Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • EDMS 4130 - Science and Health Methods

    3 unit(s)
    Addresses the principles and practices for teaching science and health instruction in grades K-8, including teaching strategies, lesson design and delivery, and selection of appropriate materials for instruction.

    Prerequisites: Admission into the Multiple Subject Credential Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDMS 4140 - History and Social Sciences - Visual Performing Arts

    3 unit(s)
    Addresses the principles and practices for teaching history/social science and visual and performing arts instruction in grades K-8, including instructional strategies, lesson design and delivery, and selection of appropriate materials for instruction.

    Prerequisites: Admission into the Multiple Subject Credential Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDMS 4150 - Methods in Multilingual Educat

    3 unit(s)
    Presents methods for teaching English language development (ELD) and subject matter content to English learners, including dual language and SDAIE methods. Focuses on the social and cultural origins of language.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDMS 4165 - Survey of School Health and Safety

    1 unit(s)
    (Formerly HLTH 4165, EDSC 4165) A survey of local, state, and federal statutes and policies related to the health and safety of K-12 pupils.  Reviews comprehensive school health and introduces the California Health Framework and Health Curriculum Standards.  Presents ways to teach health education in California schools. (Offered under the subjects KINS, EDMS, and EDSS)

    Prerequisites: Admission to MSCP/SSCP Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDMS 4180 - Classroom Management and Professional Practice

    3 unit(s)
    Presents methods of classroom management and practical aspects of working in schools. Also addresses the professional duties and obligations of teachers.

    Prerequisites: Admission to full-time student teaching.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDMS 4190 - Student Teaching Practicum I

    4 unit(s)
    Students are assigned to a diverse classroom for eight weeks under the supervision of a cooperating teacher to practice the skills learned in the Multiple Subject Credential Program courses.  Students begin by observing the cooperating teacher and gradually assume more responsibility beginning with teaching small groups and then whole class lessons.

    Prerequisites: Completion of Credential Program courses and admission to student teaching.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDMS 4191 - Student Teaching Practicum II

    5 unit(s)
    Students are assigned to a diverse classroom for 7 weeks under the supervision of a cooperating teacher and gradually assume responsibility for teaching all subjects.

    Prerequisites: Consent of Multiple Subject Credential Program Coordinator.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDMS 4192 - Student Teaching Practicum III

    5 unit(s)
    Students are assigned to a diverse classroom under the supervision of a cooperating teacher and have an extended period where they are responsible for teaching the whole class.

    Prerequisites: Consent of Multiple Subject Credential Program Coordinator.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 3058 - Introduction to Instructional Design

    3 unit(s)
    Course is designed to provide pre-service and novice teachers with an understanding of the basic principles of designing instruction for students with disabilities (SWD). Further, students will learn skills needed to systematically evaluate, design, and modify instruction.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4110 - Teaching Reading/ELA in Special Education: Secondary (6-12)

    3 unit(s)
    Course is designed to introduce candidates in the special education credential program to reading and language arts materials and methods for students in grades 6-12 within general and special education programs. Candidates will learn how to instruct reading and language arts to students with disabilities (SWD) in a variety of models including: co-teaching, “push-in,” learning center, or resource specialist/special day class programs. Course will focus on a multi-sensory approach to teaching reading to prepare Teacher Candidates to meet the needs of struggling readers and those with dyslexia. This course must be taken concurrently with EDSE 4210.

    Prerequisites: Admission into the ESCP

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4160 - Foundations of Special Education

    1 unit(s)
    Introductory course in the legal and historical foundations of special education.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Credential Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4210 - Teaching Reading/ELA in Special Education: Elementary (K-6)

    3 unit(s)
    The course is a special education course designed to provide substantive, research-based instruction that prepares stiudents to provide effective instruction in reading and language arts for students in elementary schools. Students will be provided with systematic, explicit instruction to meet the needs of the full range of learners who have varied reading levels and language backgrounds. Students will learn about: reading assessment, design and delivery of instruction, and modification of instruction based on student progress.

