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California State University, Stanislaus is an exceptional public university that, because of its student-friendly size and commitment to excellence, is able to offer all the benefits of a private education. CSU Stanislaus offers baccalaureate degrees in the liberal arts, sciences, business and education, as well as teaching credentials, master’s degree programs, and other professional studies.
The University is composed of the College of the Arts, College of Business Administration, College of Education, College of Human and Health Sciences, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the College of Natural Sciences. Additional course offerings developed specifically for learners seeking professional or personal development are available through University Extended Education. CSU Stanislaus continues to emphasize quality and excellence in education and to respond to the needs of its diverse student population. Through a strong commitment to diversity and educational equity, CSU Stanislaus helps all students reach their full potential.
CSU Stanislaus is part of The California State University, a 23-campus system across California. With more than 450,000 students, it is the largest, the most diverse, and one of the most affordable university systems in the country. CSU campuses emphasize access to quality public higher education and workforce preparation that is responsive to regional needs.
CSU Stanislaus is a member of the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program, giving students from outside of California a valuable opportunity to participate in California’s top-notch public university system. The WUE is a part of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Through WUE, students in Arizona, Montana, Oregon, Alaska, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico,Washington, Hawaii, South/North Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho may enroll at CSU Stanislaus at a reduced tuition level: 150 percent of in-state resident tuition. WUE tuition is considerably less than nonresident tuition.
The State Legislature established what was then known as Stanislaus State College in 1957. The first classes opened in September of 1960 on the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds. In 1965, the College moved to its permanent campus. It was awarded university status and renamed California State University, Stanislaus in 1985.
Residents of San Joaquin County gained access to public higher education when the University opened the Stockton Center on the campus of San Joaquin Delta College in 1974. In the fall of 1998, the Center, renamed CSU Stanislaus-Stockton Center, moved to its permanent site on Magnolia Avenue in downtown Stockton.
Academic Programs
The University offers nearly 100 majors, minors, concentrations and teaching credentials, 23 master’s degree programs and five graduate certificate programs as well as pre-professional programs in law, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy, veterinary medicine, optometry, laboratory technology, and medical laboratory technology.
The highly accessible faculty is renowned for teaching, research, and service. More than two-thirds of the faculty are full-time tenured or tenure-track. Eighty percent of full-time faculty hold doctorates or terminal degrees in their fields. There are 285 full-time and 210 part-time faculty.
Student Body
The diverse student body includes many first-generation college students and working parents. The student body of 8,800 includes 7,034 undergraduate students and 1,766 graduate students (fall 2007). Average class size is 15 to 40.
Student Life
CSU Stanislaus sponsors nearly 80 student groups, including professional, recreational, religious, cultural, and Greek organizations. The Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) is CSU Stanislaus’ student government. ASI organizes intramural sports leagues, community wellness programs, and university spirit events. The University Student Union, run by students for students, brings the campus community together and includes the Student Union Board of Directors, Union Program Board, Outdoor Adventure Program, Indoor Adventure Program, and Multicultural Events.
CSU Stanislaus’ residential community, The Village, lets students immerse themselves in all aspects of the university experience while giving a plethora of support resources and guidance. Residents enjoy rooms that provide more space, as well as a higher level of privacy, than can be found in most on-campus living communities. The freshman housing community offers three styles of lodging (single suites, double suites, and apartments), while upper division residents enjoy apartment-style accommodations. The vast majority of residents are housed in four-bedroom single occupancy apartments complete with lounge furniture, a full kitchen, bathroom, and living room.
The University fields 14 intercollegiate men’s and women’s sports teams in the California Collegiate Athletic Association and is affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) Division II.
The success of an educational institution is measured by the success of its graduates. CSU Stanislaus prides itself on its contributions to the economy of the state of California and to a wide range of fields that include education, public service, law enforcement, business, and health care. Since the founding class, 35,000 alumni have proudly called CSU Stanislaus their alma mater. The Alumni Council promotes involvement in the community with activities such as fundraisers, service projects and family-oriented outings. It also supports current students with scholarship endowments.
