Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • CHEM 4961 - Seminar on Directed Readings

    (1 Unit)
    The presentation and discussion by students of research papers taken from the current chemical literature.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Offered: (Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CHEM 4980 - Individual Study

    (1-4 Units)
    For qualified students desiring to do research or to pursue the study of some specialized topic. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CHEM 5980 - Individual Study

    (1-4 Units)
    For qualified postbaccalaureate students in need of advanced or specialized study. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 2000 - Introduction to Business Computer Systems

    (3 Units)
    Introduction to the use of computers in business. Hardware/software concepts, components and their integration into business applications. The student will be introduced to word-processing, spreadsheet, database, and Internet applications.

    Satisfies G.E. area E1.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 2020 - Visual Basic Programming

    (3 Units)
    Introduction to Visual Basic programming for business applications. Covers principles of object oriented, interactive, and file maintenance programming. Several business application programs will be written.

    Prerequisites: CIS 2000.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 3020 - Advanced Visual Basic Programming

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly CIS 3730 Structured Programming) A continuation of CIS 2020. Places emphasis on advanced programming methods and techniques in Visual Basic.

    Prerequisites: CIS 2020

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 3700 - Information Technology for Management

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly CIS 2700) Overview of the value and applications of IT to business organizations with a management perspective. Topics of interest may include: current trends of IT infrastructure, strategic roles of IT, enterprise systems and supply chain management, e-Commerce and EDI, knowledge management, decision making model, DSSs, artificial intelligence and expert systems, data mining, data base management, multidimensional data bases, and IS planning and development. Lab projects will focus on the application of IT to the design and development of models for improving managerial decision making.

    Prerequisites: CIS 2000 or equivalent.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 4720 - Database Management Systems

    (3 Units)
    The design and implementation of computer-based databases utilizing a commercial database management system from the business systems analyst’s point of view.  Provides background for the intellgent selection and use of database management systems.  Topics include discussion of types of available systems, functions of database administration, conceptual database design, data independence integrity, privacy, and query.  The student will design and implement a database utilizing a database management system.

    Prerequisites: CIS 2020 or one semester of another programming language.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; activity, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 4770 - Systems Analysis and Design

    (3 Units)
    Structured and object-oriented analysis and design of computer based information systems and major computer application projects. The system development life cycle and prototyping are studied with techniques supporting creativity, industrial strength CASE tools, and case studies.

    Prerequisites: CIS 2020 or CIS 2030, and CIS 3700.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 4800 - Network Administration

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly Business Data Communications) Data communications in a business environment: Media and hardware; data link protocols; networking, including Local Area Networks; distributed databases; technical and managerial issues; preparing and implementing a communications plan. Hands-on projects, field trips, and case studies.

    Prerequisites: CIS 2020 and CIS 3700.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 4900 - Application Development Project

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly CIS 4790 Applied Software Development Project) Application of computer programming and system development concepts, principles, and practices to a real world comprehensive systems development project. Student teams will work for a regional firm to analyze, design, document, and implement realistic systems of moderate complexity. Use of appropriate project management methods (scheduling and control) in the solution of a real problem. An integrative experience intended as the capstone of the major.

    Prerequisites: CIS 4770, and at least one of the following; CIS 4720, CIS 4750, or CIS 4800 in agreement with the instructor consulting the project and depending on the type of application.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 4940 - Internship

    (3 Units)
    Supervised field experience in a selected area of computer information systems. Formal written report(s) will be required.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 4950 - Selected Topics in Computer Information Systems

    (1-4 Units)
    Innovative course of study. (Topics to be specified in Class Schedule) Different topics may be taken for credit.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 4980 - Individual Study

    (1-4 Units)
    For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and approval of department chair prior to registration.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 5620 - Computer Information Systems

    (3 Units)
    An overview of the concepts and structure of computer-based information systems which support decision making at all levels of management.  Topics include the definition and role of CIS; the uses of CIS; various organizational information systems; computer hardware, software; data base systems, and the principles of CIS development and management.

    Prerequisites: OM 5040, ACC 5070, or equivalents.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 5710 - Decision Support Systems

    (3 Units)
    Concepts and structure of Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems. Emphasis on the design of knowledge-based interactive systems to assist management decision-making. Systems will be developed using expert system development, modeling, and database management software.