    Prerequisites: Admission into the Education Specialist Credential Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4310 - Introduction to Special Education Programs

    3 unit(s)
    Introduction to school programs and practices for special education students.  Includes direct observation/participation and initial experiences with problems of assessment, prescription, and individualized programs.

    Prerequisites: PSYC 3140 and consent of education adviser.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4410 - Consultation and Collaboration

    2 unit(s)
    Provides knowledge and skills needed to collaborate and communicate effectively with individuals with disabilities, their families, school personnel, and community agencies. Emphasizes designing, implementing, and evaluating services for learners across the life span.

    Prerequisites: Acceptance into the ESCP

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4430 - Assessment in Special Education

    3 unit(s)
    Course examines both formal and informal diagnostic procedures for students with either M/M Support Needs or ESN including identification, screening, referral, assessment, implementation, and evaluation of student progress. Focus will be on various approaches to, and practice with, assessments that will allow Teacher Candidates to support and teach students with disabilities based on current theory and research. Assignments and activities have been developed to empower Teacher Candidates to meet the unique needs of their students. The course content will include: formal and informal assessment, development of instructional objectives (both long- and short-term) based on data, instructional design and delivery, progress monitoring, accommodation and modifications, and data-based instructional adaptations. Programs and procedures to provide effective instruction to students with diverse needs will be explored including embedding the Common Core Content and English Language Development Standards within the content.

    Prerequisites: Admission to Special Education Credential Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4440 - Teaching Students with Extensive Support Needs

    3 unit(s)
    Course examines the characteristics exhibited by students with disabilities that require targeted-collaborative support to meet their unique needs. The course will enable Teacher Candidates to determine appropriate programs and services for students with these disabilities. Focus will be on various approaches to support and teach students with disabilities based on current theory and research. Assignments and activities have been developed to empower Teacher Candidates to meet the unique needs of their students. The course content will include: formal and informal assessment, development of instructional objectives (both long- and short-term) based on data, instructional design and delivery, progress monitoring, accommodation and modifications, and data-based instructional adaptations. Programs and procedures to provide effective instruction to students with diverse needs will be explored including embedding the Common Core Content Standards within the content.

    Prerequisites: Admission into the ESCP.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4450 - Mild to Moderate Disabilities

    3 unit(s)
    Examination of characteristics of students with mild/ moderate disabilities and determining the implications of these characteristics for service delivery.  Focus on approaches to conceptualizing and providing services and relating approaches to research.

    Prerequisites: Admission to Special Education Credential Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4560 - Introduction to Instructional Design

    3 unit(s)
    Course is designed to provide pre-service and novice teachers with an understanding of the basic principles of designing instruction for students with disabilities (SWD). Further, students will learn skills needed to systematically evaluate, design, and modify instruction.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4570 - Advanced Instructional Design: Universal Design for Learning

    3 unit(s)
    Teacher Candidates will learn principles of designing curriculum, unit plans, and lessons plans from the perspective of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Candidates will learn how to teach the CCSS while celebrating the differences in how their students learn. Common objectives are expected; however, lessons will be designed to allow all learners to access the curriculum. Teacher Candidates will have a deep understanding of Universal Design for Learning, Understanding by Design, Differentiation, and the variability of learning strengths within their students. 

    Prerequisites: EDSE 4560

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4750 - Applied Behavior Analysis in Classroom

    3 unit(s)
    Course provides students with an opportunity to examine the causes of behavior in the home, school, and community settings.  Explore the relationship between behavior and environment antecedents and consequences, and examine how environmental variables may be manipulated in order to increase appropriate behavior and decrease inappropriate behavior.  Models of behavior change for students; identification and assessment of problem behavior; strategies for managing disruptive behavior; application of applied behavior analysis to changing behavior; legal and ethical issues in behavior change.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4810 - Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

    3 unit(s)
    Course examines theoretical foundations and applications of evidence-based best practices for students with ASD including but not limited to structured teaching, visual supports and visual modeling, social narratives, positive behavior support, self-advocacy skills, inclusive education, recreation and leisure, and special interventions for young children including discrete trial training.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4815 - Mild/Moderate Disabilities Fieldwork Practicum I

    Course is designed to provide field experience for candidates for the Education Specialist Credential program. While enrolled in this eight-week first Fieldwork Practicum, students will participate in a student teaching experience under the supervision of a mentor teacher and a University supervisor. 

