AA/44/AS/24/GC - Graduate Program Learning Goals Effective June 5, 2024
Beginning in 2002/2003, student learning goals have been incorporated, as appropriate to each discipline, into the assessment plans of graduate programs. The following represents the most recent (2023/2024) revisions to the student learning goals.
The sentences in bold represent the general learning goals; the items bulleted under each of the goals suggest some specific options that may be implemented.
1. Students will demonstrate advanced knowledge, skills, and values appropriate to the discipline.
- To be awarded a graduate or post-baccalaureate degree, all graduate students must complete a program of coursework appropriate to the discipline. A culminating experience activity as defined by the program or discipline is required.
2. Students will demonstrate the ability to be creative, analytical, and critical thinkers within the scope of the discipline.
- These abilities will be demonstrated in the culminating experience activity.
- Graduate-level seminars and courses will require extensive research and writing activities that meet high academic standards in both form and content.
3. Students will demonstrate the ability to contribute to the scholarship of their disciplines.
- Students will work as individual researchers or scholars as appropriate to the discipline.
- Students will work in collaboration with others and to engage in applied scholarship as appropriate to the discipline.
- Graduate courses, seminars, and internships may require that students demonstrate their ability to work successfully on group projects or with others.
- When required to write a thesis or project, students will submit timely proposals/drafts to their committees. All research conducted by students must comply with relevant federal, state, and University policies and professional ethics.
4. Students will demonstrate relevant knowledge of diverse perspectives and broader contexts as appropriate to the discipline.
- Students may be required to engage with diverse communities and issues of diversity in the region.
- Students will demonstrate awareness of how societal and cultural circumstances and injustices can inhibit growth, prosperity, and equity.
- Student assignments may require a demonstrated awareness of intercultural and global perspectives.
- Students may be required through a culminating experience to show understanding of the diverse perspectives of the discipline. Students may be required to document proficiency or experience in second language/culture studies.
- Students may be required to demonstrate knowledge and abilities that challenge racist and discriminatory ideologies.
- Students may be required to participate in a supervised practicum, internship, or service-learning activity where they can apply discipline-specific methods.
- Students may be required to demonstrate competency in accessing and communicating information in their discipline.
- Students may be required to demonstrate competency in gathering and analyzing information in their discipline.
- Students may be required to demonstrate their ability to use all relevant information technology, multimedia, and other technology-related tools that are appropriate to their fields.
6. Students will be required to demonstrate advanced communication skills, complemented, as appropriate to the discipline, by accessing and analyzing information from a myriad of primary, print, and technological sources.
- Students are required to meet standards in writing competency as determined by each program.
- Students may be required to submit scores from an examination such as the GRE or a similar national normed assessment instrument; a minimum score may be established by individual programs.
- Students may be required to make oral presentations in graduate courses.
- Students are required to complete a culminating experience/assignment that demonstrates their knowledge of the discipline and their ability to communicate this knowledge articulately in their performance assessment, oral presentation, written documents, or some combination.
- An original written thesis, project, or comprehensive examination may be required that reflects the student’s ability to conduct research using primary sources from a broad spectrum of printed and electronic media. An oral defense or presentation of the thesis or project is typically required.
- Students are required to complete theses or projects that are persuasive, cogent, and well-articulated.
Related Policies and Procedures: AA/5/AS/16/GC - Graduate Learning Goals
Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on May 14, 2024
Approved by Interim President Susan E. Borrego on June 5, 2024
Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): AA/44/AS/24/GC Graduate Program Learning Goals
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