Oct 06, 2024  
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog 
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Academic Policies and Procedures

Click on any of the following links for information:

Adding and Dropping Courses

The Schedule of Classes provides complete information on adding or dropping courses for a particular term. The following regulations govern adding or dropping a course during the term:

  1. CHOICE OF METHOD: Students may add or drop courses using one of two ways: (a) by filing an approved Add/Drop Form with the Enrollment Services Office, or (b) via Web Registration. There is a $10 late add fee.
  2. DEADLINES: Students may add courses until the last day to register, as indicated in the College Year Calendar. Instructor signatures are required after the first 5 days of the term.  Adding or dropping courses after the Enrollment Census Date will not be allowed. After the Enrollment Census Date, students are responsible for completion of the course(s) in which they are enrolled. Dropping a course after the last day of a term is not allowed.
  3. EXCEPTIONS: When documented extreme circumstances beyond the student’s control, e.g., accident, serious illness, change of working hours causing a class/work conflict, transfer out of the area, hospitalization, etc., make dropping a course or withdrawing from the University necessary, and when continued enrollment would unduly penalize the student, the student may petition for an exemption to the regulation. When a student is permitted by petition or other special action to drop a course after the Enrollment Census Date, the Administrative grade symbol of “W” (withdraw) will be assigned.
  4. REFUNDS: Students who are entitled to a partial refund because of a reduced course load must have officially dropped courses by the published refund deadline.
  5. ENROLLMENT STATUS: Students who drop all of their classes prior to the Enrollment Census Date are not considered enrolled for that term and may be required to reapply for admission to resume enrollment for the following term. (See policy on Admission Reapplication Requirement.) Students who drop all of their classes after the Enrollment Census Date are considered enrolled for that term and are eligible to register as continuing students for the following term. This policy applies to both postbaccalaureate and undergraduate students.


With the instructor’s permission, admitted students may register in courses as auditors without credit. Auditors are not authorized in a full course. Enrollment will be permitted only after students otherwise eligible to enroll in the course on a credit basis have had an opportunity to do so. To add a class for audit, a registered student must file a program change form at the Enrollment Services Office. Auditors must pay the same registration fees as other students and may not change their registration to obtain credit after the last day to drop a course. A student registered for credit may not change to audit status after the last day to drop a course. An auditor may participate in class activities or take examinations with the instructor’s consent. Regular class attendance is expected. An audited course will not be posted on the permanent academic record unless the student has formally registered for the course and, in the opinion of the instructor, has attended a substantial number of class meetings.

Course Challenge Examinations

Matriculated students may fulfill certain requirements through Challenge Examinations. Normally, both subject and unit credit will be granted and counted toward the University’s 120 semester unit graduation requirement. Such credit is not treated as part of the student’s regular term work load and therefore does not require a petition for excess study load. Challenge Examination credit will not be counted toward fulfillment of the University’s residence requirement and may not be counted toward the completion of major, minor, and credential requirements except with the approval of the major and/or minor adviser and the department chair.

A currently or formerly enrolled student who has special preparation may only challenge courses as determined and approved by the department. A student may receive Challenge Examination credit for the following two types of courses at the University.

  1.  Courses Regularly Offered by Examination. Special course sections for credit by examination may be offered in the Schedule of Classes by a department.
    Credit may be earned in these courses by:
    1. Enrolling in the course for Credit by Examination during a regular registration period;
    2. Taking the Challenge Examination at the time and place specified and passing it at the level deemed satisfactory by the department. Grades of Credit (CR) or No Credit (NC) will be awarded.
  2. Other Catalog Courses. A student who has special preparation may challenge selected catalog courses as determined by the department by:
    1. Securing a Request for Credit by Challenge Examination from the Enrollment Services Office, obtaining the necessary departmental approvals, paying the appropriate examination fee, and filing all copies of the completed request with the Testing Office.
    2. Taking the Challenge Examination at the time and place specified and passing it at the level deemed satisfactory by the department. Grades of Credit (CR) or No Credit (NC) will be awarded.

Challenge of Subject Requirements

Certain specific subject requirements (e.g., U.S. Constitution, State and Local Government, etc.) may be passed by Challenge Examinations under the following conditions:

  1. An appropriate course is not offered by the University.
  2. Special arrangements must be made with the appropriate department for the preparation of the necessary examination.
  3. The student must secure a Request for Credit by Challenge Examination form, secure the necessary approvals, pay an examination fee, and file all copies of the completed request with the Testing Office.
  4. The student must take the Challenge Examination at the time and place specified, and pass it at a level deemed satisfactory by the department.

