Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • MGT 5150 - Negotiation Skills

    3 unit(s)
    Course provides a management perspective to the resolution of issues in organizations, between individuals and organizations with diverse interests and objectives.  A wide range of negotiation and mediation techniques will be presented and discussed.  Students will learn how to negotiate agreements that are mutually beneficial to themselves and the other party or stakeholder.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MGT 5200 - Seminar in Organizational Behavior

    3 unit(s)
    Study of human behavior in complex organizations. An emphasis on behavioral science theories and research methods and their contributions to selected topics such as: motivation, innovation, managing change, interpersonal conflict and communications, power, leadership, and job-related stress.

    Prerequisites: MGT 5050 or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MGT 5310 - Business Organization, Theory & Behavior

    3 unit(s)
    Advanced study of complex business organizations. Analysis of organization systems and managerial actions in terms of their influence on patterns of behavior.

    Prerequisites: MGT 5050 or consent of instructor or admission to the EMBA Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MGT 5400 - Strategic Leadership in Organizations

    3 unit(s)
    An advanced management course covering the fundamental issues and the key theories associated with organizational leadership, from the perspective of middle and upper-level managers.  Emphasis will be on application of both theories and best leader practices.  The course will take an interactive, seminar approach based on a combination of lecture, discussion, case, and project work.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MGT 5610 - Strategic Human Resource Management

    3 unit(s)
    How to make strategic HR management decisions. Covers a history of HR management; identification and analysis of strategic trends; HR systems design; financial acumen for HR professionals; mergers and acquisitions strategy; HR metrics, outcomes and ROI of HR; strategic impact of HR on organizational culture, diversity, ethical issues, leadership & succession planning; managing workplace safety issues.

    Prerequisites: MGT 5310.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MGT 5620 - Compensation and Benefits

    3 unit(s)

    Overview of the design and administration of effective compensation and benefits systems. The course presents strategies relating to compensation design, choosing employee benefits, positioning total compensation within competitive labor markets, compliance, and compensation design within both unionized and non-unionized and profit, nonprofit, and government organizations.


    MGT 5310.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MGT 5630 - Human Resources Information Systems and People Analytics

    3 unit(s)
    Course is designed to address two critical aspects of HR systems: 1) HRIS and 2) people analytics. HRIS provides an understanding of how human resource information systems are used in organizations to support organizational strategy. People analytics are the state-of-the-art techniques used in HR predictive analysis. 

    Prerequisites: MGT 5310.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MGT 5650 - Selection, Recruitment, Training and Development of Human Resources

    3 unit(s)
    Staffing models, strategy, and methods; including, planning, job analysis, recruitment, measurement, selection, retention management, training and development of human resources to achieve organizational effectiveness.  Major EEO laws as they pertain to recruitment, selection, and promotion and workplace behavior will be included.  

    Prerequisites: MGT 5310.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MGT 5660 - Labor Relations and Negotiation

    3 unit(s)
    Topics: collective bargaining issues and process; grievances and unfair labor practices; managing union organizing; strikes, boycotts and work stoppages; union-related and labor relations law; union/management relations; union decertification and deauthorization; negotiation skills.

    Prerequisites: MGT 5310

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MGT 5900 - Integrated Business Strategy and Project Development

    3 unit(s)
    An integrated approach to the formulation, implementation, and administration of corporate strategy linked to specific strategic opportunities and problems.  Extensive use of the case method in developing analytical skills applicable to strategic issues.  Economic, social, and ethical considerations included in the analysis process along with functional-area skills related to strategic objectives. Individual and team structures will be used.

    Prerequisites: ACC 5110, FIN 5210, and MKT 5410; and two of the following: CIS 5620, MGT 5310, and OM 5630. The third core course may be taken concurrently with MGT 5900.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MGT 5960 - Graduate Project

    3 unit(s)
    A terminal graduate project to be taken by students who have completed their course requirements. The project proposal must be approved by the project adviser(s).

    Prerequisites: All course requirements completed.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MGT 5980 - Individual Study

    1-4 unit(s)
    For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and approval of department chair prior to registration.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 3410 - Principles of Marketing

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly Basic Marketing) Marketing process with emphasis on the management point of view. Consideration is given to the role played by marketing in the economy, dynamics of consumer motivation and behavior, and problems including ethical considerations confronted by the business firm establishing an overall marketing program.