    Prerequisites: Met all required credential requirements prior to Fieldwork Practicum.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4816 - Mild/Moderate Disabilities Fieldwork Practicum II

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly Mild/Moderate Disabilities Student Teaching II) Course is designed to provide field experience for candidates for the Education Specialist Credential program and is a continuation of EDSE 4815 Fieldwork Practicum I. While enrolled in this eight-week second practicum, students will participate in a student teaching experience under the supervision of a mentor teacher and a University supervisor.  

    Prerequisites: Fulfillment of all ESCP requirements prior to final Fieldwork.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4817 - Mild/Moderate Disabilities Fieldwork Practicum (Repeat)

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly Mild/Moderate Disabilities Student Teaching R) Course is designed to provide field experience for candidates for the Education Specialist Credential program who were unsuccessful in their first M/M Fieldwork placement/s.  While enrolled in this eight- to sixteen-week repeated Fieldwork Practicum (dependent upon how much of the first placement was successfully completed), students will participate in a student teaching experience under the supervision of a mentor teacher and a University supervisor.  Students will report directly to the school of assignment at the opening of the school day and remain at the site until all professional duties are completed at the end of the day five days per week, but in no case shall leave the school site prior to the legal dismissal time for teachers employed at the school. During this Fieldwork Practicum, candidates will be expected to teach subjects during the eight-week placement.  Students will have two weeks of teaching all subjects under the supervision of the mentor teacher (guided solo) and two weeks where they teach all subjects on their own (solo teaching) with occasional visits by the mentor teacher and University supervisor. The student teacher will be required to assume all the duties of a classroom teacher including lesson planning, lesson presentation, student assessment, curriculum planning, and classroom management for all subjects.  Furthermore, the student teacher will complete all adjunct duties of a teacher included, but not limited to, yard duty, daily attendance, parent conferences, back to school/open house, etc.

    Prerequisites: Enrollment in the ESCP and meet all requirements to Student Teach or become a Teacher of Record.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4915 - Extensive Support Needs (ESN) Fieldwork Practicum I

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly Moderate/Severe Disabilities Student Teaching I) Course is designed to provide field experience for candidates for the Education Specialist Credential program. While enrolled in this eight-week first Fieldwork Practicum, students will participate in a student teaching experience under the supervision of a mentor teacher and a University supervisor.  

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4916 - Extensive Support Needs (ESN) Fieldwork Practicum II

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly Moderate/Severe Disabilities Student Teaching II) Course is designed to provide field experience for candidates for the Education Specialist Credential program and is a continuation of EDSE 4915 Fieldwork Practicum I. While enrolled in this eight-week second practicum, students will participate in a student teaching experience under the supervision of a mentor teacher and a University supervisor. 

    Prerequisites: Fulfillment of all ESCP requirements prior to final Fieldwork.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSE 4917 - Extensive Support Needs (ESN) Fieldwork Practicum (Repeat)

    3-6 unit(s)
    (Formerly Moderate/Severe Disabilities Student Teaching: R) Course is designed to provide field experience for candidates for the Education Specialist Credential program who were unsuccessful in their first ESN Fieldwork placement/s.  While enrolled in this eight- or sixteen-week repeated Fieldwork Practicum (dependent upon how much of the first placement was successfully completed), students will participate in a student teaching experience under the supervision of a mentor teacher and a University supervisor.  Students will report directly to the school of assignment at the opening of the school day and remain at the site until all professional duties are completed at the end of the day five days per week, but in no case shall leave the school site prior to the legal dismissal time for teachers employed at the school. During this Fieldwork Practicum, candidates will be expected to teach subjects during the eight-week placement.  Students will have two weeks of teaching all subjects under the supervision of the mentor teacher (guided solo) and two weeks where they teach all subjects on their own (solo teaching) with occasional visits by the mentor teacher and University supervisor. The student teacher will be required to assume all the duties of a classroom teacher including lesson planning, lesson presentation, student assessment, curriculum planning, and classroom management for all subjects.  Furthermore, the student teacher will complete all adjunct duties of a teacher included, but not limited to, yard duty, daily attendance, parent conferences, back to school/open house, etc.