Subject credit only is granted for this type of Challenge Examination. An appropriate notation certifying completion of the specific requirement will be placed on the student’s permanent academic record.

Change of Postal/E-mail Addresses

Students who change mailing, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers after admission or registration should immediately notify the Enrollment Services Office. This information is needed to ensure that official communications, registration information, correspondence, and other such materials reach the student without delay.

Class Attendance

Regularity in attending classes is assumed. The instructor sets the attendance policies. It is the student’s responsibility to consult the instructor about particular policies regarding missed class sessions and to give the instructor notice prior to any anticipated absence. The supervisors of University-sanctioned activities have an obligation to respect the importance of regular class attendance for successful academic performance and to minimize the number of such absences.  Instructional faculty have an obligation to respect the importance of student participation in University-sanctioned activities and should work to assist students in meeting their academic responsibilities.  The instructor will determine what arrangements, if any, are to be provided for the student to make up class work and will communicate those arrangements to the student.

Concurrent Enrollment

Any matriculated student pursuing a degree or credential at CSU Stanislaus who desires to enroll for a course at another institution should secure prior approval from the major adviser if credit is to be accepted. Acceptance of credit depends on policies set forth in the catalog section on Evaluation of Transfer Credit, and it is the student’s responsibility to find out whether a concurrent enrollment course will be accepted. Application forms are available from the Enrollment Services Office.

Continuous Enrollment Requirement

Students who do not complete at least one course during one semester each calendar year risk the loss of rights to their original catalog year graduation requirements, as explained in the Catalog Year for Graduation Requirements section of this catalog under Baccalaureate Degree Requirements. See the Readmission Requirements section of this catalog.

Declaration or Change of Educational Objectives

An undergraduate student who selects or changes the degree objective at CSU Stanislaus after enrollment must file a Declaration or Change of Degree Objective form with the Enrollment Services Office. To change and/or declare a degree objective officially, the student is required to receive advising from an adviser in the receiving major/concentration/program, and all appropriate signatures must be obtained on the form. Students admitted to a credential program will have their academic status updated by the Credentials Processing Center in the College of Education.

General Education Credit

The Schedule of Classes and the current catalog designate the current courses offered at CSU Stanislaus which are applicable to General Education requirements. Only courses so designated are approved for credit applicable to General Education. All enrolled undergraduates should therefore refer to the General Education Breadth Requirements section in this catalog.

Grade Assignment and Grade Appeal Procedures

The grade assignment and grade appeal procedures of California State University, Stanislaus are based upon the following premises:

  1. An important duty of teaching faculty is the timely and accurate evaluation of student work and the assignment of an appropriate grade.
  2. It is the responsibility of qualified faculty to assign a grade when the instructor of record does not do so.

Grade Assignment

  1. Reporting Grades. At the end of each term, instructors are required to submit grade reports to the Enrollment Services Office within 72 hours after each final examination period. The grades are recorded in writing and in the appropriate area on the Final Grade Report form. This form is prepared by computer printout and distributed to the faculty by the Enrollment Services Office. A cover sheet is attached giving the procedures to follow in reporting grades and the specific due dates. The Final Grade Report requires the instructor’s signature and the date. Reports are accepted only from the instructor, the department secretary, or other duly authorized department representatives.
  2. If the instructor of record fails to assign a grade within 10 working days after grades are due, the department chair shall appoint two (2) appropriate faculty members and these three persons will jointly determine the grade. The department chair will be vested with the authority and required to inform the Enrollment Services Office in writing to record the grade.
  3. If the chair is the instructor of record, the appropriate College Dean or his/her designee shall assume the responsibility normally discharged by the chair.

Change of Grade by the Instructor of Record

Grade changes are submitted to the Enrollment Services Office by the instructor on the Change of Grade Card. The appropriateness of the instructor’s grade change is determined by the department chair, whose signature is required on the Change of Grade Card in addition to the instructor’s signature. The Change of Grade Card is accepted only from the instructor, the department secretary, or other duly authorized department representative. There is no time limit imposed for such grade changes.

Grade Appeal Policy and Procedures

To initiate a grade appeal, the student must complete the Grade Appeal Form and adhere to the procedures and timelines described below.