    Prerequisites: CIS 5620 or equivalent.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 5750 - Data Base Management Systems

    (3 Units)
    Design and implementation of data bases utilizing a database management system. Acquaints students with the concepts of Information Resource Management, including information as an organization resource, database design, database administration, data dictionaries, query systems, and data security. Students will design and implement a database information system using a database management software package.

    Prerequisites: CIS 5620 or equivalent.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 5940 - Internship

    (3 Units)
    Supervised field experience in a selected area of computer information systems. Formal written report(s) will be required.

    Prerequisites: Consent of internship coordinator prior to registration.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 5950 - Selected Topics in Computer Information Systems

    (1-4 Units)
    (Topics to be specified in Class Schedule) Innovative course of study. Different topics may be taken for credit.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 5960 - Graduate Project

    (3 Units)
    A terminal graduate project to be taken by students who have completed their course requirements. The project proposal must be approved by the project adviser(s).

    Prerequisites: Students must have completed all course requirements prior to registration.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 5980 - Individual Study

    (1-4 Units)
    For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and approval of department chair prior to registration.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CIS 5990 - Graduate Thesis

    (3 Units)
    This enrollment involves consultation in the preparation of a master’s thesis.

    Prerequisites: Completion of coursework.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 2240 - Success Strategies in Criminal Justice

    (1 Unit)
    Course will provide an overview of the requirements needed to graduate successfully with a degree in criminal justice.  Guest speakers will provide information on what employers of various criminal justice careers are requiring.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 2250 - Introduction to Criminal Justice

    (3 Units)
    Provides an overview of the criminal justice system. The focus is on the role of law enforcement, the courts, corrections, and their relationships. The definition, measurement, and causes of crime are also discussed.

    Satisfies G.E. area D2.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 2255 - Methods of Criminal Justice Inquiry

    (3 Units)
    Examines the methods criminal justice professionals use to collect and analyze information.  Includes locating the literature on a topic, reading scholarly articles, writing a literature review, and documenting properly.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 2270 - Criminal Investigations

    (3 Units)
    Explores detection, interrogation, development of evidence, and apprehension. Stringent evidentiary standards based on the Constitution, statutory law, and administrative regulations for law enforcement and correctional personnel are reviewed as they apply to various aspects of investigations. In addition to reviewing the rule of law, the underlying ethical, social, and moral issues which direct the investigator’s role are examined.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2255 or consent of instructor.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 2280 - Criminal Law

    (3 Units)
    Using a case study approach, criminal law traces the historical development and current principles and rules which determine the substantive criminal law. Topics include the purpose of criminal law; principles of liability; defenses involving excuses or justifications; and crimes against persons, property, and public order.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2255, or consent of instructor.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 2450 - Criminal Judicial Process

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly CJ 4165 and CJ 4170) A detailed analysis of judicial processing, from booking to sentencing, of individuals accused of crimes. Includes lecture and case study approach of substantive and procedural issues concerning pretrial motions and hearings, arraignments, bail, plea bargaining, trials, and sentencing. May include field trips to selected courts.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2255, or consent of instructor.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 2500 - Criminal Justice Service Learning

    (1 Unit)
    Students will perform at least 30 hours of service learning, either mentoring at-risk youths or working with law enforcement agencies.

    Corequisites: CJ 3600 or CJ 3420.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3070 - Going to Prison

    (3 Units)
    A tour of local jails and State correctional institutions. Provides the criminal justice student with an opportunity to visit and tour jails in Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties, tour State prisons, learn first-hand from correctional officers about correctional supervision, and observe prison life from inside.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3100 - Legal Research and Writing

    (4 Units)

    Introduction to tools and techniques used by legal professionals to conduct research for and prepare legal documents.  Enables students to write and communicate orally more logically and effectively in legal contexts.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.