    Prerequisites: Enrollment in the ESCP and have met all requirements to Student Teach or be a Teacher of Record.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 3900 - Foundations of Secondary Education

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDSC 3900) Explores the social, political, economic, and historical contexts of secondary education in the nation and in California. A prerequisite course to the Single Subject Credential Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 4100 - Secondary Education Methods I

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Secondary Education I) Integrates theory and practice on strategies for effective individual instruction. Includes sociocultural and psychological foundations and research on effective teaching.

    Corequisites: EDSS 4850.

    Prerequisites: Admission to SSCP and completion of EDSS 3900.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 4110 - Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDSC 4110) Course is designed to provide an overview of theory, methodology, and assessment for first and second language development in the 6-12 schools. Course will emphasize the cultural origins of language and literacy in relation to needs of students and teachers in a pluralistic society.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 4115 - Teaching Literacy in the Content Area Classes

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDSC 4115, Reading and Writing Instructional Methods in the Secondary Content Area) Students examine effective instructional strategies for development of language, reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the content areas.  Students learn techniques involved with designing and teaching lessons that incorporate literacy skills and assessment.

    Prerequisites: Admission to SSCP or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 4165 - Survey of School Health and Safety

    1 unit(s)
    (Formerly HLTH 4165, EDSC 4165) A survey of local, state, and federal statutes and policies related to the health and safety of K-12 pupils.  Reviews comprehensive school health and introduces the California Health Framework and Health Curriculum Standards.  Presents ways to teach health education in California schools. (Offered under the subjects KINS, EDMS, and EDSS)

    Prerequisites: Admission to MSCP/SSCP Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 4215 - Reading and Writing Instuction in the Secondary Content Area (BCLAD)

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDSC 4215) Designed to teach theories and practices of effective bilingual literacy instruction in the secondary content area.

    Prerequisites: Admission to SSCP or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 4300 - Secondary Education Methods II

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Secondary Education II) This course prepares students for classroom instruction responsibilities. Focus on effective teaching methodology for diverse learners. Includes field experience.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of EDSS 4100, 4850, and 4115.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 4400 - Secondary Education Methods III

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Secondary Education III) Knowledge and application of fundamental principles, generalizations, theories, trends, and methods for effective teaching in multicultural and multilingual schools.

    Corequisites: EDSS 4855.

    Prerequisites: EDSS 4300.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 4550 - Educational Equity, Diversity, and Access in a Global Society

    1 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDSC 4500, Secondary Education in a Global Society) Students examine educational concepts and principles in relation to equity, diversity, access, and social justice in a global society.  Students identify barriers and biases in educational settings and explore strategies to promote equity for all learners.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 4850 - Secondary Educ Fld Practicum I

    2 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDSC 4850) Students observe classes, serve as teaching assistant, and provide individual instruction to two students, one of whom is an English Language Learner and one with special needs.

    Corequisites: Taken concurrently with EDSS 4100 or EDSS 4300.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the SSCP.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 4855 - Secondary Education Field Practicum II

    5 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDSC 4855) Students teach secondary classes and serve as teacher assistants for three periods a day from the beginning to the end of a public school semester. Taken concurrently with EDSS 4400.

    Prerequisites: Admission to the SSCP.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDSS 4870 - Secondary Education Field Practicum I - Interns

    5 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDSC 4870) Interns are responsible for teaching at least three classes in a secondary school. They will be observed by a University Supervisor at least six observation cycles. This is part of the requirements for a Preliminary Credential.