  1. By order of the Chancellor’s Office, the Senate of CSU Stanislaus is responsible for providing students a grade appeal procedure.
  2. There is a presumption that grades assigned by faculty members are correct. Thus, the burden of proof rests with the student who is appealing.
  3. Appeal procedures are available only for review of alleged capricious
    grading and not for review of an instructor’s judgment in assessing the quality of a student’s work. In the absence of capricious grading, the grade determined by the instructor of record is final.

Capricious grading, as used here, constitutes any of the following:

  1. Instructor’s failure to notify students as to the basis of grade determination in a clear and timely manner.
  2. Grading that results from a substantial departure from the instructor’s previously announced standards.
  3. Grading based on anything other than the student’s performance in the course.
  4. Discrimination or prejudice.
  5. Error in calculating the grade.
  6. Arbitrary grade assignment (the lack of consistent and equitable standards for grade assignment).

The grade appeal shall be dismissed by the Grade Appeal Committee if:

a. The allegations would not constitute capricious grading, or
b. The only disagreement is with the instructor’s grading standards, or
c. The appeal was not timely, or
d. The student has not provided the instructor with written notification.

  1. Students who can demonstrate a reasonable doubt about the correctness of an assigned grade deserve access to a due process hearing before an appropriate body and, when justified, deserve to receive a grade correction.
  2. If a student believes a grade assigned is incorrect, the student must file with the instructor a written statement of appeal and the Grade Appeal Procedures form within the first four weeks of the immediately following fall or spring semester. (The Grade Appeal Procedures form is available from the Office of the Vice Provost, MSR 360, or by calling 209/667-3082, or online at http://studentaffairs.csustan.edu/.) This appeal must detail and document the compelling reasons which form the basis for the student’s contention that the assigned grade is incorrect. The instructor will respond in writing, within 15 working days on receipt of the appeal, indicating either approval or denial of the appeal. (If the appropriate College Dean or his/her designee judges that the instructor of record is inaccessible, the student may initiate the appeal with the department chair.)
  3. In the event the instructor denies the appeal or fails to respond in writing, and the student wishes to pursue the matter further, the student shall submit the written appeal to the department chair with any further clarifications and/or contentions the student chooses to add to the original appeal. This action must be taken within 15 working days of the time the instructor informs the student of the denial. The department chair will, on receipt of the written appeal from the student, constitute a Grade Appeal Committee within 15 working days.
  4. The Grade Appeal Committee shall be appointed by the chair in consultation with the student and instructor and consist of one faculty member from the involved department, one faculty member from outside the involved department, and the President of the Associated Students or his/her designee. The department chair shall, in consultation with the instructor and student, appoint the chair of the Grade Appeal Committee. In those cases in which a Grade Appeal Committee is constituted to hear multiple appeals of capricious grading from students in the same class, the Committee Members must take actions to ensure confidentiality/privacy of each student and render an independent decision for each case.
  5. The duties of the Grade Appeal Committee shall be completed within 20 working days from the date constituted. This committee shall be provided all prior written correspondence from the student and instructor related to the grade appeal.
  6. The Committee will review the written documents and take one of the following actions:
    1. Judge that the appeal has no merit and so inform the student and instructor in writing, in which case the matter is ended, or
    2. Judge that there is reasonable doubt regarding the correctness of the grade and, in this event, initiate a hearing.
  7. In the event a hearing is initiated, the Committee shall investigate and discuss the matter with the involved student and instructor. Both shall be entitled to be present throughout the hearing and to present evidence, including testimony by other persons. The student and instructor may be accompanied by a person from the University faculty or student body to assist them in presenting evidence. The hearing shall not be open to the public. At the close of the hearing, the Committee shall deliberate privately. The chair shall assure that the following procedures are employed in the conduct of the hearing:
    1. Efforts may be made to resolve the matter by extra-procedural settlement at any time.
    2. The student shall first make an opening statement by presenting evidence which the student believes constitutes legitimate grounds for the grade appeal.
    3. After the student has presented his/her evidence, the Committee may agree to terminate the hearing, if the evidence presented does not constitute legitimate grounds for the grade appeal.
    4. After the student presents evidence in support of the grade appeal, the instructor may present rebuttal evidence.
    5. Following the private deliberations of the Committee, the chair shall, in writing, inform the student, instructor, and department chair of its findings. If the Committee finds that there is a compelling reason to approve the grade appeal, the instructor is expected to change the grade to the grade recommended by the Committee.
    6. In the event the instructor chooses not to change the grade, the department chair shall be vested with the authority and required to inform the Enrollment Services Office in writing to change the original grade to the grade recommended by the Committee. The transcript shall reflect that the grade was changed as a result of administrative action.
  8. If the department chair is the instructor of record, or serves in lieu of the instructor, the appropriate College Dean or his/her designee shall assume the responsibilities normally discharged by the chair.
  9. In the event the student or instructor alleges that improper grade appeal procedures were employed, the appropriate College Dean or his/her designee shall investigate and take corrective action, if improprieties have occurred.
  10. The Committee is not authorized to reprimand or otherwise take disciplinary action against the instructor. Evidence put before the Committee shall be admissible in any disciplinary proceedings which may thereafter be undertaken against the instructor, but the disciplinary body shall make an independent determination of whether that evidence and any other information before that body constitutes sufficient proof of the conduct charged.
  11. None of the established procedures available to the instructor to raise grievances before the Faculty Affairs Committee or through CSU grievance procedures shall be abridged or affected by the actions of the Committee.
  12. The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designee
    shall annually provide a written summary of grade appeals to the CSU Stanislaus Academic Senate and President.

