Oct 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

General Education Program

General Education Description Area A. Communication Skills
Mission Statement Area B. Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Goals and Outcomes Area C. Humanities Requirement
Credit Policy Area D. Social, Economic, & Political Institutions/Human Behavior
Breadth Requirements Area E. Individual Resources for Modern Living
  Area F. Upper-Division General Education Requirements
  Area G. Multicultural Requirement

The University’s General Education requirements are listed below.  Students have the option of joining the General Education Summit Program as an alternative way to fulfill 6 of their 9 units of Upper-Division General Education requirements (Area F General Education requirements).  Students in the Summit Program select a cluster of 2 courses in one of several combinations.  See the General Education Summit Program  section for more information.

General Education

The curriculum of general education is central to the mission of Stanislaus State and to the explicit commitment to a quality liberal arts education. Subject and/or unit requirements may be fulfilled according to the University’s credit-by-examination policies.

The purpose of general education is to provide a common educational experience for students, regardless of major field of study. The faculty are committed to ensuring that the general education program cultivates knowledge, skills, and values that are characteristic of a learned person.

The general education program is organized into five subject areas of communication skills, natural sciences and mathematics, humanities, social sciences, and individual resources for modern living. The general education program also includes required courses in history and government. The multicultural education requirement offers students course work which addresses multicultural, ethnic studies, gender, or non-western cultures issues.

The academic goals of the University specify that the University will guide students to attain mastery in the search for knowledge and to become critical thinkers who have attained effective levels of expressive and scientific literacy. Those who graduate will be versatile in their approach to problems and refined in their ability to frame and test intellectual arguments and hypotheses. They will have knowledge of the arts, history, and cultural identities of past and current societies. They will understand the value of being caring and humane citizens engaged by the challenges facing their evolving communities.

The University provides curricular and co-curricular activities to enhance global thinking and environmental awareness, and to cultivate respect for cultural diversity, both within and beyond the boundaries of its educational community.

The University collaborates with partners in its surrounding communities to provide “service learning” opportunities for enhancing the educational experiences and civic awareness of our students. (See Service Learning in the Programs & Services  section of this catalog.)

Mission Statement of the General Education Program

General education is fundamental to a university education.  General education develops foundational communicative, quantitative and critical thinking skills.  It promotes an understanding of history and culture, fosters appreciation for the arts and humanities, and encourages a broad knowledge of social issues and scientific inquiry.  Attaining a general education means that students understand that all learning is connected and enriches all aspects of life:  personal, civic, and professional.

Goals and Outcomes of the General Education Program

The general education program is designed to ensure the following goals and outcomes:

Goal 1:  Develop the intellectual skills and competencies necessary to participate effectively in society and the world.

Students attaining the first learning goal will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate effective oral communication.
  2. Demonstrate effective written communication.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and creatively.
  4. Apply quantitative reasoning concepts and skills to solve problems.
  5. Find, understand, examine critically, and use information from various sources.
  6. Comprehend and use appropriate technological resources effectively.

Goal 2:  Develop broad knowledge of biological and physical sciences, humanities and creative arts, and social sciences.

Students attaining the second learning goal will be able to:

  1. Explain and apply basic scientific methods.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the living and non-living physical world.
  3. Recognize the structures and institutions that frame human interactions.
  4. Express appreciation of cultural, intellectual, and artistic ideas and works.
  5. Demonstrate effective creative expression and understanding through artistic means.
  6. Identify life-skills and behaviors needed to flourish as a mature person.

Goal 3:  Develop abilities to integrate knowledge, make informed ethical decisions, and accept civic responsibility.

Students attaining the third learning goal will be able to:

  1. Integrate and combine knowledge and abilities developed in several fields to analyze and critically evaluate specific problems, issues, or topics.
  2. Illustrate the ability to self-reflect and assess relevant ethical values.
  3. Identify and analyze problems within local, regional, national, and/or global contexts.
  4. Demonstrate enhanced awareness of multicultural, community, and/or technological perspectives.

GE courses will address two to four of the most essential learning outcomes.

Credit Policy for General Education

The Schedule of Classes Informational Guide and the catalog designate the current courses offered at Stanislaus State which are applicable to General Education requirements. Only courses so designated are approved for credit applicable to General Education. All enrolled undergraduates should, therefore, refer to the current General Education Curriculum which lists acceptable General Education courses.

Breadth Requirements for General Education

The University’s General Education requirements are prescribed by the California Code of Regulations. They consist of a minimum of 51 semester units as described below, including at least 9 upper-division units. At least 9 of these 51 semester units shall be earned at the University. However, credit earned in fulfillment of the upper-division writing competency graduation requirement is not applicable to this 51-unit General Education program. The University accepts certification of General Education- Breadth requirements by a California Community College or a CSU campus, according to CSU regulations. Upon request, the University will report completion of these requirements to another CSU campus.

CSU General Education-Breadth Requirements are designed so that, taken with the major depth program and electives presented by each baccalaureate candidate, they will assure that graduates have made noteworthy progress toward becoming truly educated persons.

General Education Curriculum

A. Communication Skills

(9 units minimum)

B. Natural Sciences and Mathematics

(9 units minimum)

Note: Complete at least one course from each of the 3 groups listed below. This must include a laboratory course from either group 1 or 2.

C. Humanities Requirement

(9 units minimum)

Requirements may be satisfied partially by acceptable scores on the CLEP Humanities General Examination.

Note: Include at least 3 units from group 1, and 3 units from group 2, below.

3. Foreign Language

D. Social, Economic, and Political Institutions and Human Behavior

(12 units minimum)

1. United States History and Constitution/California State and Local Government:

Students may satisfy subject requirements in United States History and Constitution and California State and Local Government by passing departmental examinations in these fields.

The California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 40404, requires “…appropriate courses in the Constitution of the United States, and in American history, including the study of American institutions and ideals, and of the principles of state and local government established under the Constitution of this State…” Completion of one course under (a) and the course under (b) below satisfies these requirements.

a. One of the following United States history courses (which are not applicable to the upper-division General Education requirements):

b. One course covering United States Constitution and California State and local government:

2. A minimum of one course from each group is required.

Requirements may be satisfied partially by acceptable scores on the CLEP Social Sciences General Examination.

E. Individual Resources for Modern Living

(3 units minimum)

Note: Include one course from each group of courses:

F. Upper-Division General Education Requirements

(9 units minimum)

Each student is to complete a minimum of 9 units of upper-division level GE coursework. These courses may be taken no earlier than the term in which upper-division status (completion of 60 semester units) is attained.

The General Education Summit Program offers an alternative way to fulfill 6 of these 9 units.  Click here for more information .

Students will not be given upper-division General Education credit for coursework in the discipline(s) of their major or concentration with the exception of General Education Summit Program courses. The distribution of the 9 units must include 3 units from each of the three following areas:

1. Natural Science and Mathematics

2. Humanities

3. Social, Economic, and Political Institutions and Human Behavior

c. Business Administration

(Not for Business majors)

n. Nursing

G. Multicultural Requirement

(3 units minimum)

Within General Education selections, students must complete at least 3 units of the following coursework that addresses multicultural, ethnic studies, gender, or nonwestern cultures issues. Courses that fulfill both the multicultural and another General Education area requirement are indicated within the course description: