AA/03/AS/23/FAC - Student Perceptions of Teaching Surveys Effective Fall 2023
Policy on Student Perceptions of Teaching Surveys
All faculty unit employees and administrators who teach are required to conduct student perception of teaching surveys in no less than 50% of all courses per year with a minimum of one course per semester using written or electronic student surveys, also called “student opinion survey” or “student perception of teaching effectiveness” surveys using the campus approved form or approved substitute(s).
Faculty unit employees and administrators teaching one class in a semester shall conduct the student perception survey in that course. University Extended Education courses that are included in Unit 3 faculty workload may be included in the courses that are surveyed. The classes in which the student survey will be conducted shall be jointly determined in consultation between the faculty unit employee and their department chair. In the event of disagreement, each party shall select 50% of the total courses to be subjected to the survey. The department chairperson may approve student perception surveys of additional courses if requested by the instructor. If a faculty member has instructional duties in more than one department, the student perception survey shall be conducted in at least one course per department per academic year, and the department chairs shall confer to approve the selections. Additionally, in the case of cross-listed courses, each of the department chairs will be informed of the courses selected for the student perception survey.
Student course surveys or the results from (an) approved substitute(s), for the required courses shall be placed in the faculty unit employee’s Personnel Action File. The results of any additional surveys shall be given only to the instructor.
Each semester the department chairs shall inform the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee of the courses to be surveyed that semester.
Departments may develop and include multiple measures of instructional effectiveness that are appropriate for the pedagogical context and discipline. If specified in department RPT elaborations, and if explicitly approved by the URPTC, results from such instruments may be substituted for or supplement the campus approved student perception surveys and placed in the employee’s Personnel Action File.
Related Policies and Procedures: 27/AS/13/FAC approved on May 24, 2013
20/AS/18/FAC approved on January 10, 2019
Review History:
9/AS/93/FAC Policy on Student Evaluation of Teaching approved on June 8, 1993, amended October 18, 2013 (33/AS/13/FAC), amended on April 13, 2022; 03/AS/23/FAC Student Perceptions of Teaching Surveys approved on April 13, 2023
Academic Affairs Division has the primary responsibility for this policy.
Attachment(s): AA/03/AS/23/FAC Student Perceptions of Teaching Surveys
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