Specific questions regarding Grade Appeal Procedures should be addressed to the Vice Provost, whose office is located in the Mary Stuart Rogers Building, Suite 360. Students may also call (209) 667-3082. Detailed grade appeal procedures are also included in the Faculty Handbook and the Student Handbook.

Grade Reports To Students

Students may access their grades by logging on to their account online at www.csustan.edu and accessing their information. Instructions for use of Web Registration are included in the Schedule of Classes Informational Guide. Students may also order an official transcript after the conclusion of each semester.

Incomplete Work

 An incomplete signifies (1) that a portion of required coursework has not been completed and evaluated in the prescribed time period due to unforeseen but fully justified reasons beyond the student’s control, and (2) that there is still a possibility of earning credit. It is the responsibility of the student to bring pertinent information to the attention of the instructor and to determine from the instructor the remaining course requirements which must be satisfied to remove the Incomplete. The conditions for removal of the Incomplete shall be put in writing by the instructor and given to the student, with a copy placed on file with the department chair. A final grade will be assigned when the work agreed upon has been completed and evaluated.

Any Incomplete must be made up within the time limit set by the instructor; in any case, no more than one calendar year following the end of the term in which the Incomplete was assigned. An incomplete should never be used to (1) give a failing student an opportunity to redo unsatisfactory work or complete additional work; or (2) give a student more time to complete his/her work when the reasons for the delay have been within his/her control. This limitation prevails whether or not the student maintains continuous enrollment. Failure to complete the assigned work will result in an incomplete reverting to a grade of NC for grading options 1 and 2, and to a grade of IC for grading option 3. (See the Academic Standards section of this catalog and the Schedule of Classes Informational Guide for grading options.)

In cases of prolonged illness or any emergency which necessitates an extension of time to complete the course, t he student may petition through the academic department where the course was offered. Students may not be permitted to graduate until all Incompletes are removed or evaluated as “IC” grades. Students are not to reregister in courses in which they have an Incomplete.

Individual Study Courses

At the option of the instructor, Individual Study courses may be available in certain fields to a student who has demonstrated capacity for independent study. A total of nine units of individual study credit earned at CSU Stanislaus is the maximum permitted toward a degree, credential, or other educational objective. These courses are numbered 4980, 5980, and 6980 following the subject field prefix.

A student seeking to enroll for an Individual Study course must file the original copy of an approved Request for Course by Individual Study form at registration. Request forms are available at the Enrollment Services Office. The request for individual study must be approved by the student’s individual study instructor, the instructor’s department chair, the major adviser, and the appropriate college dean at the time the student registers for the course. The approved request form must be received in the Enrollment Services Office on or before the term enrollment deadline.

Instructor Withdrawal

Students who register for a class and do not attend the first class meeting should notify the instructor or the departmental office no later than 24 hours after the class meeting if they intend to remain in the class. Students who fail to provide such notification may be dropped administratively from the class by the instructor. The instructor also may administratively drop students who do not meet the catalog prerequisites for the class. These administrative drops shall be without penalty and must be filed by the instructor with the Enrollment Services Office no later than the Enrollment Census Date each term.