Students who demonstrate academic excellence may receive monetary support from nearly 140 available scholarships, many offering multiple awards. Any full-time matriculated CSU Stanislaus student may apply. Scholarships are funded by private gifts, business donations, and endowments. Most awards range from $100 to $5,000 per academic year, averaging about $500. Since 1996, more than $10 million has been pledged and/or gifted to the CSU Stanislaus Foundation in support of scholarships, endowed scholarships and endowed operations from private donors. Department scholarships are for students who have declared a specific major. Open scholarships are unrestricted.
For complete information, contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office at (209) 667-3336 or visit the Web site at
The Library
The University Library provides major educational, cultural, and information services to the University and the community. The library’s mission is to support and supplement classroom and independent learning; facilitate and support student and faculty research; and provide users with lifelong skills in identifying, locating, evaluating, and synthesizing information. The library staff is dedicated to offering excellent reference, instruction, and access services to the University’s campus and distance learning programs. The collection includes 361,000 volumes, 2,000 periodical subscriptions, 1.3 million microforms, 4,700 audiovisual materials, access to 70+ electronic databases and a growing number of electronic journals, video recordings, compact discs, and e-books. Since 1965 the library has been a partial depository of federal, state, and local documents. Other special collections include the University archive, with documents on local and University history, and the juvenile collection, which has 5,900 volumes of award-winning and notable titles in children’s literature.
Student Success Center
Student success is of great importance to the entire campus community at CSU Stanislaus. Our excellent retention rate (80% of first-year students) can be attributed to effective programs and efforts. The First Year Programs are designed to assist first-time students with their transition and acclimation to CSU Stanislaus, and provide a forum in which to discuss any academic questions or concerns.
The Summer Reading Project gives incoming students a common intellectual exercise to jump-start their university experience. The Tutoring Program offers free group and individual tutorial services in most subjects. The Reentry/Adult Student Program assists those who have either deferred admission to college or are returning after a minimum 5-year absence. The “Welcome Week-Ready for Success Now” early evening workshops are held the first week of each fall and spring semester.
The Senior Scholar Program offers Senior Scholars (who are academically qualified and are 60 or older) an opportunity to attend university courses while keeping tuition costs very affordable. The Graduating Student Program is designed to help students transition to life after college. The program includes workshops for students who have almost completed the requirements for graduation from CSU Stanislaus. The Faculty in Residence program fosters an increased academic focus to residential living, promotes out-of-classroom connections to faculty, and provides increased academic-related programming for residential students.
Special Learning Opportunities
Lecture Series and Cultural Offerings
The University offers a wide variety of public programs, activities and entertainment including theater, concerts, and art exhibits. Renowned personalities who have given special lectures include journalists Ellen Goodman and Cokie and Steve Roberts, the legendary Bill Cosby, historian Carlos Cortés, former U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley, and former Secretaries of State Colin Powell and James A. Baker III. Performers Nancy Wilson, Willie Nelson, Ray Charles, B.B. King, Manhattan Transfer, Vince Gill, Van Cliburn, the Temptation Review featuring Dennis Edwards, and the cast from Beach Blanket Babylon have entertained the campus and its community.
Office of International Education
The Office of International Education promotes the internationalization of the teaching, research, and service missions of CSU Stanislaus through campuswide efforts such as International Student Services, Study Abroad, faculty exchange, faculty and staff development, international development projects, linkages with the Northern San Joaquin Valley’s diverse ethnic groups, and integration of “global learning goals” into the curriculum.
International Student Services
International Student Services within the Office of International Education assists the University’s F-1 and J-1 visa students and scholars in making the most of their experience at CSU Stanislaus. Services include comprehensive orientation and advising on immigration matters, academic matters, cultural adjustment, financial issues, housing, transportation, and employment.
Study Abroad
The Office of International Education offers opportunities for CSU Stanislaus students to study in many different parts of the world for various lengths of time. Through studying abroad, students gain an international perspective, increased independence and self-confidence, and a strong professional advantage. Students earn regular academic credit. All campus financial aid (except Work-Study) applies. (Students will not receive credit for foreign study undertaken without prior planning or approval of CSU Stanislaus.)
English as a Second Language
The English as a Second Language program is designed for students, both international and permanent residents, for whom English is not a native language. The three courses in the program provide intensive instruction and tutoring in writing and reading. All courses yield graduation credit. For information contact the Department of English at (209) 667-3361.
