Mar 10, 2025  
Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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AA/05/AS/25/FAC - Selection of a lecturer representative to the Lecturer Electorate of the Academic Senate of the California State University

Effective Fall 2025

WHEREAS the temporary faculty in the California State University system have long lacked representation at the state-wide Academic Senate; and,

WHEREAS, beginning Fall 2025, temporary faculty throughout the system will be represented by three lecturer senators at the Academic Senate of the CSU (pending approval of AS-3660- 23/JEDI/FA by the CSU Board of Trustees); and,

WHEREAS, the process to identify lecturer senators requires eligible temporary faculty from each campus to select a representative to the ASCSU Lecturer Electorate; and,

WHEREAS, the ASCSU Lecturer Electorate shall select the three lecturer senators from amongst their body; therefore, let it be RESOLVED the Committee on Committees shall solicit nominations from the eligible lecturer faculty, based on the proposed ASCSU constitutional amendments; and further let it be

RESOLVED the Committee on Committees shall conduct an election, in accordance with ASCSU policy, to identify the Stanislaus State member of the ASCSU Lecturer Electorate; and further let it be

RESOLVED the solicitation, nomination, and election process shall be completed by Tuesday, April 1, 2025; and let it be further

RESOLVED the name of the Lecturer Electorate representative shall be announced and forwarded to the ASCSU; and let it be further

RESOLVED the Committee on Committees shall include cyclical selection of a member of the Lecturer Electorate as specified in the bylaws of the ASCSU; and let it finally be

RESOLVED that the Academic Senate shall waive the ten-day waiting period and provide this resolution to the university president immediately upon approval.



In Fall 2024, the general faculty represented by the Academic Senate of the California State University (ASCSU) approved an amendment to the constitution to provide for three lecturer representatives on the Academic Senate. Selection of the lecturer senators entails a process in which each campus elects a lecturer representative to serve on a Lecturer Electorate; the Lecturer Electorate selects the three representatives to the ASCSU from its members. In anticipation of approval by the Board of Trustees, CSU Stanislaus should prepare to provide a lecturer representative for the Lecturer Electorate. This lecturer could be elected to serve as one of three lecturer senators on the ASCSU.

Lecturer senators shall serve staggered three-year terms normally beginning June 1. Terms of members of the lecturer senator electorate, procedures for electing lecturer senators and alternates, procedures for the recall of lecturer senators and alternates by the electorate, and responsibilities of alternates shall be specified in the Bylaws of the ASCSU. The Bylaws shall provide for the temporary replacement of a lecturer senator whenever the immediate past chair of the Academic Senate is both from the same campus as the lecturer senator and a member of the senate solely by virtue of being the immediate past chair. Lecturer senators and alternates replacing lecturer senators must hold a one-year (or longer) appointment and be fulltime or part-time with a time base entitlement of at least 0.6.

Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on February 25, 2025

Approved by President Britt Rios-Ellis on February 27, 2025

Faculty Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): AA/05/AS/25/FAC - Selection of a lecturer representative to the Lecturer Electorate of the Academic Senate of the California State University  

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