    Prerequisites: Junior standing, ACC 2130 and ECON 2510 (ACC 2130 may be taken concurrently).

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 4400 - Consumer Behavior

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Seminar in Consumer and Organizational Buyer Behavior) Examination of consumer and organizational markets and behavior. Topics include consumer decision process, industrial marketing process, internal and external buyer influences, target markets and segmentation, industrial and consumer marketing mix, and consumer and organizational strategies.

    Prerequisites: MKT 3410.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 4410 - Advertising and Promotion Management

    4 unit(s)
    Fundamentals of developing an integrated marketing communication program including advertising and sales promotions, personal selling, public relations, and publicity decisions from a managerial perspective. Emphasis on formulating advertising and promotional objectives, developing message and media strategies, planning the advertising budget, and measuring performance.

    Prerequisites: MKT 3410.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 4420 - Marketing Research

    4 unit(s)
    Focus on the collection and analysis of secondary, primary qualitative, and primary quantitative marketing data and its incorporation into the marketing process. The lab component emphasizes method, practice, and computer-aided analysis.

    Prerequisites: MKT 3410 and MATH 1610 or MATH 1600 or MATH 1553.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 4430 - Selling and Sales Management

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Seminar in Sales Management and Personal Selling) Planning, direction, and control of sales personnel and selling activities. The role of personal selling in the marketing of consumer and industrial products and services. Analysis of successful sales opportunities, characteristics, and techniques. Includes practices in sales presentation.

    Prerequisites: MKT 3410.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 4450 - Channel Institution and Retail Management

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Channel Management and Logistics) Focus on the role of marketing in the management of channel activities and product flows. Emphasizes management of purchasing, retailing, wholesaling, and physical distribution functions.

    Prerequisites: MKT 3410.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 4470 - Global Marketing

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly International Marketing) Basics of conducting marketing operations outside of the domestic market. Methodologies for estimating foreign market potential, and market entry strategy design. Issues involving the management and control of the marketing mix variables after foreign market entry are examined. Export readiness simulation, experiential exercises, and international marketing plan. (MGT 3400 may be taken concurrently)

    Prerequisites: MGT 3400 and MKT 3410.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 4480 - Product and Price Management

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Seminar in Product and Price Management) Examination of product and price strategies in marketing. Topics include finding and creating product value, planning for new and established products, value in pricing, pricing for profit, life cycle pricing, and competitive cost and product advantages.

    Prerequisites: MKT 3410.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 4490 - Strategic Marketing Management

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Seminar in Strategic Marketing Management) Examination of the strategic and managerial role of the marketing manager in fostering a market driven orientation and in orchestrating the pursuit of a sustainable competitive advantage in chosen markets.

    Prerequisites: MKT 3410.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 4940 - Marketing Internship

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly Internship) Supervised field experience in a selected area of marketing. Formal written report(s) will be required. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of internship coordinator prior to registration.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 4950 - Special Topics in Marketing

    1-4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Selected Topics in Marketing) Innovative course of study. Different topics may be taken for credit.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 4980 - Independent Study in Marketing

    1-4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Individual Study) For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and approval of department chair prior to registration.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 5040 - Marketing Analytics

    3 unit(s)
    Course teaches graduate business student how to specify marketing strategies based on rigorous analysis of firm/consumer data. Students learn the techniques used by marketers in practice. The course combines lectures, cases, and “hand-on” exercises with instructor guidance. The course covers marketing data management, pricing analysis, conjoint analysis, choice models, and market segmentation tools. Students also analyze and make a presentation of an assigned quantitative case study as a group.

    Prerequisites: BUS 5040

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; Laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 5090 - Marketing Fundamentals

    3 unit(s)
    Analysis of management decisions arising from the marketing tasks of the firm. Role of the marketing executive in use of research. The elements of marketing strategy, product, channels of distribution, promotion, price, and policy decisions.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 5410 - Marketing Management

    3 unit(s)
    Emphasis on managerial decision-making, problem solving to formulate and administer effective marketing activities. Marketing as a total system designed to plan, price, distribute, and promote goods and services to users. Major emphasis on case method covering buyer behavior, product, channel of distribution, pricing, and promotion.

    Prerequisites: MKT 5090 and consent of instructor or admission to the EMBA Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 5430 - International Marketing

    3 unit(s)
    Examination of the international marketing environment including special consideration of economic, political, and social systems and their effect on marketing decision making. Management of the export function, and Federal and State support of export activities are stressed. Simulation and cases.