    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; activity, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3120 - Causes of Crime

    (3 Units)
    Analysis of crime causation provides students the opportunity to form critical thinking by presenting them with current theories and research and competing viewpoints in human criminality. Students will also be exposed to information on diversity, use of technology, and policy in criminal justice.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3130 - Administration of Corrections

    (3 Units)
    Provides the historical development of community-based and institutional programs. Using competing philosophical goals - retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation - various current programs such as probation, parole, diversion, and institutional treatment are contrasted and future trends are projected.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3160 - Administration and Management in Law Enforcement

    (3 Units)
    Examines the various types of administrative and management principles and practices applicable to law enforcement agencies. The history of law enforcement management, the levels of organizational structure and development, and various management philosophies will be explored. Special attention will center on history, organization, operations, and administrative philosophies of federal law enforcement agencies.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3170 - Criminal Justice Research Methods (WP)

    (4 Units)
    (Formerly CJ 4930) Directed social science research applied to gathering data in criminal justice and criminological research. The focus will be on special problems encountered in research settings and groups where information about crime is to be gathered and analyzed. Includes review of research.

    Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, and completion of the Writing Proficiency Screening Test with a passing score.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; activity, 2 hours)

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3230 - Police Ethics and Civil Liability

    (3 Units)
    Using a case study, social and legislative analytical approach, this course will explore ethics in law enforcement from its historical roots through contemporary ethical issues. Ethical issues will include areas such as communications, race, sex, excessive physical force, corruption, and conflicts of interest. Civil liability will focus on the tort liability for certain statutory and ethical violations.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3235 - Domestic Violence and Intimate Abuse

    (3 Units)
    Explores historical, sociological, and legal causes, effects, and sanctions of issues pertaining to family and domestic abuse and violence. Discussion and research will incorporate inter alia, state and federal legislation on intimate violence and abuse, causes of abusive behavior, battered woman’s syndrome, self-defense, cyclical violence, children of abusive environments, and treatment for batterers. Consists of lecture, discussion, video documentaries, case study and legislative analyses, examinations, and socio-legal research and writing.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3250 - Leadership and Supervision in Law Enforcement

    (3 Units)
    Examination of law enforcement leadership and supervision practices applicable to law enforcement agencies.  Emphasis and contrast on differences between police as a leader and police as a supervisor.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3260 - Evidence

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly CJ 2260). Introduction to constitutionally-based legal rules of criminal evidence.  Topics:  admissibility, burden of proof, relevancy, hearsay, and impeachment, among others.  Students apply their learning by participating in mock evidentiary hearings.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3315 - Hate Crimes

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly CJ 3310) A case study, lecture, and theoretical approach to analyzing issues, causes, effects, history, and solutions of hate crimes. Includes informational discussions on individuals who commit hate crimes, organized hate groups, and the victims of hate crimes and activities. Additional analyses and discussions will center on federal and state hate crime legislation, pertinent case law, and constitutional protections and constraints.

    Satisfies G. E. area G.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3350 - Organized Crime

    (3 Units)
    Presents a study focused on the phenomenon of organized crime, commencing with an exploration of the definitions of organized crime and the characteristic crimes engaged in by these crime groups. Centers on the historical and contemporary problems faced by the criminal justice professional in combating these unique criminal enterprises.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3420 - Community and Problem-Oriented Policing

    (3 Units)
    Explores the broad and critical areas of crime prevention techniques using the citizenry as the basis. Encompasses police paradoxical issues concerning the police image, the dilemma of policing, the role of police in the community, police/community attitudes, complaints, and crime prevention through visibility and the media, politics, and the needs of ethnically diverse populations.

    Corequisites: CJ 2500.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3460 - White Collar Crime

    (3 Units)
    Presents an examination of the breadth and intricacies of white- collar crime in the American criminal justice system. Explores the various types of crimes that constitute white-collar crime and engages the student in critical analysis of the definitions and applications of the criminal law to the ever-growing problem of white-collar crime. Discussion will focus on the history and evolution of the criminal justice response to white-collar crime.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3500 - Jury Selection and Decision Making

    (4 Units)
    Examines the major issues in jury selection and research on how verdicts can be influenced by extra-legal factors such as the characteristics of the defendant, the jurors, and the political climate. Students will learn about the theoretical ideals underlying the jury system and compare these with the reality of the jury system today and debate proposed jury reforms. Activities may include oral presentations, designing a jury selection strategy, participation as a juror in a mock trial, and courtroom observation.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3600 - Juvenile Corrections

    (3 Units)
    In-depth exploration of the various components of youth corrections.