    Corequisites: See Field Site Director for correct corequisite requirement.

    Prerequisites: Admission to SSCP.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 4000 - Perspectives in U.S. Schools

    3 unit(s)
    Introduction to American public schooling. It will address the major historical, sociocultural, political, and economic forces that influence schooling and learning outcomes in our society.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 4200 - Cultural Diversity and the Classroom

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDBL 4200) Principles of adapting instructional material and programs to the particular needs of language minority students.  Identification of suggested teaching competencies include selected field experiences.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 4300 - Teaching the Cultural Heritage of the Hmong and Lao People

    3 unit(s)
    Prepare educators for student diversity in the classroom and by providing a study of the cultural heritage of the Hmong and Lao people including their recent history, cultures, family structure, language, arts, music, songs, beliefs, family, values, identity, education, and migration.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 4400 - Foundations for Bilingual Education Policy & Practice

    3 unit(s)
    Introduction to Multilingual Education Course focuses on the foundational knowledge base of multilingualism related to bilingual education - theory, policy, and practice -and the education of diverse multilingual learners. Course includes field experiences in bilingual and dual language classrooms.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 4430 - Crosscultural Techniques

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDBL 4430) The course will focus on the importance of the social and cultural origins of language and literacy as they relate to the needs of students and teachers in a pluralistic society with egalitarian goals.  Emphasis will be on first and second language development.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 4460 - Educational Experiences of the Latinx Diaspora

    3 unit(s)
    Cultural Views on Bilingualism Course examines socio-political and socio-cultural concepts as they relate to bilingual education and the Latinx diaspora. Students will analyze the Latinx migration experience and how experiences influence the educational experiences of students and their families. Course is taught in Spanish and utilizes Foreign Language across the Curriculum (FLAC) approaches and methods in order to assure high degrees of academic language development in the target language as well as scaffold the delivery of the academic content of the course. See appendix for Rationale for Foreign Language Across the Curriculum.

    • Admission to the Multiple Subjects Credential program and/or consent of the instructor.
    • Bilingual and Biliterate in Spanish equivalent to third year Spanish or native like language proficiency and/or consent of the instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 4500 - Instruction, Assessment, and Management for the Beginner Teacher

    3 unit(s)
    Instruction, assessment, and management strategies to assist teachers in the initial development and implementation of a comprehensive classroom teaching plan based on current educational theories and attending to the diverse needs of the public school population. Meets the prerequisite for entering the MSCP University Intern Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 4840 - Analysis and Strategies of Teaching

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDMS 4840) Analytical methods used to study the elementary and secondary school instructional process. Models and strategies for effective instruction are emphasized.

    Prerequisites: Completion of student teaching.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 4950 - Selected Topics in Education

    1-5 unit(s)
    (Topics to be specified in Class Schedule) Topics vary each term, thus different topics may be taken for credit.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 4980 - Individual Study

    1-4 unit(s)
    For qualified undergraduate upper-division students in need of specialized study not available through regular programs. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Complete the appropriate university and department forms and, at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the term, obtain the following approvals: instructor who will monitor the individual study, adviser, chair of the Department of Teacher Education, and dean of the College of Education.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 5200 - Classroom Management and Disciplinary Theory and Models

    3 unit(s)
    Research, theory, and practices concerning classroom management and discipline. Students will analyze the diverse factors operating in a classroom situation, select from appropriate alternative models, implement, and evaluate the outcomes.

    Prerequisites: Graduate status or permission of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 5330 - Research and Trends in Mathematics, Science and Social Studies

    3 unit(s)
    Designed to analyze and evaluate the K-12 curriculum with emphasis on mathematics, science, and social studies. Selected topics for extensive and intensive study.

    Prerequisites: Consent of education adviser.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 5860 - Multicultural Global Education

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly EDUC 4860) Examines the major concepts and theoretical frameworks of multicultural and global education, the application of the cultural dimensions of teaching and learning, and knowledge of diverse cultures as applied to curricular decisions. Meets CLAD certificate requirements.