    Prerequisites: MKT 5410.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 5450 - Marketing Research

    3 unit(s)
    Selected topics from market research design and methodology. Special in-depth emphasis of research aspects as related to market decision-making, alternative data collection, and current developments in analysis techniques.

    Prerequisites: MKT 5410.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 5460 - Advanced Consumer Behavior

    3 unit(s)
    Examines the processes involved when individuals and groups select, acquire, use, and dispose of goods and services. This course provides in-depth theoretical understanding of consumer behavior and illustrates via casework the application of consumption theories to real-world business practices.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 5960 - Graduate Project in Marketing

    3 unit(s)
    (Formerly Graduate Project) A terminal graduate project to be taken by students who have completed their course requirements. The project proposal must be approved by the project adviser(s).

    Prerequisites: Student must have completed all course requirements.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MKT 5980 - Independent Study in Marketing

    1-4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Individual Study) For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and approval of department chair prior to registration.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3030 - Marine Ecology

    4 unit(s)
    A field-oriented introduction to the interrelationships between marine and estuarine organisms and their environment with emphasis on quantitative data collection and analysis.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3032.

    Prerequisites: Ecology, statistics (or concurrent enrollment in MSCI 3040), or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory or field, 6 hours) (MLML 103)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3040 - Quantitative Marine Science

    4 unit(s)
    Mathematical methods for the analysis of biological, chemical, and physical data from the marine environment; experimental design, parametric, and non-parametric statistics. Not for major credit.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3042.

    Prerequisites: College mathematics.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory or field, 3 hours) (MLML 104)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3050 - Marine Science Diving

    3 unit(s)
    Skin and scuba diving course; pool training culminates in five ocean dives. Thorough background in diving physics and physiology. Successful completion gives NAUI, YMCA, L.A. County or MLML certification. (No credit toward science major)

    Prerequisites: Certified SCUBA diver (or equivalent as determined by instructor), upper-division science major status, thorough physical examination, ability to pass swimming test.

    Hours: (Lecture, 1 hour; laboratory or field, 4 hours) (MLML 105)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3120 - Marine Birds and Mammals

    4 unit(s)
    Systematics, morphology, ecology, and biology of marine birds and mammals.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3122.

    Prerequisites: Upper-division college vertebrate zoology. MSCI 3030 recommended.

    Hours: (Lecture, 1 hour; laboratory or field, 6 hours) (MLML 112)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3130 - Marine Ichthyology

    4 unit(s)
    A description of the taxonomy and ecology of marine fishes. Both field and laboratory work concentrate on the structure, function, and habits of marine fishes and the ecological interaction of these fishes with their biotic and abiotic surrounding.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3132.

    Prerequisites: College zoology or equivalent. MSCI 3030 recommended.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory or field, 6 hours) (MLML 113)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3240 - Marine Invertebrate Zoology I

    4 unit(s)
    A field-oriented introduction to the structure, systematics, evolution, and life histories of the major and minor marine phyla.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3242.

    Prerequisites: College zoology or consent of instructor; MSCI 3030 recommended.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory or field, 6 hours) (MLML 124)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3250 - Marine Invertebrate Zoology II

    3 unit(s)
    Field-oriented introduction to the structure, systematics, evolution, and life histories of the minor marine phyla.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3252.

    Prerequisites: College zoology or consent of instructor; MSCI 3030 and 3240 recommended.

    Hours: (Lecture, 1 hour; laboratory or field, 6 hours) (MLML 125)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3310 - Marine Botany

    4 unit(s)
    Introduction to the plants of the sea, marshes, and dunes, with emphasis on the morphology, taxonomy, and natural history of seaweeds and vascular plants.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3312.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3030 recommended.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory or field, 6 hours) (MLML 131)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3350 - Physiology of Marine Algae

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly MSCI 3550) A lecture/laboratory course which develops a physiological basis for understanding the adaptation of marine algae (seaweeds and microalgae) to their environment. Students will learn modern methods in physiological research, covering areas such a photosynthesis, respiration, enzyme activity, and biochemical composition.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3352.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3030, 3310, 3440, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours) (MLML 135)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3410 - Geological Oceanography

    4 unit(s)
    A study of the structures, physiography, and sediments of the sea bottom and shoreline.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3412.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3420 or 3430 (concurrent registration satisfactory).

