Feb 17, 2025  
Policy Handbook 
Policy Handbook
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AA/12/AS/82/EX - Course Deletion

Effective November 5, 1982

Regular catalog courses may be deactivated in one of two fashions:

  1. A department/division or program committee may request that a course be deactivated. Such a deactivation will take effect upon approval of the Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. When deactivated, the course will be removed from the University catalog.
  2. Courses will be deactivated and removed from the catalog if they are not offered for three consecutive years. Department/divisions or program committees may appeal to the Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs for a one-year extension for extenuating circumstances. If a course is not taught in the fourth year, it shall be deactivated. 14/AS/80/EPC Approved June 18, 1980.

Course Requirement Information 

This requires that each department ensure that students enrolled in its courses be provided necessary information such as:

  1. Course goals, objectives and requirements;
  2. The instructor’s grading policy;
  3. Attendance requirements;
  4. Policy on due dates and make-up work;
  5. Required texts and other materials;
  6. Policy on assignments;
  7. The availability of the instructor outside of class, including office hours and the office telephone number; and
  8. That in courses for which some or all of the above information is not appropriate, students be advised of the expectations for such courses; that any such information be made available to students no later than the end of the first week of classes; and that any changes in course requirements be communicated to students in an expedient and timely manner.

Related Policies and Procedures: Replaces 14/AS/80/EPC

Review History: Approved by Academic Senate on September 30, 1982. Approved by President Walter Olson on November 2, 1982.

Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.

Attachment(s): AA/12/AS/82/EX - Course Deletion  

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