Jan 16, 2025  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Liberal Studies: Elementary Teaching Content Preparation B.A.

View information for the Department of Liberal Studies .

Liberal Studies: Elementary Teaching Content Preparation is a pre-professional Subject Matter Preparation Program Preparation waiver program leading to enrollment in a Multiple Subject Credential Program (MSCP or Education Specialist Credential Program (ESCP). Pending approval by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC), effective Fall 2017, successful completion of the major, with either a 2.67 overall grade point average or a 2.75 grade point average in the last 60 units, fulfills all CCTC requirements for an approved waiver of the California Subject Examinations for Teachers: Multiple Subjects (CSETs). Students who do no complete those requirements must take and pass the CSETs for entry into the Multiple Subjects and/or Education Specialist Credential Programs. Please see the Chair of the Department of Liberal Studies  or the Coordinator of the Credential Program (Department of Teacher Education ) for specific details.

Note: The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) is empowered to change credential requirements without prior notice. The University will make changes leading to the credential whenever revisions are required by the CCTC.

Liberal Studies majors may be admitted to the credential program prior to completing their bachelor degrees. Units in the credential program can be applied as upper-division elective credit toward satisfying the 120-unit requirement for graduation.

Currently, admission to the Stanislaus State MSCP requires either a 2.67 overall grade point average or a 2.75 grade point average in the last 60 units.  Additional details and information pertaining to entrance into the credential program is available in the College of Education section of this catalog, and at the Teacher Education Department office.  Students should consult with the MSCP Coordinator for changes in the precise requirements for admission to the credential program.



1. General Education

Complete the General Education Breadth Requirements  (GE) for the Bachelor of Arts degree (51 units minimum) and a minimum of 120 semester units for graduation. Grades of a C–, credit, or better are required.

2. Subject Matter Preparation Program Requirements

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires Liberal Studies majors to complete an approved course in each of the following subjects with a grade of C–, credit, or better. Requirements may be met in GE, in the major, or in additional coursework. Review the Liberal Studies Advising and Articulation Guides for approved courses. Guides are available in the Department and on the Department website.

Subject Matter Requirements include:

  • Oral Communication
  • Composition
  • Critical Thinking
  • Children’s Literature
  • Philosophy or Humanities Survey
  • Early U.S. History
  • American Government
  • Ancient World History
  • California History
  • Geography
  • Biological Science
  • Biological Science Lab
  • Earth Science
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Physical Science Lab
  • Computer Science
  • Math 1030
  • Math 1040
  • Art
  • Music
  • Theatre
  • Activity course*
  • Activity course*

*must be in two different disciplines: Art, Music, or Theatre

3. Pre/co-requisites to the Major:

(9 units)

Complete two Field Experience courses:

(6 units)

The Major

(26-28 units excluding concentration)

Major and concentration courses require letter grades of C– or better.

1. Development and Assessment


2. Second Language Acquisition

(3 units)

Complete one of the following:

(Credit will not be given for both ENGL 4800 and LIBS 4800 in the LIBS Major.)

3. Multicultural Perspectives

(3 units)

4. Integrative Inquiry

(12 units)

Complete one inquiry course in each of these subject matter areas:


5. Concentration

(18-22 units)

A concentration is required. Twelve units must be upper-division and approved by a concentration adviser. While concentration units may cross count with lower-division General Education and the Liberal Studies major, no concentration units may cross count with upper-division General Education. Twelve units may not cross count with lower-division General Education or major courses. Concentration courses require letter grades of C- or better.

Approved Concentrations:

Anthropology  Exceptional Children and Youth  (Special Ed)
Applied Philosophy  Geography 
Art  History   
Bilingual/Crosscultural: Southeast Asian  Kinesiology 
Bilingual/Crosscultural: Spanish  Mathematics 
Biological Sciences  Music 
Chemistry  Natural Sciences 
Child Development  Physics and Physical Sciences 
Civics  Sociology 
Communication Studies  Spanish 
Earth Sciences  Teaching English to Speakers of
Economics        Other Languages (TESOL )
English  Theatre   
Ethnic Studies   

A list of Liberal Studies Concentration Advisers is available in the Liberal Studies Department and on the Department website: www.csustan.edu/Liberal Studies