Derek R. Riddle Ph.D., Program Coordinator
Jon McFarland Ed.D., Program Coordinator
Teacher Education Department phone: (209) 667-3357
Note: There are no “catalog rights” in credential programs. Requirements, subject to change, are set by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the California State University, and Stanislaus State. Students must meet the current state requirements for the credential. Consult the current Single Subject Credential Program Handbook that is available online at
Admission into programs leading to licensure and credentialing does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or credential. Licensure and credentialing requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the CSU and requirements can change at any time. For example, licensure or credentialing requirements can include evidence of the right to work in the United States (e.g., social security number or taxpayer identification number) or successfully passing a criminal background check. Students are responsible for determining whether they can meet licensure or credentialing requirements. The CSU will not refund tuition, fees, or any associated costs, to students who determine subsequent to admission that they cannot meet licensure or credentialing requirements. Information concerning licensure and credentialing requirements is available from the program coordinator.
Professional Programs
The Single Subject Credential Program (SSCP) is field-centered and performance-based. Theory and practice are integrated by providing ongoing experiences within public school settings. The focus is on the attainment of knowledge, skills, and characteristics of effective teaching. Students are at a school site for two consecutive semesters and complete coursework for the entire academic year. The program admits students in the fall and spring semesters.
General Requirements
- Application for Admission to the Stanislaus State Graduate School and the Credential Program requires separate applications and fees.
- Graduate School Admission - requires official transcripts and a separate fee - Apply to the graduate school as a post-baccalaureate student online through Continuing CSU students should apply to Graduate School during their senior year.
- Credential applications are available online at Please contact Credential Services office ( in DBH 303, or call (209) 667-3534, for more information. The application folder must be completed and submitted early in the semester preceding admission to the program. There is a fee for submitting the application. See application for specific dates and directions.
- Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirements
a. The required GPA is 2.75 in the last 60 units or 2.67 overall.
- Special Admittance Criteria - The Department is allowed to admit a small number of students who do not meet admittance requirements. The criteria for special admittance are at the sole discretion of the Department of Teacher Education. Candidates who are below the minimum GPA according to the criteria must submit a letter noting the exception and requesting special consideration. Admission for such candidates will be determined based on the following:
- Date of application
- Successful program interview
- Special skills that would benefit the candidate as a teacher
- Quality of recommendations
- Quality of application letter of intent
- Experience working with youth
- Writing Sample
Admission Requirements
- Tuberculosis Clearance or TB Assessment Clearance - Students must show proof of having completed a screening for tuberculosis within the last 4 years.
- Certificate of Clearance/Livescan - Applicant must submit fingerprints via “livescan” and be “cleared” before working with students. The clearance is processed through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) and is completed online at ( Background checks are conducted by the California Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). When “cleared,” a student will receive an email from the Commission verifying the “Certificate of Clearance.”
- Completion of Subject Matter Preparation Program or passage of CSET. Candidates must fulfill the subject matter competency requirement before they can be accepted into the program. Students who have completed an approved Subject Matter Preparation Program elsewhere or passed the CCTC-approved examinations in these subjects may apply to the credential program. See the SSCP Program Handbook for complete details and information.
- Basic Skills Requirement - With their application, all candidates must submit proof of passage of ONE of the following options:
1.CBEST Exam* (all 3 sections):
2.CSET Writing Skills Exam*:
3.CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP): English and Math taken in Spring of 11th grade with a “College Ready” or “Exempt” score; OR, combination of scores from EAP and EPT/ELM.
4.CSU Placement Examinations: English Placement Test (EPT) with a score of 151 and Entry Level Math (ELM) with a score of 50; OR, combination of scores from EAP and EPT/ELM.
5.College Board (AP) - English score of 3 and Math score of 3.
6. ACT Examination - English score of 22 and Math score of 23.
7. College Board SAT Examination - Critical Reading score of 500 and Math score of 550.
8. Pass a BSR from another state - List of exams from other states accepted by CCTC can be found at
- Early Field Experience - Candidates are required to have a minimum of 45 hours of documented field experience with students in U.S. secondary classrooms within the last 5 years prior to being admitted to program.
Upper Division Writing - All Stanislaus State graduates will have met this requirement as part of their BA/BS degree. It can also be met by one of the following options:
- Completion of a CSU WP class as part of the undergraduate program (verified by transcripts), or
- Obtaining a 41 or higher on the writing portion of the CBEST, or
- Completing an upper division composition course with a grade of C or better.
- U.S. Constitution - This requirement can be met by taking PSCI 1201 at Stanislaus State or an equivalent course that covers the U.S. Constitution.
- Second Language Experience - Can be met by one of the following options:
- Completion of 3 semester units of a language other than English (including ASL) at the college level with a passing C grade or higher OR
- Completion of one year of another language other than English at the high school level with a passing C grade or higher in the same language, OR
- Completion of HILT (High Intensity Language Training) Program, OR
- Other life experiences that demonstrate second language acquisition, OR
- EDUC 4460 meets this requirement for Spanish-Bilingual students.
Teacher Performance Assessments (TPAs)
Teacher candidates must complete and pass the CA TPA tasks. The coursework within the Credential Program will prepare students for the CA TPAs. TPA orientation meetings are held at the beginning of each semester for students to understand the process.
Bilingual Authorization Option
- Bilingual Authorization prepares holders to teach in bilingual as well as English-only classrooms.
- The Bilingual Authorization is available in the following languages: Spanish, Arabic, French, Hmong, Khmer, Portuguese, Punjabi, and Vietnamese.
- Candidates for the bilingual authorization credential must be able to speak, read, and write in the target language. Candidates wishing to earn the Bilingual Authorization for languages other than Spanish should take the CSET LOTE exams in the target language and culture.
- An additional pathway to BILA authorization is (3 units, only required for students completing the Spanish Bilingual Authorization) or pass CSET LOTE
For more details, see the SSCP Bilingual information sheet under SSCP documents and forms on the website at or in the Teacher Education Department, DBH 330.