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory or field, 6 hours) (MLML 141)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3420 - Physical Oceanography

    4 unit(s)
    An introduction to the nature and causes of various oceanic motions including currents, waves, tides, mixing, and the physical properties of seawater. Limited use of calculus.

    Prerequisites: College algebra; college physics recommended.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours) (MLML 142)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3430 - Chemical Oceanography

    4 unit(s)
    An introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of the chemistry of the oceans, including major salts, dissolved gases, nutrient ions, carbonate system, transient tracers, and shipboard sampling techniques.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3432.

    Prerequisites: One year of college chemistry.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours) (MLML 143)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3440 - Biological Oceanography

    4 unit(s)
    The ocean as an ecological system. Emphasis will be on the complexity of organismal-environmental interaction of the plankton, the transfer of organic matter between trophic levels and nutrient cycles. Laboratory sessions will include methods in sampling, shipboard techniques, identification of the plankton, and current analytical techniques.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3442.

    Prerequisites: General biology, general chemistry.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours) (MLML 144)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 3750 - Topics in Marine Science

    4 unit(s)
    The study of a selected area in marine sciences. The subjects will vary from one offering to the next depending on student demand and availability of instructors.

    Corequisites: MSCI 3752.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. Offered on demand. (MLML 175)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 4980 - Individual Study

    1-4 unit(s)
    Faculty-directed study of selected research problems; open to undergraduate students with adequate preparation.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. (MLML 180)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5010 - Library Research Methods

    1 unit(s)
    Provides framework for using and evaluating information sources in marine science. Strong emphasis will be placed on developing critical skills. Interweaving bibliographic tools into the history of marine science will reinforce knowledge of the appropriate resource for each question.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. (MLML 201)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5020 - Marine Instrumental Analysis

    4 unit(s)
    (Formerly Marine Instrumental Analysis) Principles of instruments used in oceanographic research, introduction to electronics, and applications of instrument measurements. Emphasis will vary from CTD profilers, current meters, radiometry, and chemical measurement.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5022.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3410, 3420, and consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory or field, 6 hours) (MLML 202)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5040 - Sampling and Experimental Design

    4 unit(s)
    Basic design of experiments and field sampling for marine science. Discussions on random sampling, systematic sampling, subsampling survey techniques, and design of single multifactorial experiments using randomized and block experimental designs. Biases and problems of sampling marine biota.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3030 and 3040.

    Hours: (Lecture, 4 hours) (MLML 204)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5060 - Molecular Biology Techniques

    4 unit(s)
    Laboratory-based overview of concepts and techniques for the isolation, characterization, and analysis of DNA and RNA. Covers standard methods (amplification, cloning, and sequencing), and selected specialized techniques (analysis of gene expression), emphasizing marine science applications.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5062.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing; college level genetics, molecular biology, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2hours; laboratory, 6 hours) (MLML 206)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5080 - Scientific Methods

    4 unit(s)
    Information and skills for graduate students beginning their research careers, such as the philosophy of science, scientific writing, design of experiments and sampling programs, and using library and other resources.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5082.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours) (MLML 208)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5110 - Ecology Marine Birds and Mammals

    4 unit(s)
    Community approach to the ecology of marine birds and mammals using experimental and sampling methodology. Examines distribution, abundance, trophic ecology, and behaviors of birds and mammals in Elkhorn Slough and Monterey Bay.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5112.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3120, 3030, and 3040.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours) (MLML 211)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5120 - Advanced Topics Marine Vertebrates

    1-4 unit(s)
    Advanced consideration of the ecology, physiology, and phylogeny of fishes, birds, reptiles, or mammals, emphasizing current literature and research. Topics and emphasis will vary with term and instructor. May be repeated once for credit.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5122.