    Prerequisites: Teaching Credential or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 5880 - Improving Instructional Skills in Cultural Context

    3 unit(s)
    Focus will be on development of additional teaching skills while considering effects of cultural context on instruction as well as cultural background of the teacher.

    Prerequisites: Adviser or instructor approval.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 5885 - Instructional Programs to Enhance Thinking Skills

    3 unit(s)
    Designed to review and analyze instructional programs designed to improve the K-12 learner’s skills in critical thinking and problem solving. Consideration of various nationally tested programs utilizing content processes, materials, and strategies.

    Prerequisites: Teaching credential and classroom teaching experience.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 5950 - Selected Topics in Teacher Education

    1-5 unit(s)
    (Topics to be Specified in Class Schedule) Development of a selected topic in teacher education. Topics vary each term. Different topics may be taken for credit.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 5960 - Project

    1-3 unit(s)
    Designed to assist the master’s candidate in the preparation of a final project for the fulfillment of the master’s degree. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of M.A. adviser.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 5980 - Individual Study

    1-4 unit(s)
    Designed to provide graduate students specialized study related to their degree program. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Approval of student graduate committee and consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 5990 - Thesis

    1-3 unit(s)
    Designed to assist graduate students in the preparation of their master’s thesis. May be repeated for a total of 4-6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of M.A. adviser.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • EDUC 7005 - Continuing Thesis or Project

    0 unit(s)
    Non-credit course.  Applicable to those students who have completed all registration for graduate coursework and who have registered for the maximum number of thesis or project required by their program. Students must register each semester or term until they have secured faculty approval for their theses or projects.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 110 - Composition Workshop

    1 unit(s)
    Introduction to University writing.  Instruction is based on developing rhetorical reading skills, summarizing and analyzing texts, and writing college-level essays.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 1000 - Introduction to Composition

    3 unit(s)
    Introduction to academic writing. Instruction is based on the Competencies for First-Year Composition with particular emphasis on reading skills as well as focus, development, organization, and control of language for sentences, paragraphs, and essays.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 1001 - First-Year Composition

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly Freshman Composition) A course in reading and writing expository essays. In addition to writing essays, students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to write informative summaries of university-level writing.

    Satisfies G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 1002 - First-Year Composition (CAI)

    4 unit(s)
    A course in reading and writing expository essays. In addition to writing essays, students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to write informative summaries of university-level writing. Class incorporates use of word-processing, e-mail, and Internet/World-Wide Web technologies. No previous computer experience is required; one hour per week computer lab time.

    Satisfies G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 1003 - First-Year Composition (FYE)

    4 unit(s)
    A course in critical reading and writing of expository texts. Introduces students to information literacy and academic culture.

    Satisfies G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 1004 - Reading and Writing for Multicultural Writers

    3 unit(s)
    A course in the composition process -drafting, revising, and editing- that exposes students to the culture of our academic community. There is an additional focus on vocabulary, and reading comprehension fluency in academic English. Individualized tutoring is an integral part of this course.

    Satisfies G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 1005 - Honors Composition

    3 unit(s)
    In addition to writing essays, students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to write informative summaries of university-level writing. Class includes an introduction to library and web-based information resources. Open only to students in the University Honors Program.

    Satisfies G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 1006 - First-Year Composition Seminar (Stretch A)

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly First-Year Composition [Stretch A]) A course in reading and writing expository essays that also introduces students to academic culture in a learning community.  In additional to writing essays, students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of college level success skills.  Class incorporates technology and information literacy skills.

    Satisfies G.E. area E.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 1007 - First-Year Composition (Stretch B)

    4 unit(s)
    A course in reading and writing expository essays.  In addition to writing essays, students will be expected to demonstrate the ability to write informative summaries of university-level writing.  Class incorporates use of word-processing, e-mail, and internet/world-wide web technologies.

