.e., salary and benefits) that take precedence over local policy; therefore, be it

Resolved; That the attached Appointment Procedures for Grant- related Instructional Faculty be approved by the Academic Senate of CSU, Stanislaus and forwarded to the President for her approval.

Appointment Procedures for Grant-Related Instructional Faculty


As a result of action taken by the CSU Board of Trustees, instructional faculty members meeting specified criteria may be appointed to two classifications (10-month and 12-month); each provides for compensation from grants, individual gifts or bequests, or foundation allocations at a rate specified by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (currently 5-35%) above the salary for their regular rank and step.

Each appointment to one or the other classification is to be made, as appropriate, for one academic year or 12-month period only, subject to additional appointments by the President after faculty consultation/positive recommendation and within the limits of the grant support. Appointment to either classification does not constitute a promotion, nor does termination of an appointment without renewal constitute a demotion.

Minimum Qualifications.

  • In addition to the education and experience normally required for the academic rank to which they are to be appointed, the candidates must have exceptional professional merit in scholarship and teaching as evidenced by regional or national recognition.
  • The faculty member must be involved in the instructional program through classroom/laboratory teaching and/or mentoring students in training, research or creative activities.
  • The faculty member’s grant and contract activity must clearly contribute to the mission of the university.

Appointment Procedures.

Appointment procedures for these classifications shall be developed as follows:

  • Particular qualifications for positions shall be identified either by the fund grantor, subject to the approval of the appropriate department, college, or university committees and administrators; or, by consultation among the appropriate committees and administrators. Department recruitment committees, department chairs, and college deans shall be consulted, with final approval from the Provost and the President.
  • Procedures for selection of recipients of particular grants shall be developed by a similar process of consultation. Procedures will necessarily vary because of differences in the nature and terms of funding arrangements, but should include specific provisions relating to recruitment of candidates (whether by national search; nomination by grantor, university faculty, university administrators, etc.) and the final selection. Normal university procedures for the recruitment and selection of faculty shall be used.
  • No appointment may be made without the recommendation of the appropriate faculty committee(s) and administrator(s) in the unit to which the appointment is made, and without the approval of the Provost and the President. The recommendations shall address whether the GRIF applicant is a distinguished faculty member who also meets criteria II.2 and II.3.
  • Faculty members who have been awarded a sabbatical or difference-in-pay leave are not eligible for a GRIF appointment for the duration of the sabbatical or difference-in-pay.


  • Appointees to these classifications will receive compensation comprising the base salary pertaining to their normal faculty appointment plus a rate specified by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (currently 5-35%) above such base salary. Minimally, the differential portion, including related employee benefits, of the total compensation to each appointee of these positions will be reimbursed from funds furnished to the campus for that purpose by the grant, from individual bequests, or by foundation allocation.
  • The letter of appointment shall state the amount of the differential.
  • When the appointment to a grant-related instructional position is concluded, the individual shall revert to the salary classification of his/her prior faculty position, if any, and determined by the amount of the differential stated in the letter of appointment.

Pertinent provisions of the Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement (current or future) may supersede this policy.

Related Policies and Procedures: Unit 3 Collective Bargaining Agreement

Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on April 27, 2004. Approved by  President Marvalene Hughes on June 15, 2004.

Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): AA/7/AS/04/SEC - Grant-Related Instructional Faculty  

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