AA/16/AS/03/FAC - Interdisciplinary Chairs Review Effective May 9, 2004 Review of the Chair of Agricultural Studies, Director of the Honors Program, Coordinator of the Applied Studies Program, Coordinator of the Social Science Program, and the Coordinator of the Cognitive Studies Program
The College of Arts, Letters and Sciences dean shall initiate a performance review of the interdisciplinary chair, coordinator, or director at regular intervals, but in no case later than the beginning of his or her third year of service. The Dean shall invite from each department that has courses taught in the subject program a minimum of one faculty member to participate in the review committee. This committee will serve in a consultative capacity to the Dean. As part of the review, the committee may solicit evaluative information from the tenured and probationary members of the relevant departments. Any tenured or probationary faculty member may submit evaluative information to the review committee.
Review History: Approved by the Faculty Affairs Committee on May 9, 2004.
Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): AA/16/AS/03/FAC - Interdisciplinary Chairs Review
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