AA/01/AS/12/FAC/FBAC - Endowed Faculty Policy Effective June 5, 2012
Endowed faculty positions enable CSU Stanislaus to recruit and retain distinguished and accomplished scholars and teachers. The specific purpose of the endowed faculty must be consistent with the curriculum and mission of the University and shall be specified in writing, as part of the endowment agreement, at the time the endowment is established.
Following a search, appointment to an endowed faculty position will be made from distinguished individuals, including California State University, Stanislaus current faculty and faculty outside of the university. The holder of the appointment to a faculty endowment is expected to carry a teaching responsibility. The appointee shall contribute to the scholarly and creative activity within their specific discipline, and through seminars and other contact with students; add to the enrichment of the California State University, Stanislaus campus as a whole.
The endowment shall at least cover any cost over and above the highest (9 month) salary in the department or related discipline (excluding other endowed faculty) and benefits of the position to which it is being applied, and endowment funds shall also cover endowment related expenses, including but not limited to travel, research, release time, increased pay, and selection cost. The position will not be filled until sufficient funds are available to meet the purpose(s) of the endowment.
Endowed appointees are expected to:
- Provide significant development of existing faculty/program and/or support of community activities and/or
- Lead faculty research and teaching and/or,
- Contribute a greater portfolio of research, creative work and/or teaching.
The University recognizes the desire of donors to support a wide variety of academic and research activities through the creation of endowed faculty funds to enhance, in perpetuity, State support for the University’s mission.
Depending on donor interest, a faculty endowment may or may not be in the disciplines currently offered at California State University, Stanislaus. In the latter case, the establishment of an endowment and hiring of faculty will need to recognize that any subsequent new programs will be subject to existing university educational policies.
Position Establishment
- Preliminary discussion concerning the establishment of a faculty endowment shall include consultation with appropriate department faculty, chairs, dean(s), the Provost, the VP of University Advancement, and the President.
- A faculty endowment shall not be established in a department without the approval of a majority of the tenured and tenure track faculty of that department. Should the department not yet exist, approval will be required of the majority of the faculty in the college.
- Following the preliminary discussion and consultation, the dean shall prepare a proposal for review by department faculty, chair(s), the Provost, and the VP of University Advancement. The President will make the final approval of the proposal.
- The donor may specify the academic discipline for the faculty endowment. If the academic field is not specified, the Provost in consultation with deans may specify the field or, if the field is specified, the Provost and deans may specify a subfield, with final approval resting with the President.
- Commitment for a faculty endowment will not be made to a prospective donor without the prior approval of the President.
Selection Criteria
- A search will be conducted and a search committee shall be used to fill an existing vacant position or create a new position.
- The search committee will be appointed by the Provost upon consultation with department faculty and will include departmental faculty and individuals with knowledge of the academic field from which candidates will be drawn. The search committee will be chaired by a tenured full professor. A majority of the members of the search committee shall be CSU, Stanislaus faculty members from the department that will house the endowed faculty. Should the department not exist or if there is a limited number of faculty in the department, a majority of the members shall be recommended by faculty of the college.
- The following general definitions and selection criteria will apply:
- Endowed faculty: The holder of an endowed faculty position should be considered as receiving a high honor, as well as recognition of consistently outstanding performance and ability. The institutional expectation of a distinguished record is one who has made significant contributions to educational, research, scholarship, or creative activities to his or her discipline.
- The President, upon recommendation from the Search committee Chair, Dean, and Provost will make all endowed faculty appointments.
- All appointments to endowed faculty shall be renewable term appointments. The initial appointment shall be for a period of up to five years; subsequent appointments shall be for a period of up to five years. A review and recommendation concerning the reappointment to an endowed faculty position for the incumbent will take place in the fall of the last year of the appointment.
- Endowed faculty titles shall be reviewed at least every five years, and may be reassigned or terminated at the discretion of the University on recommendation of the college dean and of the department to the Provost and to the President. Faculty so terminated would normally continue to hold their current academic positions under normal pay and workload status.
- The individual may be granted tenure in accordance with the CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 13.17. Appointments with tenure shall be made only after an evaluation and recommendation by the appropriate department. Criteria and standards for recommendations shall be those established in accordance with procedures on this campus.
- As soon as it is known that an endowed position may become vacant, the department faculty, chair and academic dean will consult with the Provost. Together, they will develop a plan to fill the position consistent with the intent of the donor. Final approval of the plan rests with the President.
- As a condition of appointment, all endowed faculty shall annually submit to the chair, dean and Provost a report of each year’s activities, including an explanation of expenditures, along with a budget request for the use of the endowment income for the following year.
Appointment shall be made only after the host college has received a full time tenured, tenure track budget line. Any assigned time will be funded by the endowment.
Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on May 1, 2012. Final version aproved by the Faculty Budget Advising Committee on April 25, 2012. Approved by President Hamid Shirvani on June 5, 2012.
Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): AA/1/AS/12/FAC/FBAC - Endowed Faculty Policy
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