AA/01/AS/11/RSCAPC - Policy for the Distribution of Faculty Research Funds Effective March 23, 2011 Be it Resolved: Academic Senate of California State University, Stanislaus approve the attached policy for distribution of $100,000 in one-time research funds, and be it further
Resolved: that this policy only apply to the additional funds raised by President Shirvani in the Fall of 2010.
Rationale: President Shirvani announced that he had raised $100,000 from private donors to support faculty research, scholarship and creative activities in academic year 2010-2011. The Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Policy Committee was directed by the Provost and SEC to develop a policy for the distribution of these funds. RSCAPC was instructed by the Provost that the parameters for the funds were that award and distribution be college-based, each college Dean give input to the award process, the source of funds not be a subject for policy consideration.
The direction to RSCAPC further indicated that this policy not serve as precedent for future distributions of funds.
Recent budget constraints have limited the opportunities for probationary faculty to meet RPT requirements.
Distribution of the funds to the colleges will be based upon full-time equivalent faculty (FTEF) within each college. Counseling faculty will participate with the College of Health and Human Sciences (CHHS) and Library faculty will participate with the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS). The college Deans will ask their Chairs to establish a new college-level committee or to designate an existing college- level committee no later than April 4, 2011. College committees will then determine college-appropriate priorities and criteria for evaluating applications; however, the committees are strongly urged to give first priority to probationary faculty. Once approved by agreement of the college Dean and a majority of the designated committee, these priorities and criteria will be distributed to college faculty as a call for proposals by April 18, 2011.
Applications received in response to the call for proposals will be reviewed by the college committees between April 19 and May 16. Each college committee will submit its recommendations as to the recipients and amounts of award to the college Dean. If the Dean chooses to amend the recommendation, (s)he will meet and confer with the committee and provide a rationale. The Deans will then submit their final recommendations as to the recipients and amounts of award to the Provost. Awards will be announced on May 30 by the college Deans. All University protocols and approvals for research expenditure are to be followed. Each awardee will submit a preliminary report of expenditures and outcomes to the College Dean by December 19, 2011 and a final report by June 25, 2012. Any unspent funds are to remain in the college and the Deans are encouraged to use such funds for RSCA.
Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on February 22, 2011. Approved by President Shirvani on March 23, 2011.
Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): AA/1/AS/11/RSCAPC - Policy for the Distribution of Faculty Research Funds
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