Feb 17, 2025  
Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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AA/01/AS/14/SEC - Flexibility in Teaching Assignments for Full-Time Faculty

Effective March 12, 2014

Be it Resolved: That the Academic Senate, California State University, Stanislaus recommend the attached Policy Regarding Flexibility in Teaching Assignments for Full-Time Faculty; and be it further

Resolved: That, upon approval by the President, the Policy Regarding Flexibility in Teaching Assignments for Full-Time Faculty be effective immediately and be incorporated as soon as possible into the Faculty Policies section of the Faculty Handbook (any and all printed and/or online versions), and that the policy be positioned there together in close proximity with all other faculty policies or Collective Bargaining Agreement excerpts contained in the Faculty Policies section of the Faculty Handbook that relate to full-time faculty teaching assignments.

Attached policy:
Policy Regarding Flexibility in Teaching Assignments for Full-Time Faculty

Full-time Faculty instructional assignments do not require a minimum number of weighted teaching units (WTUs). Teaching assignments for full-time tenure-track faculty and full-time lecturer faculty shall be characterized by a principle of flexibility. Decisions regarding faculty instructional assignments reside with college deans (via delegation from the provost) after consultation with department chairs and/or the individual faculty member. Ordinarily, colleges, departments and programs will be permitted to meet their full-time-equivalent-student (FTES) targets and curricular objectives through flexible use of teaching loads, course schedules, number of sections, and section sizes.

Review History: 30/AS/13/SEC Denied by President on 7/1/13. Approved by the Academic Senate on February 11, 2014. Approved by President Joseph Sheley on March 12, 2014.

Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): AA/1/AS/14/SEC - Flexibility in Teaching Assignments for Full-Time Faculty  

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