    Satisfies G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 2000 - Critical Inquiry

    3 unit(s)
    The focus of this course is critical thinking, with emphasis split between receptive (reading/listening) and active (writing) exercises. Students will be expected to analyze arguments of others and to produce defensible arguments of their own, both in analytical summaries and in original argumentative essays. Emphasizes the difference between good and bad arguments, as well as the distinction between significant and trivial positions on issues.

    Satisfies G.E. area A3.

    Prerequisites: Completion of G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 2010 - Introduction to Creative Writing

    4 unit(s)
    An introduction to Creative Writing, this course will generally include exposure to 2-3 genres among the following:  poetry, short fiction, the one-act play, the short screenplay, and the creative non-fiction essay.

    Satisfies G.E. area C2.

    Prerequisites: Completion of G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 2100 - British Literature to 1800

    3 unit(s)
    A survey of British literature to 1800 with attention to the historical development of literature from the Beowulf poet through the ages of Chaucer, the Renaissance poets and dramatists, to the neoclassical period.

    Prerequisites: Completion of G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 2110 - British Literature after 1800

    3 unit(s)
    A survey of British literature after 1800 with attention to the historical development of literature from the Romantic writers through the Victorian and modernist periods to recent literature written in Britain.

    Prerequisites: Completion of G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 2200 - American Literature to 1865

    3 unit(s)
    A survey of American literature to 1865 with attention to the historical development of literature from the Puritans through the early republic and the period of the early romantics to the literature of the American Renaissance.

    Prerequisites: Completion of G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 2210 - American Literature after 1865

    3 unit(s)
    A survey of American literature after 1865 with attention to the historical development of literature from the post-Civil War regional and realist movements through naturalism and early 20th century writers to contemporary American literary expression in fiction, poetry, and drama.

    Prerequisites: Completion of G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 2600 - Introduction to Tutoring Writing

    1 unit(s)
    Students will learn about composing processes and tutoring strategies, explore inclusive tutoring practices, and discuss their tutoring experiences.

    Students enrolled in the course will have been interviewed and offered a position as a writing tutor in the Stanislaus State Writing Center. They should demonstrate an ability to write in several discourses, to collaborate with peers, to understand multiple perspectives, and to be flexible, patient, and curious.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3007 - Business Writing (WP)

    3 unit(s)
    An examination of the processes involved in writing for the professions, with emphasis on the business world. Attention will be paid to the writing of reports and proposals, the representation of research, and the principles of technical illustration.

    Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement.

    Prerequisites: Junior standing and completion of G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3008 - Technical Writing (WP)

    3 unit(s)
    Course introduces students to the common genres and practices of technical writing. Students will also explore technical writing as a field and career.

    Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement.

    Prerequisites: Junior standing and completion of G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3009 - Writing for Teachers (WP)

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly Applied Writing) Designed to renew a student’s confidence and develop an identity as a writer. Also explores various strategies to help build a strong foundation for teaching writing at all levels. Open only to Liberal Studies and English majors.

    Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement.

    Prerequisites: Completion of G.E. area A2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3010 - Creative Writing Workshop

    4 unit(s)
    Methods and techniques of various types of creative writing. Includes the reading and writing of two or more of the following genres: short fiction, poetry, short plays, short film scripts.

    Prerequisites: Completion of G.E. area A2 and sophomore standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3015 - Field Experience in Writing

    1 unit(s)
    (Formerly Field Experience in Writing for Secondary School English Teachers). A field experience course for those in the Single Subject Matter Preparation Program ONLY.  This course allows students to practice their skills in teaching writing via one-on-one tutoring sessions with students in local public schools.  Students must provide tuberculosis and background (fingerprint) clearance certificates.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3009 or concurrent enrollment.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3150 - Approaches to Lit. Study (WP)

    4 unit(s)
    Gateway course to the major. Students examine a variety of literary forms and methods for approaching them; the history and professional practices of the field. A writing activity is required.

    Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement.

