Feb 17, 2025  
Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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AA/02 - Network Use Policy

Effective Effective on March 7, 2000

The university acknowledges that access to the network is a necessity for faculty, staff, and students of CSU Stanislaus. While not providing guarantees of availability, CSU Stanislaus has the stated objective of providing access to both campus and offsite network resources for the groups identified above. The following statements set forth conditions for use of network access.

1. Responsibilities

Through the authority of the university president, the provost is responsible for implementation of policies and guidelines for the use of information technology. The CSU Stanislaus provost will appoint a committee, the Network Policies Committee, which will consist of faculty, staff, and students. The Network Policies Committee is authorized to propose potential modifications of campus network access policies and will function in an advisory manner to the provost.

2. Materials Available on the Network

Faculty, staff, and students of CSU Stanislaus agree that CSU Stanislaus is not responsible for materials posted on non-official campus pages [official campus pages are defined as those which incorporate the university logo and further agree that CSU Stanislaus cannot reasonably and does not seek to limit access to network sites containing materials some may find offensive. Users of campus network access points agree to accept responsibility for visiting or avoiding such sites.

3. Commercial Use of Resources

Because public monies fund network access provided by CSU Stanislaus, users of campus network access points agree to refrain from commercial activities involving those resources. Users understand that activities intended to generate personal gain fall within the scope of commercial activities for purposes of this policy.

4. Privacy of Information

CSU Stanislaus makes every effort to ensure the privacy of faculty, staff, and students and their communications. Faculty, staff, and students acknowledge, however, that network access by its very nature embodies some risk of exposure to the unscrupulous as well as the possibility of unintended breach of privacy. Faculty, staff, and students agree to respect the privacy of other users, and accept the fact that some network services, such as email, are inherently non-secure transactions and that the university cannot assure privacy. CSU Stanislaus supports each individual’s right to freedom from undue surveillance and their concomitant right to privacy of personal files. Therefore, CSU Stanislaus system administration staff will not arbitrarily collect information on individuals’ usage patterns. This restriction is not intended to impinge on systems staff’s need to collect nonpersonally identifiable data for purposes of system performance evaluation. CSU Stanislaus system administrators will also refrain from browsing or copying users’ files absent specific authorization from that individual, the president or designee, or legal authorities.

5. Academic Freedom, Responsibilities, Conduct, and Ethics

Faculty, staff, and students of CSU Stanislaus acknowledge that the principle of academic freedom constrains CSU Stanislaus from issuing judgments as to the suitability of materials posted on non-official CSU Stanislaus sites. Those choosing to make information available on the network agree that they assume total responsibility for materials posted, and further agree that they will include identification and contact data, typically name and email address, in all materials located on CSU Stanislaus sites. Users of CSU Stanislaus network resources also agree that they will be personally responsible for obeying all laws which have jurisdiction over them, including but not limited to local, state, and federal statutes. Those making materials available on CSU Stanislaus resources agree to respect the intellectual property rights of others, regardless of copyright status. Users further agree to abide by all applicable university policies [e.g., nondiscrimination, sexual harassment], and Title V of the California Education Code of Conduct, which may be viewed here. Users of network resources are also expected to abide by the applicable approved code of ethics at all times. Finally, members of the CSU Stanislaus community agree to be mindful of the impressions they leave, via their electronic communications, with other members of the community and with those from outside the community. 6. Network Availability Users of campus network access points accept the fact that network bandwidth is a resource in and of itself, and agree to responsible use of the limited bandwidth available. CSU Stanislaus pledges its best efforts at maintaining bandwidth availability for the entire campus community, but reserves the right to ask the Network Policies Committee to issue limits on bandwidth use by individuals as deemed necessary. CSU Stanislaus will not, without prior approval of the Network Policies Committee and/or the provost, impose limitations on network use by members of the campus community.

7. Public Disclaimers

Those wishing to post materials on the network via CSU Stanislaus resources agree to incorporate a link to this document, which will be maintained on an official CSU Stanislaus website, on their “front” page, so that all visitors to the electronic community are aware of CSU Stanislaus policies on network use. Those making materials available also agree not to state or imply that they speak on behalf of the university and will refrain from using the official CSU Stanislaus logo absent authorization to do so.

8. Disciplinary Actions

Violations of any policy or law may be reported to complaints@stan.csustan.edu. All infractions of the above principles will be reported to and dealt with by the appropriate disciplinary body. 

Review History: Approved by Provost’s Deans Council on January 18, 2000. Approved by President’s Executive Cabinet on January 21, 2000. Approved by CSU Legal Counsel on January, 26, 2000. Approved by Senate Executive Committee March 7, 2000. Informational Review by Academic Senate on March 14, 2000. 

Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): AA/2 - Network Use Policy  

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