By the last day to drop a course (by the census date), students should officially drop courses which they have no intention of completing rather than risk an “F” or “NC” grade. Students should not assume the instructor will take disenrollment action.

At the end of the fourth week of instruction (by the census date) there shall be a campus-wide enrollment update; any student who has never attended a particular course shall be dropped administratively from the course by the instructor. If the instructor fails to administratively drop a student who has not attended class, it is still the student’s responsibility to promptly drop the class through the Enrollment Services Office.

Leaves of Absence

Planned Student Leave for Undergraduates

A Planned Student Leave is an interruption of students’ formal education in which they voluntarily cease their enrollment at CSU Stanislaus to pursue other educationally related activities to complete or enrich their academic programs or to clarify their educational goals. The intent of this program is to make it possible for students to suspend their academic work, leave the campus, and later resume their studies with a minimum of procedural difficulty. It is not intended for students who only wish to attend another institution.

Planned Student Leave request forms are available from the Enrollment Services Office. Enrollment at another institution of higher education during Planned Student Leave is subject to advance Concurrent Enrollment approval.

  1. Eligibility: Any enrolled student is eligible to request a Planned Student Leave. Newly admitted students who have not yet registered are also eligible; the primary intent in such instances being to provide an opportunity for beginning students to pause between high school or community college and CSU Stanislaus enrollment.
  2. Requests for Approval:
    1. Each Planned Student Leave request must include a stated intent to re-enroll at CSU Stanislaus within a specified period, and a plan for how the time is to be used in relation to an educational objective. Acceptable requests will be those for planned travel, national service, study, or other specific plans which will contribute to the student’s educational objectives.
    2. The request must be filed prior to the period of absence and is subject to the approvals of the student’s assigned academic adviser, department chair, and the Enrollment Services Office.
    3. Educational leaves may begin at any time. However, if a student chooses to begin a leave while coursework is in progress, the student is subject to all normal regulations and clearances (e.g., official withdrawal, financial aid termination, etc.).
  3. Duration of Leave: A typical Planned Student Leave will be for one academic year. A student may request, in writing, an extension of leave prior to its termination. Under no circumstances shall successive leaves exceed two calendar years.
  4. Return Responsibilities and Benefits: Students returning from an approved educational leave may be required to submit an application for readmission but will not be required to pay another application fee or submit to residency if terms of the leave have been satisfied. Returning students must specify on the application for readmission form that they are returning from an approved leave. Readmission is guaranteed providing the readmission application is filed according to the following schedule: fall, November; winter and spring, August; and summer term, February—or 30 days after leave approval, whichever is later. A student will be guaranteed normal registration priority and rights to prior graduation requirements provided leave terms fully are met and proper return procedures are followed.
  5. Compliance: A student on a Planned Student Leave who does not comply with the provisions of this policy and the conditions of the leave is subject to forfeiture of the advantages of this program.

Unavoidable Leave of Absence

Students withdrawing from CSU Stanislaus who will not be registered for at least one semester each calendar year for reasons beyond their control (e.g., compulsory military duty, medical, pregnancy, etc.) may request a “leave of absence” to protect their right to degree requirements which were fixed at the time of admission to the University. Submission of written verification explaining the reason(s) for non-enrollment is required. Financial reasons for non-enrollment are not an acceptable justification for Leave of Absence approval. This Request for Leave of Absence form is obtained from and filed with the Enrollment Services Office. Granting a “leave of absence” to a student does not guarantee readmission to the University nor exemption from the regular application for readmission procedure, application fees, and filing dates. Students may also protect their rights to a former catalog year for graduation requirements by enrolling at least part-time for one semester each calendar year, as explained in the Catalog Year for Graduation Requirements section of this catalog under Baccalaureate Degree Requirements.

Nondiscrimination Policy

The California State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, physical disability or sexual orientation in the educational programs, athletics, or other activities it conducts.


The California State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender or sexual orientation in the educational programs or activities it conducts. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and certain other federal and state laws prohibit discrimination on these bases in education programs and activities operated by California State University, Stanislaus. Such programs and activities include admission of students and employment. Inquiries concerning the application of these laws to programs and activities of CSU Stanislaus may be referred to the Regional Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Region 9, 50 UN Plaza, Room 239, San Francisco, California 94102. The California State University is committed to providing equal opportunities to male and female CSU students in all campus programs including intercollegiate athletics.