    Corequisites: CJ 2500.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3650 - At-Risk Youth

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly Youth Violence) Class explores criminological theories, risk, protective and criminogenic factors that explain at-risk youth’s substance abuse, sexual, violent, and general offending behaviors and tendencies, and the different ways in which risks and need assessments are used by juvenile justice professionals to correct at-risk behaviors.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3700 - Criminalistics I

    (4 Units)
    (Formerly Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science) Study and analysis of the use of science and technology in criminal justice. Focuses on the broad-based concept of the investigative crime laboratory in criminal investigations and crime solving. Explores topics such as the examination of soil, serology, and firearms. Students will be required to complete an assigned lab project.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250, CJ 2280, and CHEM 1100, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Offered: (Fall)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3710 - Criminalistics II

    (4 Units)
    Continuation of CJ 3700 Criminalistics I. Study and analysis of the use of science and technology in criminal justice. Students will be required to complete an assigned lab project.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250, CJ 2280, and CJ 3700, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Offered: (Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3800 - Crime Prevention and Schools

    (3 Units)
    Critical examination of the interface between schools and crime prevention. Specific areas of inquiry will include the link between school failure and delinquency, the incidence and prevention of violence in schools, and the types and impact of gangs. Designed specifically for future teachers. (LIBS Integrative: Social Inquiry)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 3850 - Security and Risk Management

    (3 Units)
    The history and evolution of security education, training, certification, and regulation will be explored.  Security and law, workplace violence, and the challenge for security in the future will be addressed.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4000 - Criminal Justice and Technology

    (3 Units)
    Exploration of the changing role of technology in criminal activity and crime prevention.  Topics to be covered include computer crime, crime mapping, computerized databases, and use of technology in surveillance.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4030 - Criminal Justice Research Analysis

    (4 Units)
    Familiarizes students with quantitative measurement of justice variables including formulation of research designs, application of research techniques, data analysis and interpretation. Includes understanding and performing basic research on data sets.

    Prerequisites: CJ 3170 or MATH 1600, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4100 - Law and Society

    (3 Units)
    Considers what law is, its sources, functions, and relationship to other social institutions, how it shapes behavior, sources of legal complexity, dispute processing, types of legal systems, and the legal profession.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4135 - Constitutional Rights of Prisoners

    (3 Units)
    Using a case study approach, this class deals with the constitutional rights of prisoners and the responsibilities of correctional personnel.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4141 - Criminal Procedures I

    (3 Units)
    Case study and analysis of the constitutional requirements and constraints in criminal justice proceedings. Examines the origins of constitutional criminal due process, the Incorporation Doctrine, and arrest, warrants, search and seizure, and the Exclusionary Rule.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Offered: (Fall)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4150 - Probation and Parole

    (3 Units)
    The historical development, current practices, and future direction of probation and parole are discussed. Explores the balancing of two competing objectives, i.e., the protection of society and the needs of the offender. The various primary roles of investigator, counselor, court officer, and supervisor are examined in light of competing objectives.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4151 - Criminal Procedures II

    (3 Units)

    Continuation of Criminal Procedures I (CJ 4141) where students examine the application of U.S. Constitutional provisions in a criminal justice context through in-depth analysis of case law.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250, CJ 2280, and CJ 4141, or consent of instructor.


    Offered: (Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4175 - Capital Crimes and Death Penalty

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly CJ 4170) An analysis of the types of crimes for which the death penalty has been imposed and a study of the death penalty in America.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4200 - Crime Victims and the Criminal Justice System

    (3 Units)
    Course provides a contemporary and historical overview of CJ system policies and practices towards crime victims.  It also focuses on the ever expanding empirical work on crime victimization.  With current policies and practices shaped by past policies-practices and/or empirical research, the historical (i.e., prior practices) and empirical foundations for today’s policies-practices will be woven together.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4230 - Juvenile Justice

    (4 Units)
    A case study and analysis of the American juvenile justice system from its historical beginnings through its current structure and operations and to an exploration of future trends. Discussion will include constitutional rights of juveniles, the judicial process, system structure and operation, juvenile crime, violence, and gangs. As an activity, students will be required to conduct an on-site field observation of the juvenile justice system and complete a case study research project on an actual juvenile case.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; activity, 2 hours)