Centers and Institutes
The Centers and Institutes of CSU Stanislaus exist to advance the goals of the University and to enhance its programs of instruction, scholarship, and service. They provide a means for interdisciplinary collaboration and a method by which extramural funds and fees can be employed to supplement other resources. A description of the Centers and Institutes may be found in the Faculty Handbook. For more information about the Centers and Institutes, please contact the directors listed below.
University-wide Centers and Institutes
Child Development Center |
Jennifer Esterly |
Center for Direct Instruction |
Cathy Watkins |
Center for Portuguese Studies |
Elmano Costa |
Center for Public Policy Studies |
John Garcia and Kelvin Jasek-Rysdahl |
College of Business Administration
College of Business Administration Management Development Center |
Nael Aly |
College of Human and Health Sciences
Behavioral Intervention Services |
Jane S. Howard |
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Institute for Archaeological Research |
Sari Miller-Antonio |
Institute for Cultural Resources |
Thomas E. Durbin |
Center for Economic Education |
Kelvin Jasek-Rysdahl and Elaine Peterson |
National Honor Societies
All Disciplines: Phi Kappa Phi. Recognizes and encourages superior scholarship in all academic disciplines in institutions of higher learning. Eligibility includes juniors, seniors, graduate students, faculty, and alumni. Membership is by invitation only.
College of Business Administration
Business Administration: Sigma Beta Delta. Encourages and recognizes scholarship and accomplishment among students (of business, management, and administration) and encourages and promotes aspirations toward personal and professional improvement, and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind. Eligibility includes juniors, seniors, and graduate students.
College of Education
Education: Phi Delta Kappa. Promotes quality education, with particular emphasis on publicly supported education, as essential to the development and maintenance of a democratic way of life. Eligibility includes undergraduate education majors, graduate students, and professional educators.
College of Human and Health Sciences
Nursing: Nursing Honor Society. Recognizes superior achievement, develops leadership qualities, fosters high professional standards, encourages creative work, and strengthens commitment to the ideals and purposes of individuals in the profession of nursing. Eligibility includes juniors, seniors, graduate students in professional programs in nursing, faculty, and alumni.
Psychology: Psi Chi. Encourages, stimulates, and maintains excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology. Eligibility includes sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students.
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Anthropology: Lambda Alpha. The CSU Stanislaus chapter is Epsilon of California. Encourages and stimulates scholarship and research in anthropology by recognizing and honoring superior achievement in the discipline among students, faculty and other persons engaged in the study of anthropology.
Communication Studies: Lambda Pi Eta. Recognizes and encourages scholastic achievement and professional development in the field of communication studies. Eligibility includes sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students.
Economics: Omicron Delta Epsilon, an international Honor Society. Promotes and acknowledges excellence in the field of economics and unites students and faculty who have a specific interest in economics. Eligibility includes juniors, seniors, and graduate students who have completed at least 12 units of economics coursework and have met specific academic requirements.
History: Phi Alpha Theta. Recognizes and encourages excellence in the study of history. Eligibility includes juniors, seniors, and graduate students.
Political Science: Pi Sigma Alpha. Stimulates scholarship and intellectual interest in political science. Eligibility includes juniors and seniors who have completed ten upper-division units in political science.
Sociology: Alpha Kappa Delta. Promotes an interest in the study of sociology, research of social problems, and such other social and intellectual activities as will lead to improvement in the human condition. Eligibility includes juniors, seniors, graduate students, and faculty.
Many academic departments at CSU Stanislaus offer internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students. Placements in a variety of private, non-profit, and public agencies are designed to encourage both pre-professional training and the integration of field and classroom experiences. Interested students should contact their academic advisers.
Community Service and Service Learning
The Office of Service Learning, located in the Faculty Development Center, assists faculty and students with the development of service learning opportunities. A principal goal of service learning is the promotion of student learning through active participation in meaningful service directly related to course content. This means students spend various amounts of time in community organizations working with real people with real needs. The Office of Service Learning can recommend course options with a service component, volunteer sites as well as faculty and student resources available to encourage active learning both in the classroom and the community. Please call (209) 667-3311 for additional information.
