Feb 07, 2025  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Department of Liberal Studies

Katie Olivant, Ed.D., Interim Chair

Professor: Davis
Assistant Professors: Gonzales, Olivant, Soodjinda

Office: Demergasso-Bava Hall (DBH) 300
Phone: (209) 667-3749

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies: Elementary Teaching Content Preparation  

Liberal Studies: Elementary Teaching Content Preparation is a pre-professional Subject Matter Preparation Program leading to enrollment in a Multiple Subject Credential Program (MSCP) or Education Specialist Credential Program (ESCP).

Liberal Studies majors may be admitted to the credential program prior to completing their bachelor degrees. Units in the credential program can be applied as upper-division elective credit toward satisfying the 120-unit requirement for graduation.

Currently, admission to the CSU Stanislaus MSCP requires either a 2.67 overall grade point average or a 2.75 grade point average in the last 60 units.  Additional details and information pertaining to entrance into the credential program is available in the College of Education, Kinesiology and Social Work section of this catalog, and at the Teacher Education Department office. Students should consult with the Credential Services Office in DBH 303 for changes in the precise requirements for admission to the credential program.

Introductory Subject Matter Authorizations

CSU Stanislaus is authorized by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to recommend subject matter authorizations as additions to the Multiple Subject Credential upon verification of coursework and grades. Liberal Studies majors can add authorizations certifying them to teach English, Math, Social Science, or Science through grade nine to their CSU Stanislaus Multiple Subject Credential.

Verification of Subject Matter Authorizations is done in the Liberal Studies Department and forwarded to CSU Stanislaus Credential Services.  Coursework must be completed before student teaching is finished. Information is available in the Liberal Studies Department or on the Department website.

Program Learning Outcomes

Liberal Studies: Elementary Teaching Content Preparation graduates:

  • Make explicit connections between California K-8 Content Standards and subject matter knowledge in Liberal Studies major coursework.
  • Demonstrate integrative thinking through the development of projects that connect and integrate discipline knowledge across subject matter areas.
  • Demonstrate sensitivity to the diverse cultural, linguistic, and learning abilities of students, and understanding of a variety of teaching strategies to effectively teach all learners.
  • Demonstrate effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills in a variety of communication contexts
  • Reflect thoughtfully and critically examine volunteer service activities in K-8 classrooms.
  • Demonstrate educational technologies relevant to teaching and learning.