Feb 17, 2025  
Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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AA/17/AS/15/UEPC - General Education Goals and Outcomes

Effective March 26, 2015

California State University, Stanislaus
General Education Program

Goals and Outcomes

Goal 1: Develop the intellectual skills and competencies necessary to participate effectively in 
society and the world.

Students attaining the first learning goal will be able to:

a) Demonstrate effective oral communication.
b) Demonstrate effective written communication.
c) Demonstrate the ability to think critically and creatively.
d) Apply quantitative reasoning concepts and skills to solve problems.
e) Find, understand, examine critically, and use information from various sources.
f)  Comprehend and use appropriate technological resources effectively.

Goal 2: Develop broad knowledge of biological and physical sciences, humanities and creative arts, 
and social sciences.

Students attaining the second learning goal will be able to:

a) Explain and apply basic scientific methods.
b) Demonstrate an understanding of the living and non‐living physical world.
c) Recognize the structures and institutions that frame human interactions.
d) Express appreciation of cultural, intellectual, and artistic ideas and works.
e) Demonstrate effective creative expression and understanding through artistic means.
f)  Identify life‐skills and behaviors needed to flourish as a mature person.

Goal 3: Develop abilities to integrate knowledge, make informed ethical decisions, and accept civic 

Students attaining the third learning goal will be able to:

a) Integrate and combine knowledge and abilities developed in several fields to analyze and 
critically evaluate specific problems, issues, or topics.
b) Illustrate the ability to self‐reflect and assess relevant ethical values.
c) Identify and analyze problems within local, regional, national, and/or global contexts.
d) Demonstrate enhanced awareness of multicultural, community, and/or technological perspectives.

GE courses will address two to four of the most essential learning outcomes.

Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on February 10, 2015
Approved by President Joseph F. Sheley on March 26, 2015

Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): AA/17/AS/14/UEPC - General Education Goals and Outcomes  

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