AA/04/AS/05/UEPC - Grade of “WU” (Withdrawal Unauthorized) Effective May 19, 2005 The symbol “WU” shall be used where a student who is enrolled on the Census Date does not withdraw from a course but fails to complete it.
- Its most common use is in those instances where a student has not completed sufficient course assignments or participated in sufficient course activity to make it possible, in the opinion of the instructor, to report satisfactory or unsatisfactory completion of the class by use of the letter grade (A-F). The symbol “WU” shall be counted as units attempted but not passed (equivalent to an “F”), in computing the grade point average.
- In courses which are graded Credit/No Credit or in cases where the student has elected Credit/No Credit evaluation, use of the symbol “WU” is inappropriate, and “NC” shall be used instead.
For more information, consult the University Catalog.
Review History: Approved by Academic Senate on March 22, 2005. Approved by President Marvalene Hughes on May 19, 2005.
Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): AA/4/AS/05/UEPC - Grade of “WU” (Withdrawal Unauthorized)
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