University Extended Education
University Extended Education (UEE) provides inviting, engaging, and transformative lifelong learning experiences that promote educational success and strengthen the personal and professional growth of its students. For additional information on UEE’s mission or program offerings, call (209) 667-3111, or stop by the office at Mary Stuart Rogers Building 240. You may also visit the Web site at
Technology Training: University Extended Education operates the Learning and Technology Training Center located in the Educational Services Building. This Center serves as one of the most modern multimedia classrooms in Central California. Residents from Stanislaus and the adjoining counties enjoy this modern training center designed and operated to meet their continuing needs to learn new software, strengthen existing skills, and learn the essential information necessary to earn software certifications.
Open University: This UEE program opens the doors to university classes for students who are not formally admitted and enrolled in the University. The Open University program serves as many things: an invitation to try out the University, a resource for those who need a class for personal or professional development, or a second chance for low GPA students. Students may only enroll on a space-available basis and with the permission of the instructor in any regularly scheduled course offered by the University. Since enrollment is permitted on a space-available basis, enrollment approval is given on the first day of instruction. If a student wishes to have credit applied toward a degree, a maximum of 24 units is allowable for a baccalaureate degree.
Certificate Programs: UEE offers intensive, one- to two-semester certificate programs that provide core knowledge in a specific field or skill set. UEE offers an array of certificate programs for professional development in business, computers, medical, and legal topics. These programs award students continuing education units and certificates upon successful completion. Please call or visit the Web site for a current schedule.
Personal Development: UEE also provides opportunities for students to participate in courses focused on personal development. Through a partnership with leading e-learning providers, UEE now offers an extensive library of online, non-credit courses. Courses focus on building specific skills and are offered in a variety of topics such as computers, the Internet, writing, and special interest.
Contract Courses: Organizations planning continuing education courses using their own instructors may contract with UEE to offer extension credit for approved off-campus courses.
Teacher Education: For teacher education needs, UEE offers a variety of options. Test preparation classes and substitute teacher workshops are offered for those looking to enter the teaching field. For those currently teaching and needing extension credits, UEE offers computer-based teacher education, which covers pertinent topics and awards credit.
Corporate Resource Services: Workforce development is a core program area for UEE. UEE offers customized on-site training programs for area businesses and government agencies. Organizations that wish to upgrade their work force, acquire knowledge and skills in a specific field, stay current with new developments, improve customer service, or need specialized training will benefit from this distinctive program.
CSU Stanislaus-Stockton Center
California State University, Stanislaus-Stockton Center is a proponent of higher education’s role in improving the economic, social, and cultural life of San Joaquin County.
Located within University Park at 612 East Magnolia Street in Stockton, California, CSU Stanislaus-Stockton Center is an off-campus site of California State University, Stanislaus. The Stockton Center offers upper-division and graduate courses at flexible hours that earn full academic credit and lead to selected baccalaureate and master’s degrees and credentials. It has computer lab facilities, a library access center, student lounge, exercise room, game room, health services, bookstore, and several beautifully landscaped courtyards for informal student and faculty gatherings. The Stockton Center provides selected student services including admissions information, academic advising, financial aid, graduation evaluations, career planning, teaching credential analysis, cashiering, WPST testing, and writing tutoring.
Working with other institutions, CSU Stanislaus-Stockton Center offers collaborative initiatives and programs to benefit the community. It provides an opportunity to create a unique environment for learning and to form partnerships in the Stockton area and beyond. During the more than thirty years that CSU Stanislaus has been a presence in Stockton, it has developed productive relationships with other institutions and organizations.
Graduate degrees provided at CSU Stanislaus-Stockton Center include:
Master’s Degrees
Elementary Education |
- Public Administration (M.P.A.)
Secondary Education |
Multilingual Education |
Reading |
Administration and Supervision |
- Elementary—CLAD/BCLAD (Preliminary and Clear)
- Secondary — Preliminary and Clear
- School Administration — Preliminary and Professional
Teacher Internships (Multiple Subject/CLAD |
Business Administration
The College of Business Administration also offers undergraduate and graduate courses toward the B.S. in Computer Information Systems and the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees at the Stockton Center.
Accreditation: Degree programs offered at CSU Stanislaus-Stockton Center are fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and are an integral part of the program of CSU Stanislaus. In addition, the following programs, offered at the Stockton Center, are accredited by their speciality organizations:
College of Business Administration — the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
College of Education — the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC).
Public Administration — the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA)
Nursing — National League for Nursing
Social Work — Council on Social Work Education
Office hours are from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday. For more information, please call (209) 467-5300 or visit the Website at