AA/04/AS/92/FAC - Emeritus Professor Status Effective Fall 1992
I. Eligibility for Emeritus/Emerita status
Section 1. The status of Emeritus/Emerita may be conferred upon any retiring member of the General Faculty of CSUS as a reward for meritorious service subject to the requirements and procedures listed below.
II. Criteria
It is not intended that the emeritus/emerita status be awarded automatically to individuals upon retirement, but is reserved for those who have made a significant contribution to the University in any of the following areas:
- Teaching
- Scholarship
- Creative Activities
- Service to the University
III. Procedure for Recommending Emeritus/Emerita Status
Procedures for recommending emeritus/emerita status are dependent upon rank and length of service to the University.
Section 1. Upon retirement, full professors and librarians with fifteen or more years of service to CSUS shall with their consent be automatically nominated for emeritus/emerita status. These nominations are submitted to the President for approval and conferral of the award. The President may deny the award for serious and compelling reasons.
Section 2. Upon retirement, all faculty not meeting the requirements under III. Section 1. who have contributed meritorious service, may be nominated for emeritus/emerita status. The nomination may be made by the individual’s department or by a tenured member of the General Faculty. The merits of the candidate’s service shall then be reviewed according to the following steps: Departmental tenured faculty, department chair, school/college dean, Leaves and Awards Committee and the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. The recommendations, either positive or negative, shall be presented to the President for final approval or disapproval.
IV. Honors and Privileges of Emeritus/Emerita Status
Emeritus/Emerita faculty shall have all the privileges of full-time faculty except voting, subject to resources available and subject to first priority requirements of full-time faculty.
V. Announcement of Emeritus/Emerita Status
The award of emeritus/emerita status shall be announced by a letter from the President of the University. This announcement shall also be made at the annual commencement exercises.
Related Policies and Procedures: Replaces the previous policy, (23/FS/76/F.Awds).
Review History: Approved by the Academic Senate on March 10, 1992. Approved by President John Moore on April 28, 1992.
Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): AA/4/AS/92/FAC - Emeritus Professor Status
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