Oct 18, 2024  
Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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AA/14/AS/23/UEPC - Curriculum Consultation Policy

Effective Fall 2023

WHEREAS: The University recognizes that consultation between disciplines, colleges, and departments is an essential element of the development and maintenance of a cohesive set of course and program offerings that are relevant, appealing, and useful to our students, and

WHEREAS: Consultation should be a means to receive and give constructive input for the purposes of strengthening curriculum, and

WHEREAS: An academic consultation policy must provide means for the consultation process for new and revised curricula and must delineate procedures for the arbitration of disagreements, and

WHEREAS: Faculty need to know when subcommittees and college curriculum committees are meeting and what is on their agendas, and

WHEREAS: Campus-wide notification of proposed curricular changes provides greater insurance that potentially affected programs have an opportunity to provide constructive input, be it

RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate approve the attached Curriculum Consultation Policy, and be it

RESOLVED: That this policy will be reviewed in five years.

PURPOSE: The University recognizes that consultation between disciplines, colleges, and departments is an essential element of the development and maintenance of a cohesive set of course and program offerings that are relevant, appealing, and useful to our students. An academic consultation policy must provide means for the consultation process for new and revised curricula and must delineate procedures for the arbitration of disagreements.

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Consultation over curriculum development should be collegial and approached by all parties in a spirit of positive and collaborative exploration. Consultation should not be viewed as a ‘rubber stamping’ exercise but as a means to receive and give valuable input and strengthen all curriculum proposals. Proposals that are identified as lacking evidence of necessary consultation may be delayed, paused, or re-routed in their progress through the University’s approval process. In order to increase the transparency and efficiency of the curriculum review process, all subcommittees and college curriculum committees will meet at least four times a semester. These meetings will be scheduled at the beginning of the semester to be held during the second, sixth, , eighth and twelfth weeks. These committees will review proposals in the order that they are submitted. Also, committees will publish their agendas, so faculty know what curriculum changes are being discussed. Where there is a question of whom should be consulted, decisions should favor the broadest consultation reasonable. For programs without a curriculum committee, consultation should be conducted with the entire program faculty, rather than only the program chair or director.

SCOPE: Consultation with relevant disciplines, colleges, and departments will generally be required when: A change to an existing course may include:

  • a change to course content;
  • a change in course title;
  • a change in course pre/corequisites;
  • a change in the credit units;
  • a change that may affect other departments that have a similar course offering or a coursewith a similar title (a potential duplication issue) and/or require the course or use the course as an elective.
  • Adding new courses to a program that may affect other departments that have a similar courseoffering or a course with a similar title (a potential duplication issue) and/or require the course oruse the course as an elective. Special attention should be given to other departments whosecourses are cross-listed or are prerequisites for the course being added.
  • Removing courses that will affect other departments. Special attention should be given to otherdepartments whose courses are cross-listed or are prerequisites for the course being deleted.
  • The development of a new or the revision of an existing program, which will affect departmentswhose courses may be used as part of the program’s plan of study.


  1. It is the responsibility of the proposer(s) of a curriculum development or revision to assess ifconsultation is needed (peruse the catalog and speak to Academic Programs to identify anypotential overlap or impact to other courses or programs) and begin the consultation process, if needed.
  2. Each consultation should be initiated in writing (communication and forms can be sent via email)and should identify the nature of the proposed curriculum, specify any known potential impact,and ask if there is any potential impact the initiator is not currently aware of.
  3. College and university-wide committees may also require the initiation of consultation when theysee a need.
  4. All collaboration should be undertaken in a timely fashion, so that all parties can contributemeaningfully to the interaction. If necessary, consultation should commence at least four weeksprior to the intended submission of a proposal through Curriculog. It will be best practice for theparties being consulted to respond as promptly as possible and within ten working days. In theabsence of a response at that point, the proposer may reasonably suppose that the area beingconsulted has no feedback to offer.
  5. Details of the process of consultation and the results of the consultation(s) should be submittedthrough Curriculog. The results of the consultation(s) include written results from thedepartment(s) consulted.
  6. If there is opposition, follow the “Curriculum Arbitration Procedure” documented in theflowchart below/attached (based on a flowchart from CSU, San Marcos).

Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on May 2, 2023

Approved by President Ellen Junn on May 17, 2023

Academic Affairs  Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): 14-AS-23-UEPC Curriculum Consultation Policy Resolution  

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