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4250 - Psychology of Criminal Behavior

    (4 Units)
    (Formerly CJ 4240) A case study and exploratory analysis of the psychological factors that influence and cause criminal behavior in individuals. The class will cover the major psychological theories of criminal conduct such as social learning theories, personality theories, and development theories; criminal behavior, psychopaths, sex offenders, mentally disordered offenders, and mass murderers. The laboratory will include an analysis of covariants of psychological predictors of criminal behavior of exceptional offenders by use of video. The lab findings and research on the psychological criminal behavior of offenders will be presented both orally and within the context of a research paper.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4260 - Criminal Justice Seminar

    (3 Units)
    Sociological analysis of the history, politics, and economics of criminal justice. Course will focus on theory and research, ideology of crime control, and criminal justice reform.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4300 - Leadership in Police Organizations

    (4 Units)
    Leadership course for the career public safety professional to enhance, understand, and apply modern behavioral science and leadership theories that enhance human motivation, satisfaction, and performance to achieve organizational goals.

    Corequisites: CJ 4310.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4310 - Advanced Leadership in Police Organizations

    (4 Units)
    Advanced leadership skills for public safety professionals.

    Corequisites: CJ 4300.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4320 - Forensic Psychology

    (3 Units)
    Explores the application of psychology to criminal justice issues.  Topics to be considered include specific mental disorders and personality types related to criminal behavior, treatment of mental illness in the justice system, and practical application of forensic psychology. (Offered under the subjects PSYC and CJ)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4350 - Violence Against Children

    (3 Units)
    Study of the philosophical and legalistic definitions of childhood and violence.  This includes a discussion of the extent, distribution, predictors, as well as the selective enforcement of such violence.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4400 - Criminal Justice and the Media

    (3 Units)
    Examines depictions of criminal justice in the media and the role of the media in shaping crimes and crime policy.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4450 - Exploring the Criminalization of Mental Illness and its Impact on Incarceration

    (3 Units)
    Course introduces students to the history of deinstitutionalization of psychiatric hospitals and its relationship to the growth of the corrections industry in the 20th and 21st century.  Course will survey topics ranging from learning about offender rehabilitation and mental health programs in incarceration settings, the psychological impact of punitive punishment policies such as solitary confinement, behavioral management of offenders with comorbid disorders, examining mental health by gender in the prison context, and understanding the assessment and treatment of incarcerated sex offenders.  Using criminological theories, primary source scholarship, and a textbook, this course emphasizes a biopsychosocial approach to understanding the policies, programs, and mental health laws effecting an estimated 20% of U.S. prisoners who have a diagnosed serious mental disorder.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4500 - Comparative Criminal Justice

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly International and Comparative Criminal Justice) Comparison of criminal justice systems across the world.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4600 - Terrorism and Homeland Security

    (3 Units)
    Various issues and concerns of terrorism and homeland security including the roots of terrorists, common terrorist tactics, and homeland security operations and strategies will be introduced to students.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4700 - Youth Mentoring

    (3 Units)
    Via lecture, discussion, and actual field experience, students will gain expertise in mentoring at-risk youths.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4850 - Scientific Evidence and the Law

    (3 Units)
    Study and analysis of the impact and application of forensic science, scientific evidence and technology on State and Federal criminal and civil statues, the Constitution, evidence, and the criminal judicial process. Examines the scientific application and presentation of physical evidence at trial, the role of forensic scientists, criminalists, expert witnesses, and constitutional constraints in the prosecution, defense, and adjudication of criminal and civil cases.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250, CJ 2280, and CJ 3700, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4875 - Immigration and the American Criminal Justice System

    (3 Units)
    Upper-division seminar looks at the historical and contemporary contexts of immigration, immigration control, and research as to criminal offending and criminal victimization among immigrants via civil and criminal statutes, denial of entry, detentions, and deportations.  The course will also look at the empirical research on criminal offending and criminal victimization among immigrants. May be repeated once for credit.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4910 - Cooperative Education

    (2-4 Units)
    Provides an opportunity to acquire relevant, practical experience in supervised paid employment within the discipline. Students are placed in private or public sector positions under the supervision of the employer and departmental Co-op coordinator. May be repeated for a total of eight units depending on departmental policy.