    Prerequisites: MSCI  3120, or 3130 and consent of instructor. (MLML 212)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5210 - Advanced Topics Marine Invertebrate

    1-4 unit(s)
    Advanced considerations of the ecology, physiology, and phylogeny of the various invertebrate phyla emphasizing current literature and research. Topics and emphasis will vary from term to term. May be repeated for credit when topics change.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5212.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3240 and consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory and field, 6 hours) (MLML 221)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5310 - Biology of Seaweeds

    4 unit(s)
    Lectures-discussions on marine macroalgal biology with extensive reading of original literature. Ecologically oriented individual research projects involving laboratory culture and field experimentation. Offered on demand.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5312.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3310 or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory or field, 6 hours) (MLML 231)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5330 - Advanced Topics in Marine Ecology

    1-4 unit(s)
    Selected topics and current issues in marine ecology. The subjects will vary depending on student demand and availability of instructors. Offered on demand.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3030 and consent of instructor. (MLML 233)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5340 - Advanced Biological Oceanography

    4 unit(s)
    Experimental techniques in biological oceanography with emphasis on problems important in plankton ecology. The course includes lectures, laboratories, and discussions of current research problems. An individual research project involving analytical tools will be required. Offered on demand.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5342.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3440 or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours) (MLML 234)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5420 - Plate Tectonics

    3 unit(s)
    Historical background, modern theory and geophysical evidence of continental drift, sea floor spreading, and plate tectonics. Examinations of the impact of the recent revolution in historical geology. Offered on demand.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3410 or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours) (MLML 242)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5460 - Geology Monterey Bay Region

    4 unit(s)
    Geology, tectonic, and active naturally occurring processes in the Monterey Bay region and in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. The geologic and tectonic history of central California, plate tectonic processes, and representative stratigraphy and geomorphology of the Monterey Bay region.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5462.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours) (MLML 246)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5480 - Marine Benthic Habitat Technology

    4 unit(s)
    Collection and interpretation of geophysical data used to characterize marine benthic habitats. Basic geophysical principles will be reviewed. Application of techniques to identify and characterize marine benthic habitats, including echosounders, multibeam bathymetry and backscatter, sidescan sonar, seismic profiling, and GIS.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5482.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours) (MLML 248)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5510 - Marine Geochemistry

    4 unit(s)
    Geochemical processes in the oceans: thermodynamics of low-temperature aqueous reactions, weathering, oxidation-reduction and biologically mediated reactions, processes occurring at the sea floor and air-sea interface. Offered on demand.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5512.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3430, quantitative analysis, one year calculus, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory or field, 6 hours) (MLML 251)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5610 - Ocean Circulation and Mixing

    4 unit(s)
    The mathematical description of the distribution of properties (density, dissolved oxygen, etc.) in the oceans relating to physical and biochemical processes. Theory of distribution of variables, geostrophic method.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5612.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3420, one year calculus, or consent of instructor. College physics strongly recommended.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory or field, 3 hours) (MLML 261)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5620 - Satellite Oceanography

    4 unit(s)
    Physical principles of remote sensing with application to the oceans including satellite image processing methods. Labs involve use of PC and Unix workstation.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5622.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3420, 3440, or consent of instructor. MSCI 5630 strongly recommended.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours) (MLML 262)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5630 - Computer Application in Oceanography

    4 unit(s)
    Lecture, discussion, and technical programming with MATLAB for computation and visualization with applications in marine sciences. Use of existing program libraries for data I/O and analysis.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5632.

    Prerequisites: College math and consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours) (MLML 263)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5710 - Population Biology

    3 unit(s)
    Principles of the interaction among marine organisms which result in the alteration of population structures; techniques for assessment and management of animal populations.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5712.

    Prerequisites: MSCI 3030, 3040, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory or field, 3 hours) (MLML 271)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5720 - Subtidal Ecology

    4 unit(s)
    The ecology of nearshore rocky subtidal populations and communities with emphasis on kelp forests. Lectures and discussions of original literature. Field work with SCUBA including group projects on underwater research techniques and community analysis, and individual research on ecological questions chosen by the student.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5722.

    Prerequisites: MLML diver certification and marine ecology. Knowledge of marine algae, invertebrates, and statistics is recommended.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory or field, 6 hours) (MLML 272)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5730 - Marine Environment Gulf of California

    4 unit(s)
    An analysis of Gulf of California marine environments. Lectures, readings, intensive field work, and writing a scientific paper based on original research. Topics vary. Taught with Mexican faculty and students from La Paz, Mexico. Students must be able to participate in two weeks of field work in June.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5732.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours) (MLML 273)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5740 - Advanced Topics in Oceanography

    1-4 unit(s)
    The study of a selected area in oceanography. The subjects will vary depending on student demand and availability of instructors.

