Mar 03, 2025
2012-2013 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Urban and Community Studies Concentration
This is a concentration within the Bachelor of Arts program in Social Sciences .
The Urban and Community Studies Concentration is an undergraduate course of study for students who wish to investigate major problems which result from the growing complexity of our urban environment. Environmental, behavioral, and administrative aspects of urban areas are considered, along with useful techniques for studying urban problems.
Students who pursue this interdisciplinary program obtain a background for positions in a variety of governmental or voluntary agencies, as well as preparation for graduate training in such professional programs as public administration, urban or regional planning, social welfare, etc.
Internships for students in this concentration are available through the Departments of Politics and Public Administration, Sociology, and Anthropology/Geography. Students in the Urban and Community Studies concentration who wish to be considered for participation should contact the department for additional information.
2. Complete the following prerequisites to the concentration:
(12-13 units) d. Complete one of the following research methods courses:
3. The following courses are recommended but not required:
4. Complete the Urban and Community Studies concentration as outlined below.
5. Completion of a minor is not required.
The Concentration
(35 units minimum) Complete the Urban and Community Studies Concentration as outlined below: 1. Urban Environment
(9-10 units) 2. Urban Behavior
(3 units) 3. Urban Administration and Politics
(6-7 units) 4. Junior/Senior Research Topic
Complete four units in the form of two 2-unit courses in Individual Study, completing an interdisciplinary research paper or research project under the supervision of appropriate instructors from the two selected disciplines. The research topic must focus on an aspect of urbanism or community life in California. Students must have at least junior standing and at least 12 upper-division units in the concentration before registering for this program requirement. Both two-unit courses must be taken in the same semester. 6. Complete the remainder of the required 35 units.
Select from the list below, or from courses not used in fulfilling the Urban Environment or Urban Behavior requirements above. Additional work beyond the minimum requirements for the concentration is highly recommended. Note:
The Director of the Urban and Community Studies concentration may from time to time designate certain Winter Term or other courses as applicable to the concentration. See the Director for further information. * Available only to students in departmental internship programs. |