    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and consent of departmental chair.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4915 - Sex Crimes and Gender Issues in Criminal Justice

    (3 Units)
    Focuses on crimes perpetrated against women, the criminal justice system’s response to such crimes, gender disparity in sentencing, gender disparity in corrections, sexual discrimination, and sexual harassment in the criminal justice system. Discussion and research will center on historical and contemporary issues of gender-based criminality, the victimization of women, and on such crimes as stalking, forcible rape, molestation, prostitution, and incest. Consists of lecture, discussion, case study and legislative analyses, examinations, and socio-legal research and writing.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

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  • CJ 4920 - International Criminal Justice Systems

    (3 Units)
    Course introduces students to theories of globalization and international justice, the history of international justice systems, regional and international justice institutions, United Nations justice systems, international humanitarian and human rights law, the United Nations Security Council, United Nations law enforcement institutions, international courts and tribunals, Title VII responses to breaches of international peace, international policing and militarization, international crimes, consular rights, and international justice professions and careers.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4925 - Historical and Contemporary Criminal Justice

    (4 Units)
    Explores American criminal justice system from its historical roots through its current structure.  Discusses critical and controversial current issues withing our criminal justice system.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; activity, 2 hours)

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4940 - Criminal Justice Internship

    (2-4 Units)
    Allows the student who is considering a career in law enforcement, the courts, or corrections the opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals, assist them in their duties, and develop hands-on experience. May be repeated for a total of 9 units, but only 3 units may be applied to the major.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, junior or senior standing, or consent of instructor.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4950 - Selected Topics in Criminal Justice

    (1-5 Units)
    (Topics to be specified in Class Schedule.) Topics vary each term, thus different topics may be taken for credit.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4960 - Race, Ethnicity, and the Criminal Justice System

    (3 Units)
    Using case law and research studies, an exploration and analysis of the role and treatment of ethnic minorities in the American criminal justice system from a historical, sociological, and legal perspective. The impact of race in the system, and ethnic minorities as criminal suspects, defendants, convicts, crime victims, and criminal justice professionals are discussed, including the system’s biases, disproportionate sentencing, and inappropriate police responses to minority victims.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 2280, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 4980 - Individual Study

    (1-4 Units)
    For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5000 - Historial and Contemporary Criminological Thought

    (3 Units)
    Analysis of the historical evolution of current perspectives, comparison and critique of major and current perspectives, and examination of new trends in criminological thought.

    Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in criminology (SOCL 3120 or equivalent) or consent of graduate director; graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5001 - Historical Analysis of the American Criminal Justice System

    (3 Units)
    Political, social, economic, and jurisprudential analysis of the American criminal justice system, beginning with English common law. Includes a review of works by prominent British jurists and American criminal justice scholars, state and federal legislation, and constitutional analysis.

    Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in criminal justice (CJ 2250 or equivalent) or consent of instructor; graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5101 - Criminal Justice Planning and Innovation

    (3 Units)
    Seminar on criminal justice resource planning and innovation, including examination of criminal justice needs assessment, resource allocation, and implementation strategies. Analysis of innovations in criminal justice policy and program development and implementation.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5150 - Contemporary Criminal Justice Issues Seminar

    (3 Units)
    Designed to examine the current issues in the field of criminal justice. Students will have the opportunity to discuss and explore the contemporary issues, current practice and controversies related to law enforcement, corrections, policy, services, prevention, and law.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5200 - Advanced Statistics in Criminal Justice

    (3 Units)
    Provides the graduate student with computer experience in a statistical package for the social sciences and explores statistical issues in measurement of interest to criminal justice professionals.

    Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in statistics or data analysis (CJ 3170 or equivalent) or consent of graduate director; graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5201 - Quantitative Methods in Criminal Justice

    (3 Units)
    Explores the various experimental and quasi-experimental research designs used in criminal justice as well as correctional research. Students not only learn how these designs operate, but will develop a research project using one of them.