The California State University does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), and various state laws prohibit such discrimination. Inquiries concerning compliance may be addressed to the Regional Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Region 9, 50 UN Plaza, Room 239, San Francisco, California 94102.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS)

Current or potential students and employees of CSU Stanislaus with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) shall be afforded unrestricted classroom attendance, working conditions, use of University facilities and participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities as long as they are physically and psychologically able to do so.

Race, Color, and National Origin

The California State University complies with the requirements of Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as other applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination. No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program of The California State University.

Inquiries concerning the application of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to programs and activities of CSU Stanislaus may be referred to the Regional Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Region 9, 50 UN Plaza, Room 239, San Francisco, California 94102.

Age, Marital Status, Religion, or Sexual Orientation

By CSU Board of Trustees policy, the California State University does not discriminate on the basis of age, marital status, religion, or sexual orientation. Inquiries concerning compliance may be addressed to the Regional Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Region 9, 50 UN Plaza, Room 239, San Francisco, California 94102.

Official Program Limits

A student who wishes to register for more than 16 units for fall or spring semester must obtain the approval of the major department chair at registration on an Add/Drop form. The maximum for which a student may enroll during a winter term is five units, and during summer term, 10 units. Additional units in a winter and summer term require the approval of the major department chair on an Add/Drop form. Enrollment for approved excess units is permitted beginning the first day of class. Units taken for Credit by Examination do not count toward excess units; however, concurrent enrollment courses, audited courses, and courses in which a student is making up an incomplete grade are all counted as part of the student’s total course load, making them applicable to this regulation.

When courses in the 5000 series are included, a program normally may not exceed three courses or 12 units in fall or spring. Students with outside responsibilities are advised to reduce their study loads proportionately.

Petitions/Appeal of University Requirements

Students may petition university deadlines, or for waiver, or substitution of certain university-wide academic requirements, or request a review of decisions affecting their academic status. Petition forms and information concerning regulations may be secured from the Enrollment Services Office and the First-Year Programs and Advising Office. All such petitions must be reviewed and signed by the appropriate faculty, dean, and/or director as indicated on the back of the petition form. Undergraduate students should file petitions with the First-Year Programs and Advising Office or the Enrollment Services Office, and graduate program students should file petitions with the Graduate School Office. Generally, appeals concerning administrative deadlines that have passed should be directed to a college dean. A $10 petition processing fee is charged.

A request for waiver or substitution concerning a departmental major, minor, or other requirements should be directed to the appropriate department. No processing fee is charged.

An Appeals Committee on Student Petitions has been established as advisory to the Provost. Petition decisions concerning academic status and certain academic requirements may be referred to the Appeals Committee via the First-Year Programs and Advising Office.

Postbaccalaureate Credit

All courses taken during the term in which a student earns a degree that are not needed to fulfill degree requirements will upon the approval of the Request for Postbaccalaureate Credit form, be indicated on the student’s permanent academic record as acceptable postbaccalaureate credit*. Forms may be obtained on-line or at Enrollment Services, MSR 120.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Please refer to the Appendix.

Report in Progress

The RP (Report in Progress, formerly Satisfactory Progress Work) symbol is used in connection with courses that extend beyond one academic term (e.g. master’s thesis or project). It indicates that work is in progress, but that assignment of a final grade must await completion of additional work. RP grades shall be removed within one year after issuance of the grade except for graduate degree thesis or project. A student whose thesis or project is planned to extend over more than the term of first enrollment in a 5990 or 5960 course may receive a report in progress (RP) grade. The RP will remain through the period of the program which is limited to a maximum of seven years. If the RP is not removed within these time limits, the grade will revert to NC for grading options 1 and 2, and to a grade of F for grading option 3. An extension of time may be granted via appropriate petition to the academic department where the courses were offered for undergraduate students or the Graduate School for graduate students.

Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures


This policy provides a definition of sexual harassment. It specifies pre-disciplinary, pre-grievance procedures for report and resolving complaints of sexual harassment. Formal disciplinary and grievance procedures are already defined by existing policies, executive orders, codes, and collective bargaining contracts pertinent to University employees and students.