    Prerequisites: Completion of G.E. area A2 and completion of prerequisites to the major.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3209 - Medieval Literature

    3 unit(s)
    The literature of the Middle Ages exclusive of Chaucer. Typical studies include Piers Plowman, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Marjorie Kempe, The Pearl, the Arthurian romances, and/or the ballad.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3210 - English Renaissance Literature

    3 unit(s)
    Literature of the period from about 1500 to 1603. Typical studies include drama, lyric poetry, dramatic poetry, and such authors as Sidney, Spenser, Wyatt, Surrey, and Elizabethan dramatists other than Shakespeare.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3215 - 17th Century Engl Literature

    3 unit(s)
    Literature of the period from about 1603 to 1660. Typical studies include works of Donne, Jonson, Marvell, Herbert, Letitia, Lanyer, Wroth, Philips, and/or others.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3220 - 18th Century British Lit

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly Eighteenth Century English Literature) Literature of the period from 1660 to about 1780. Typical studies include examples of Restoration drama and works of Dryden, Pope, Swift, Johnson, Boswell, Barbauld, Smith, Yearsley, and/or others.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3225 - British Romantic Literature

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly English Romantic Literature) Literature of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Typical studies include works of Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Wollstonecraft, Byron, Keats, Shelley, and/or others.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3230 - British Victorian Literature

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly English Victorian Literature) Literature of the period from 1832 to 1900. Typical studies include the works of Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Carlyle, and/or others.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3235 - Modern British Literature

    3 unit(s)
    Literature of twentieth-century modernism and later movements. Authors include Mansfield, Eliot, Yeats, Joyce, Woolf, Lawrence, Auden, Larkin, Amis, Beckett, Heany, and recent women authors.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3400 - Early American Literature

    3 unit(s)
    Literature of the period including Native American traditions, the literature of discovery and exploration, a study of New England puritanism, seventeenth century wit, the eighteenth century Great Awakening, and the American Revolution.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3410 - American Literature: Romanticism and Transcendentalism

    3 unit(s)
    Literature of the United States between 1800 and 1865. Emphasis on romanticism and transcendentalism, and their representative writers.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3420 - American Literature: Realism and Naturalism

    3 unit(s)
    Literature of the United States after the second half of the nineteenth century. Emphasis is on realistic depiction of characters and events of everyday life including psychological realism and philosophical determinism.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3430 - American Literature: 20th Century to 1950

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly ENGL 4150) American literature in the first half of the twentieth century. Emphasis on modernism.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3440 - American Literature: 20th Century from 1950 to Present

    3 unit(s)
    American Literature in the second half of the twentieth century. Emphasis on the contemporary period.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 3150.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3500-3520 - Studies in Film

    4 unit(s)

    Examinations of film as a verbal and visual medium, and as a reflector of history and culture. Typical courses include Contemporary Films, American Films, Foreign Films, and Film and Literature.  These courses have no prerequisites and are designed for students in all majors.


    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3510 - Foreign Films

    4 unit(s)
    An examination of selected feature-length films by such recognized directors as Dovzhenko, Lang, Hitchcock, Renoir, Cocteau, Kurosawa, Rossellini, and Polanski.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3513 - Contemporary Films

    4 unit(s)
    Course studies representative American and/or international films released after 1980, focusing on important directors, movements, or themes.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3550 - Years of War, Days of Peace

    3 unit(s)
    A look at films, novels, and poetry of the Cold War, the war in Viet Nam, and Persian Gulf War. One of two paired courses in the G.E. Summit Program (War and Peace).

    Satisfies G.E. area UD-C and the Multicultural Requirement. Upper Division G.E. courses are designed to be taken after upper-division status (completion of 60 semester units) is attained.

    Prerequisites: Completion of lower-division G.E. area C2 requirements, and consent of Summit Program Coordinator.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • ENGL 3700 - Introduction to Language

    3 unit(s)
    An introduction to the study of language. Topics include: Language and communication, the structure of utterances, and the meaning of utterances and language in society.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore


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