6 New Policies
The following are a list of policies that require updates in the 2023-2024 Academic Catalog. For a full list of policies, visit the Policy Handbook.
30/AS/22/UEPC Leadership Studies Certificate
Approved by the Academic Senate on November 15, 2022
Approved by President Ellen Junn on December 16, 2022
31/AS/22/GC Elevating the Department of English’s Rhetoric and the Teaching of Writing Concentration in the Master of Arts in English to a stand-alone degree Master of Arts in Writing Studies
Approved by the Academic Senate on January 21, 2023
Approved by President Ellen Junn on March 9, 2023
02/AS/23/UEPC Journalism and Professional Writing Concentration in English
Approved by the Academic Senate on March 14, 2023
Approved by President Ellen Junn on April 13, 2023
04/AS/23/GC MBA Digital and Social Media Marketing Concentration
Approved by the Academic Senate on March 28, 2023
Approved by President Ellen Junn on March 29, 2023
08/AS/23/UEPC Theatre Education Concentration
Approved by the Academic Senate on March 28, 2023
Approved by President Ellen Junn on March 29, 2023
18/AS/23/SEC Modifications to Chil Development BA Degree
Approved by Academic Senate on September 15, 2023
Approved by Interim President Borrego on September 15, 2023
6 New Programs
14 Revised Programs
40 Revised Courses
36 Undergraduate
- ART 3830 - Visual Art and Ecology (planned modality; CLOs; GE status; peoplesoft typically offered) (Satisfies G.E. area UD-C; LIBS Integrative Inquiry) (effective spring 2023)
- ART 4560 - Pre-Columbian Art (prerequisites, removed LIBS note, GE status) (Satisfies G.E. area UD-C) (effective spring 2023)
- ART 4565 - African Art (prerequisites, removed LIBS note, GE status) (Satisfies G.E. area UD-C)
- BUS 4901 - Business Professionalism (prerequisites, peoplesoft typically offered, enrollment restriction)
- CDEV 3000 - Professional Issues in Child Development (course description; CLOs)
- CDEV 3170 - Early Cognitive Development (course description; prerequisites; CLOs; planned modality)
- CDEV 3180 - Early Social and Emotional Development (course description; prerequisites; CLOs)
- CDEV 4180 - Developmental Curriculum, Experiences, and Methods (course components, course classifications, peoplesoft typically offered)
- CDEV 4945 - Practicum at Child Development Center as Instructional Aide (course component:Lecture C4 to C2)
- CDEV 4946 - Practicum at Child Development Center as Head Teacher (course component:Laboratory C16 to C15)
- CDEV 4947 - Practicum at Child Development Center as Assistant Administrator (course title, catalog description, grading option, prerequisites, peoplesoft typically offered)
- CDEV 4948 - Child Development Senior Internship (enrollment restriction, prerequisite modification, grading option; peoplesoft typically offered; planned modality)
- CDEV 4960 - Organization and Administration of Early Childhood Programs (prerequisite, CLOs, course component:Lecture C4 to C2; planned modality; peoplesoft typically offered)
- CDEV 4965 - Child Development Senior Seminar (prerequisite, enrollment restriction, CLOs, grading option; planned modality)
- CJ 4915 - Sex Crimes and Gender Issues in Criminal Justice (Satisfies G.E. area UD-D) (effective spring 2023)
- COMM 4160 - Intercultural Communication (GE status,CLOs) (Satisfies G.E. area UD-D and Multicultural Requirement)
- CS 4520 - Graph and Network Data Analytics (catalog description; course title; planned modality)
- EDEL 9014 Applied Qualitative Research II (Reactivate)
- EDSS 4300 - Secondary Education Methods II (units 4 to 3; planned modality; specific level restriction)
- EDSS 4400 - Secondary Education Methods III (Deactivate) (effective spring 2024)
- EDSS 4550 - Educational Equity, Diversity, and Access in a Global Society (units 1 to 3; planned modality; specific level restriction)
- EDSS 4850 - Secondary Educ Fld Practicum I (catalog description, prerequisite, planned modality, corequisite, peoplesoft typically offered) (credential course)
- EDSS 4855 - Secondary Education Field Practicum II (CLOs, catalog description, prerequisites, planned modality, corequisities) (credential course)
- EDSS 4870 - Secondary Education Field Practicum I - Interns (prerequisite, planned modality, corequisite, CLOs, peoplesoft typically offered) (credential course)
- GEOG 3020 - Human Ecology (crosslisted with ENVR 3020)
- MBIO 2010 - Microbiology for Allied Health (course title, prerequisites, CLOs, catalog description, course classification)
- MBIO 3010 - General Microbiology (course title)
- MBIO 3032 - General Microbiology Lab (course title)
- MUS 3200 - Music History III: Music in the United States 1945-Present (WP) (course title, catalog description, WP status, specific level restriction, course classification, peoplesoft typically offered) (Satisfies WP requirement)
- MUS 3685 - Instruments for Singers Brass and Woodwinds (course title, catalog description, planned modality, peoplesoft typically offered, units)
- NURS 3060 - Cultural Variations in Health Care: A Comparative Analysis of Cultures (Multicultural Req status, planned modality, note, peoplesoft typically offered) (Satisfies Multicultural requirement)
- NURS 3600 - Transcultural Nursing Care (prerequisites, peoplesoft typically offered, Multicultural Req status) (Satisfies Multicultural requirement)
- PHYS 4450 - Introduction to Particle Physics (course title; catalog description; prerequisites; planned modality; peoplesoft typically offered)
- THEA 2510 - Intermediate Acting: Scene Study ( course number 4510 to 2510; course title, prerequisite, planned modality, typically offered)
- THEA 4020 - Performance for Children (prerequisites, GE status, remove LIBS) (Satisfies G.E. area UD-C)
- THEA 4350 - Rehearsal and Performance 2 (course title, course description, prerequisite, specific level restriction, repeatability, planned modality)
4 Graduate
41 New Courses
35 Undergraduate
6 Graduate
*Selected Topics are only offered twice at the undergraduate level and once at the graduate level. Subsequently the faculty may select to create a course in the topic.