If the physical safety of any University individual is in question, the President will act immediately, within the authority of Title 5, Section 41301, the Education Code Sec. 22505 or the Penal Code Sec. 626.4 to protect the threatened party. Formal proceedings may be initiated immediately by the President in consultation with the Sexual Harassment Officer(s), and the appropriate grievance/disciplinary action officer.

No individual shall be subject to reprisal for using this policy, nor shall its use preclude subsequent disciplinary or grievance measures. All units of campus community are expected to comply with this policy.

Except as needed in processing the complaint, the Sexual Harassment Officers are required to maintain confidentiality in dealing with sexual harassment complaints.

Definition of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is one person’s use of University authority, rank, or position to distort a University relationship by conduct which emphasizes another person’s sexuality. Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature are forms of sexual harassment when the person with authority, rank, or position:

  1. Requires submission as an explicit or implicit condition of instruction, employment, or participation in any University activity; or
  2. Distorts academic or personnel evaluations based on response to such conduct; or
  3. Hinders performance by creating or allowing sexually intimidating, hostile, or offensive behavior to occur in the University or in a University-related setting.

Sexual harassment is unethical and unprofessional conduct, illegal, and against California State University, Stanislaus policy. It may occur in written, spoken, physical, and visual forms. The University will act to eliminate sexual harassment within its jurisdiction. A person with University authority, rank, or position must not use that power to create sexual pressure on someone else or on the workplace in general.

The University will evaluate each incident of alleged sexual harassment and apply appropriate remedies. It can dismiss employees or expel students for sexual harassment. The University recognizes that any member of the campus community might be called upon to listen to a complaint of alleged sexual harassment. The listener should be objective and attentive, while discouraging use of names. No records should be kept, nor should promises for specific action or final decisions be made. The listener should refer the complainant to a University Sexual Harassment Officer.

Sexual Harassment Officers (SHO)

Sexual Harassment Officers are presidential designees and in that capacity are accountable directly to the President. The SHOs shall be the Campus Compliance Officer, and the Dean of Students.

SHOs are empowered to hear and evaluate each complaint of alleged sexual harassment and to attempt resolution. SHOs shall observe basic standards of due process and confidentiality in all actions.

The Sexual Harassment Officer shall pursue complaints promptly through the stages outlined below. Any discussion, investigation, or action taken under these procedures shall not conflict with student grievance procedures, regulations governing student affairs, collective bargaining contracts, and Executive Order 927.

Pre-Formal Resolution of Complaints

The complainant may choose to enter into a pre-formal discussion or to request that the SHO conduct an investigation immediately. (See Item 2 following).

1. Pre-Formal Discussion

Pre-formal discussion or resolution does not require a written complaint. Any SHO will hear complaints, determine the remedy sought, and review options for resolution. The review shall include a discussion of applicable University policies and procedures as well as external options for resolution. The SHO shall aid the complainant in identifying ways in which further harassment might be prevented. University policy requires that the Internal Relations Office keep written records of all complaints. Such records need not identify complainant or alleged harasser by name nor shall they be part of any individual’s official file at this stage of the procedure.

At the request of the complainant, the SHO may attempt to resolve the situation by taking some or all of the following steps:

  1. Informing the alleged harasser directly or through an appropriate administrator or supervisor that a problem has been raised concerning that person’s conduct.
  2. Informing the alleged harasser of University policy regarding sexual harassment.
  3. Assisting the alleged harasser in identifying behaviors which might lead to complaints and ways in which that behavior might be changed to avoid further complaints.
  4. Recommending that an oral or written warning or reprimand be issued to the alleged harasser.

2. Pre-Formal Investigation and Reporting

At the request of the complainant and upon receipt of a written and signed complaint, the SHO shall initiate investigation procedures, which may include meetings at which both the complainant and the alleged harasser are present.

At the conclusion of the investigation, if the SHO deems further action is warranted, a written report shall be submitted to the President. The report shall include a description of the facts, the remedy sought by the complainant, and recommendations for further action as deemed appropriate by the SHO. These recommendations shall be based upon the strength of evidence against the accused, the seriousness of action(s) that led to the complaint, and the remedy sought by the complainant. If formal disciplinary action is initiated, copies of the report shall be sent to the appropriate grievance/disciplinary action officer for faculty or staff or students, as well as to the complainant and the accused.

Upon receipt of the SHO’s report, the President or appropriate grievance/disciplinary action officer shall:

  1. Make every attempt to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of both the complainant and the accused;
  2. Inform both parties of procedures available to them should either be dissatisfied with the resolution of the complaint.