    Prerequisites: Consent of graduate director; graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5202 - Policy Research & Program Evaluation in Criminal Justice

    (3 Units)
    Students read reports and papers on the effectiveness of criminal justice agencies that target identifiable goals in an effort to conduct evaluation research. Integrates theoretical perspectives on criminal justice policy with specialized training in applied program evaluation research in order to develop students’ understanding of the substantive and procedural issues in evaluation research. Students also examine research reports designed to develop agencies.

    Prerequisites: CJ 5200 or CJ 5201 or consent of graduate director; graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5290 - Management of Law Enforcement Organizations

    (3 Units)
    Considers the major issues confronting administrators of policy departments such as professionalism, recruitment, training, public relations, evaluation, collective bargaining, and charges of misconduct.

    Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in law enforcement management (CJ 3160 or equivalent) or consent of graduate director; graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5320 - Critical Examination of Criminal Law

    (3 Units)
    Examination of the evolution of and issues relating to American Criminal Law. Will include policy and constitutional considerations, discussions of how the criminal law shapes society and is shaped by society, and an exploration of the future of criminal law.

    Prerequisites: Undergraduate course in criminal law (CJ 2280 or equivalent) or consent of instructor or graduate director; graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5325 - Advanced Seminar in Domestic Violence and Intimate Abuse

    (3 Units)
    Analysis of domestic abuse and violence, including cohabitive heterosexual and homosexual partners and juvenile intimate abuse. Includes state and federal laws pertaining to domestic violence, battered woman’s syndrome, self-defense in homicide cases, cyclical violence, treatment for batterers, children in abusive environments, and patricide.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5340 - Constitutional Law in Criminal Justice Seminar

    (3 Units)
    Advanced legal analysis and case study of state criminal laws and the process of criminal justice within the context and constraints of the federal Constitution. Discussion will center on the evolution of procedural due process under the Fourteenth Amendment and Bill of Rights as interpreted by a changing Supreme Court.

    Prerequisites: CJ 5320 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5420 - Women, Crime, and Justice

    (3 Units)
    Explores women’s experiences with crime and the justice system; theories and facts about women offenders; women victims of crime; women and crimes; women in prison; and, women workers in the criminal justice system.

    Prerequisites: CJ 2250 and CJ 3120, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5600 - Teaching and Staff Development in Criminal Justice

    (3 Units)
    Provides graduate students the opportunity to obtain actual teaching and staff development experience by conducting teaching assignments in an undergraduate class under the supervision of a faculty member. Graduate students are required to attend teaching seminars to enhance their teaching skills.

    Prerequisites: Consent of graduate director; graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5940 - Graduate Internship in Criminal Justice

    (2-4 Units)
    Prepares students to work effectively in criminal justice agencies while serving as an intern with experienced professionals in law enforcement, corrections, and law.  May be repeated for a total of 9 units, but only 3 units may be applied to the graduate program.

    Prerequisites: Consent of graduate director and internship coordinator.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5960 - Criminal Justice Project

    (3 Units)
    Under the direction of a faculty advisor, the student will plan, complete, and orally defend a graduate level project. A project proposal must be approved by the faculty advisor.

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing, consent of the MACJ director, and consent of the instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5980 - Individual Study

    (3 Units)
    For students enrolled in the Criminal Justice Master’s program capable of independent work and in need of study in advanced and specialized topics. Students may not take more than 3 units of Individual Study.

    Prerequisites: Consent of graduate director; graduate standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 5990 - Master’s Thesis

    (3-6 Units)
    Preparation of a thesis for partial fulfillment of graduate requirements and oral defense of that thesis.

    Prerequisites: Completed at least 18 units of criminal justice graduate courses; consent of graduate director.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 7005 - Continuing Thesis or Project

    (0 Units)
    Non-credit course.  Applicable to those students who have completed all registration for graduate coursework and who have registered for the maximum number of thesis or project required by their program. Students must register each semester or term until they have secured faculty approval for their theses or projects.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • CJ 7006 - Continuing Comprehensive Examination

    (0 Units)
    Non-credit course.  Applicable to those students who have completed all registration for graduate course work required by their program.  Students must register for each semester or term in which they take their comprehensive examination unless they are enrolled in other course work.

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