    Corequisites: MSCI 5742.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Hours: (MLML 274)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5804 - Scientific Writing

    3 unit(s)
    Techniques and strategies of scientific writing used for proposals, journal submission, and abstracts for meetings.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Discussion, 2 hours) (MLML 280)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5850 - Grad Seminar in Marine Science

    2 unit(s)
    (Formerly Graduate Seminar in Marine Biology) Seminar will be held on topics changing each semester. Each student will be required to give at least one seminar. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5980 - Research in Marine Sciences

    1-4 unit(s)
    Independent investigations of an advanced character for the graduate student with adequate preparation. Note: Stanislaus students must file Individual Study forms.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Hours: (MLML 298)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 5990 - Thesis

    1-6 unit(s)
    Preparation, completion, and submission of an acceptable thesis for the Master’s degree in compliance with department regulations.

    Prerequisites: Open only to graduate students advanced to candidacy for the Master’s degree.

    Hours: (MLML 299)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MSCI 7005 - Continuing Thesis or Project

    0 unit(s)
    Non-credit course. Applicable to those students who have completed all registration for graduate course work and who have registered for the maximum number of thesis or project required by their program. Students must register each semester or term until they have secured faculty approval for their theses or projects.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1000 - Introduction to Music

    3 unit(s)
    A course for the general student which surveys musical elements, genres, forms, and styles. The growth and development of music through history from early times to the present will be studied.

    Satisfies G.E. area C1.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1190 - Music Fundamentals

    3 unit(s)
    A beginning course in music reading, notation, intervals, scales, theory, and eartraining. Designed primarily for the student pursuing the liberal studies major, the general student, and the music student who does not qualify for enrollment in MUS 1220.

    Satisfies G.E. area C1.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1220 - Theory I

    3 unit(s)
    Review of rudiments of music notation, scales, key signatures, intervals, triads, and inversions of triads. Emphasis is placed on analysis, creations of melodies based upon techniques of various musical periods, and four-part chorale style harmony. May be taken concurrently with MUS 1320.

    Prerequisites: Ability to read treble and bass clefs.  Music major or minor or consent of instructor.  Placement exam is required for enrollment verification.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1230 - Theory II

    3 unit(s)
    Continuation of MUS 1220, beginning with construction of an underlying tonal harmonic (triadic) continuum. Emphasis will be on chord connection, employment of triadic inversions, and study of basic harmonic rhythm leading to the creation of two, three, and four part textures within a harmonic fabric. May be taken concurrently with MUS 1330.

    Prerequisites: MUS 1220.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1320 - Eartraining and Sightsinging I

    1 unit(s)
    Pentatonic and diatonic melodies conducted and sung in solfeggio syllables; two-part rhythm exercises; simple keyboard harmony drills which parallel concurrent theoretical studies; beginning self-accompanied singing exercises, melodic, harmonic and rhythm dictation; and sightsinging. May be taken concurrently with MUS 1220.

    Prerequisites: music major or minor, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1330 - Eartraining and Sightsinging II

    1 unit(s)
    Continuation of MUS 1320. More advanced diatonic melodies; three-part rhythm exercises; keyboard harmony exercises; self-accompanied singing exercises; melodic, harmonic, contrapuntal and rhythmic dictation; and sightsinging. May be taken concurrently with MUS 1230.

    Prerequisites: MUS 1220 or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1600 - Basic Class Piano

    1 unit(s)
    Basic keyboard experience in reading and playing music from beginning to intermediate level with emphasis on the fundamentals of music theory and structure. May be repeated for a total of 6 units. Music majors should consult keyboard coordinator for special requirements.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1610 - Freshman-Level Keyboard

    1 unit(s)
    Instruction in technical, stylistic, and aesthetic elements of artistic performance. Designed for music majors or minors whose performance medium is a keyboard instrument. May be repeated for a total of 4 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1611 - Freshman Keyboard Major Repertoire

    1 unit(s)
    Advanced individual study of musical literature associated with concurrent enrollment in MUS 1610 as required for the Bachelor of Music degree in performance. May be repeated for a total of 2 units.

