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Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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AA/07/AS/19/GC - Second and Dual Degrees and Concentrations

Effective April 29, 2019

Resolved: That the Academic Senate of California State University, Stanislaus approve the attached Second and Dual Degrees and Concentrations Policy.

Rationale: The University currently has a policy in place to allow for students to pursue a second graduate degree or concentration, following completion of the first. However, no policy exists for students wishing to pursue a second degree or concentration concurrently with the first degree or concentration, i.e. a dual degree or concentration. Consequently, graduate programs and students have lacked guidance on how to proceed in these cases.

Additionally, several graduate programs have recently or will soon be making significant changes to their curriculum, including new degrees and concentrations. Some of these changes are in relation to Executive Order 1071 Revised, which specifies that new concentrations must constitute less than one half of the units required in the degree program. These curricular and programmatic changes necessitate a revised policy on second and dual degrees and concentrations that describes under which circumstances students can pursue these options.

The new policy provides clarity regarding special circumstances around the application process, pre-requisites, and culminating experiences. It also specifies that a maximum of 50% of units for the first degree can be applied towards the second degree, and a maximum of 50% of the units from the first concentration (beyond the core coursework required for all concentrations) may be applied to meet the requirements of the second concentration. Individual graduate programs are still able to set lower levels of unit sharing between degrees or concentrations.


Second Master’s Degrees

Stanislaus State students may pursue a second master’s degree after the award of the first by reapplying to the University for admission into a second degree. If, however, students seek readmission within one semester of graduation, they do not need to reapply to the University; instead, students must contact Enrollment Services and state their intent to apply for admission to a second degree program. In all instances, students must also apply directly to the program. All admissions, prerequisites, and program requirements of the second degree program must be met. At least one culminating experience, depending upon program requirements, must be completed for each of the degrees. Unless a lower percentage is specified by program policies, a maximum of 50% of the units from the first master’s degree may be applied to the second master’s degree program to meet the requirements of the second degree.

Dual Master’s Degree

Stanislaus State students may pursue two master’s degrees simultaneously. All admissions,prerequisites, and program requirements of both degree programs must be met. At least one culminating experience, depending upon program requirements, must be completed for each of the degrees. Unless a lower percentage is specified by program policies, a maximum of 50% of the units from the first master’s degree may be applied to the second master’s degree program to meet the requirements of the second degree.

Second Concentration in a Master’s Degree

Stanislaus State students may pursue a second concentration in the same discipline as their first awarded degree by reapplying to the University for admission into a second concentration. If, however, students seek readmission within one semester of graduation, they do not need reapply to the University; instead, students must contact Enrollment Services and state their intent to apply for admission to a second concentration. In all instances, students must also apply directly to the program. All admissions, prerequisites, and requirements of a second concentration must be met. Students will not be required to repeat core coursework required for all concentrations within the degree program. At least one culminating experience, depending upon program requirements, must be completed for the degree. Unless a lower percentage is specified by program policies, a maximum of 50% of the units from the first concentration (beyond the core coursework required for all concentrations) may be applied to meet the requirements of the second concentration.

Dual Concentration in a Master’s Degree

Stanislaus State students may pursue more than one concentration within the same degree program prior to award of the degree. All admissions, prerequisites, and program requirements of both concentrations must be met. Students will not be required to repeat core coursework required for all concentrations within the degree program. At least one culminating experience, depending upon program requirements, must be completed the degree. Unless a lower percentage is specified by program policies, a maximum of 50% of the units from the first concentration (beyond the core coursework required for all concentrations) may be applied to meet the requirements of the second concentration.

Related Policies and Procedures: EO 1071

Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on April 2, 2019. Approved by President Ellen Junn on April 29, 2019.

Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): AA/07/AS/19/GC - Second and Dual Degrees and Concentrations AA/07/AS/19/GC - Second and Dual Degrees and Concentrations Resolution  

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