If such a meeting(s) results in a settlement, the terms of the settlement shall be put in writing and be signed by the complainant, the alleged harasser, and the SHO.

If either party is dissatisfied with actions taken up to this point, redress may be pursued through existing complaint, grievance, or disciplinary procedures in student policies and regulations, collective bargaining contracts, and Executive Order 419.


Student Classifications

Class level:
  Freshman 0–29.9 acceptable completed semester units
  Sophomore 30–59.9 acceptable completed semester units
  Junior 60–89.9 acceptable completed semester units
  Senior 90 or more acceptable completed semester units
  Postbaccalaureate Possesses acceptable baccalaureate or advanced degree
  Graduate Admitted to a master’s or other graduate degree program
Admission status:
  General Met all admission requirements
  Probational Admitted with scholastic deficiency warning (see Scholarship Standards)
  Conditional Permitted to register pending official verification of admission status
  Extension Permitted to register for extension and open university coursework only; not admitted to the University
  Visitor Permitted to register for a single term only
Enrollment status:
  Continuing Student who had resident unit credit attempted during the prior term
  Returning A former matriculated student returning after an absence of one or more terms
  New Student who is registering in a regular term for the firsttime


Course Load Classifications

Audit enrollment does not yield unit load credit for other than fee purposes. Financial aid recipients must enroll at least half-time to qualify for payment from most campus-awarded funds. Payments will be prorated for full-time, three-quarter-time, half-time and in some limited cases less-than-half-time enrollment. Payments to unclassified graduate students and graduate credential candidates will be based on the credit totals defined for undergraduate students.

Undergraduate Full-time and Part-time Students:

All undergraduates are classified as full- or part-time by credit totals:


Classification Fall/Spring Credits Winter Credits Summer Credits
Fulltime 10.0 or more 3.0 or more 6.0 or more
¾ 7.0–9.5 2.0–2.5 5.0-5.5
½ 5.0–6.5 1.5 3.0-4.5
¼ 4.0–4.5 1 2.0-2.5
Less than 1/4 .5–3.5 0.5 NA


  1. During the fall and spring semesters these classifications also apply to postbaccalaureate students enrolled for less than 4 credits of coursework applicable to any graduate program.
  2. During winter and summer terms these classifications apply to postbaccalaureate students enrolled for less than 2 units of coursework applicable to any graduate program.
  3. International students enrolled in 12 units are classified as full-time during fall or spring.
  4. Veterans should refer to the section on Veterans status for classification information.
  5. Financial Aid applicants should contact the Financial Aid Office for eligible enrollment level.

Graduate Classification

Postbaccalaureate students enrolled for 4 or more credits of coursework applicable to a graduate program are classified as full-time or part-time according to the unit totals shown below. Students must enroll for 2 or more units applicable to a graduate program during Winter Term to be classified in this category.


Classification Fall/Spring Credits Winter Credits Summer Credits
Full-time 7.0 or more 2.0 or more 4.0 or more
¾ 5.5–6.5 NA 3.0-3.5
½ 4.0–5.0 NA 2.0-2.5
¼ NA NA 1.0-1.5
Less than 1/4 NA NA NA


Note: International classified graduate students enrolled in 8 units are considered full-time and unclassified graduate students enrolled in 12 units are considered full-time students during fall and spring.


Official transcripts of courses attempted at CSU Stanislaus are issued only with the written permission of the student concerned. Partial transcripts are not issued. Transcript fees are as follows: $4 for a single copy; $2 for each additional transcript prepared at the same time up to ten copies; $1 for each additional transcript prepared at the same time exceeding ten copies. A verification of enrollment fee is $5. A priority transcript or enrollment verification request fee is $10. Transcripts from other institutions which have been presented for admission or evaluation become a part of the student’s permanent academic file. Students desiring transcripts covering work attempted elsewhere should request them from the institutions concerned. Students should allow 7-10 working days for transcript processing. Students may obtain copies of their CSU Stanislaus course history by logging on to their account online and accessing their information at www.csustan.edu.

Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses

Courses numbered 5000 through 6999 are graduate or professional postbaccalaureate courses. The only undergraduate students permitted to enroll in these courses are last term seniors within nine semester units of graduation, who have obtained the proper approvals. See Postbaccalaureate Credit earlier in this section.