    Prerequisites: Music major, audition, and program coordinator approval.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1620 - Basic Class Guitar

    1 unit(s)
    A basic course in folk guitar skills for those who may or may not have any previous musical training. May be repeated for a total of 2 units.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1630 - Basic Class Voice

    1 unit(s)
    Introduction to singing, vocal technique, posture, breathing, tone production, and problems of tension and relaxation. May be repeated for a total of 4 units.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1640 - Freshman-Level Voice

    1 unit(s)
    Instruction in technical, stylistic, and aesthetic elements of artistic performance. For music majors or minors whose performance medium is voice. May be repeated for a total of 4 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1641 - Freshmn Voice Major Repertoire

    1 unit(s)
    Advanced individual study of musical literature associated with concurrent enrollment in MUS 1640 as required for the Bachelor of Music degree in performance. May be repeated for a total of 2 units.

    Prerequisites: Music major, audition, and program coordinator approval.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1670 - Freshman-Level Orchestra Instrument

    1 unit(s)
    Instruction in technical, stylistic, and aesthetic elements of artistic performance. For music majors or minors whose performance medium is strings, woodwinds, brasses, or percussion. May be repeated for a total of 4 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 1671 - Freshman Instrument Major Repertoire

    1 unit(s)
    Advanced individual study of musical literature associated with concurrent enrollment in MUS 1670 as required for the Bachelor of Music degree in performance. May be repeated for a total of 2 units.

    Prerequisites: Music major, audition, and program coordinator approval.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 2000 - Music of World Cultures

    3 unit(s)
    An introduction to the music of various world cultures, with attention to the music of non-western peoples.

    Satisfies G.E. area C1 and the Multicultural Requirement.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 2100 - Jazz Improvisation

    1 unit(s)
    An extensive study of jazz improvisation, including performance techniques, concepts and styles. Students will acquire theoretical knowledge and will apply it to performance. Students will then improvise on jazz standards. Students must provide their own instrument.

    Prerequisites: Knowledge of major/minor scales and major, minor, and dominant 7th chords.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 2101 - Functional Jazz Piano

    1 unit(s)
    Study and practice of jazz keyboard harmony including chord voicings, jazz nomenclature, rhythms, and other related issues through analysis of repertoire and recordings.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 2110 - Jazz Improvisation II

    1 unit(s)
    Study of jazz theory and improvisation through analysis of significant repertoire and recordings.

    Prerequisites: MUS 2100 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 2150 - Introduction to Music Technology

    1 unit(s)
    (Formerly Introduction to Music Technology and Computers in Music) Surveys the technology and software used in music production and education. Includes notation, sequencing, and digital audio, as well as delivery methods.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 2160 - Music Technology II

    1 unit(s)
    (Formerly Computers in Sound Synthesis and Music Instruction) Continuation of MUS 2150. Focuses on digital audio through use of ProTools audio production system. Emphasis placed on tracking and mixing as well as delivery methods.

    Prerequisites: MUS 2150 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 2170 - Live Sound Design

    1 unit(s)
    Explore and develop proficiency in using unique digital hardware and software tools for creating musical sounds, musical composition, sound design, and performance. Learn essential aspects of production, synthesis, sampling, and effects processing as elements within industry-standard software designed for the integration of audio synthesis into live performance. 

    Prerequisites: MUS 2150 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 2180 - Computer Music Notation

    1 unit(s)
    Introduction to music notation and software-based notation tools. Through project-based work, students will learn principles and rules of music notation, as well as facility with music notation software interface(s), to create various kinds of printed musical work, including lead sheets and choral/instrumental scores and parts.  Open to Music majors only.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 2190 - Studio Performance Techniques

    1 unit(s)
    Instruction in performance techniques, professional aesthetics, and technical procedures required for effective musical performance in recording session and studio settings. Open to Music majors only.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 2220 - Chromatic Harmony

    3 unit(s)
    Continuation of MUS 1230. Emphasis will be on an understanding of 19th century harmonic practice, including altered and extended chords, work in advanced modulation procedures, and more sophisticated harmonic progressions. Writing for the keyboard and for other instrumental and vocal combinations will be encouraged. Works from Beethoven through Wagner will be analyzed and extensive time will be spent creating original works in conscious imitation of various 19th century styles. May be taken concurrently with MUS 2320.

    Prerequisites: MUS 1230.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MUS 2230 - 20th Century Techniques

    3 unit(s)
    Continuation of MUS 2220. Examination of impressionistic devices, quartal harmony, nontonal and atonal compositional processes. Emphasis upon 20th century western music. Numerous original compositions required. May be taken concurrently with MUS 2330.

    Prerequisites: MUS 2220.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore


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