Jan 14, 2025
UA/02 - University Sponsorship of Non-University Events Effective June 18, 2015
I. Purpose
- This policy regards the sponsorship by the University and its units of non-University events, activities and entities. It is written to support the efficient stewardship of University resources (e.g., by limiting duplicative sponsorships of the same entity); to coordinate the promotion of the University; to avoid conflicts with the mission and activities of the University; and to avoid conflicts of interest and the gifting of public resources.
II. Authority
- The Board of Trustees has delegated to the University President, as chief executive officer, the authority and responsibility to take necessary actions for the functioning of the campus, including oversight of campus advancement functions and campus business and financial affairs.
- The California Constitution, Article 16, Section 6 prohibits making gifts of any public resources. Commensurate value must be received whenever CSU resources are used, including time, equipment, materials, supplies and facilities.
III. Scope
- This policy applies to the sponsorship of all non-University events, activities, and entities by any unit of the University (including department, office, recognized student organization or auxiliary) using University resources or identity.
- For the purpose of this policy:
- University resources include financial support from state, trust or foundation accounts; use of University facilities, equipment or supplies; or the time of University personnel.
- Use of the University identity includes use of the University name, all identity marks and brand.
- Sponsorships occur when University resources or identity are used to support a non-University event, activity, or entity through a transaction that indicates University support, promotion or approval.
- Attendance and reasonable registration costs (i.e., those that roughly reflect the cost of attendance) that are part of normal University business and activities do not rise to the level of sponsorships. Those expenditures need only receive approval by the unit’s supervisor. A sponsorship could arise when registration/ticket costs exceed the costs of an event (as with some fundraisers) or when attendance is coupled with another action that indicates University support (such as providing a welcome on behalf of the University).
- Common sponsorships are in the form of payments (e.g., the purchase of a table at a fundraiser), the provision of in-kind goods or services (e.g., University personnel are the event planners), the use of facilities or the use of the University name or identifiers, in exchange for promotional opportunities at events hosted by civic, educational or non-profit organizations.
- An event or activity is considered non-University for the purposes of this policy (and thus is subject to this policy) if it is either organized by a non-University entity, if it primarily benefits or targets non-University individuals or entities, or if it is external to the mission and normal University activities and business. For example, a meeting held on campus for the community to discuss a community issue is considered a nonUniversity event under this policy; sponsorship of that meeting by a University unit would be subject to this policy.
IV. Policy
- Sponsorships are permitted only with the approval of the President or President’s designee(s).
- When reviewing requests for sponsorships, considerations by the President or President’s designee(s) include (but are not limited to):
- Whether multiple University units wish to sponsor the same event, activity or entity, and how to best coordinate sponsorship to efficiently use resources and promote the University.
- Whether commensurate value will be received by the University (for sponsorships, the value received is often in the form of tickets, promotion or the building of relationships and partnerships).
- Whether the event, activity or entity supports the mission and activities of the University.
- Whether sponsorship would violate any laws or CSU systemwide or University policies (such as the prohibition against using state resources to support campaigns for political office).
- No sponsorship may be approved by any person who could be perceived to have a conflict of interest in the decision (such as a University employee who is also a board member of the organization hosting the sponsored event, or whose family member is a board member of the organization).
V. Corresponding University Policies (include but are not limited to):
- University Facility Use Policy
- Hospitality Policy
Related Policies and Procedures: University Facility Use Policy, Hospitality Policy
Review History: Approved by President Joseph Sheley on June 18, 2015.
University Advancement Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): UA/02 - University Sponsorship of Non-University Events
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