Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • PHIL 4200 - Advanced Studies in the History of Philosophy (WP)

    (3 Units)
    Intensive study of two or three major works by a major thinker in the history of Western philosophy (including evaluation of secondary source material). Texts will be chosen on the merit of the enduring character of their treatment of classic philosophical issues. May be repeated for credit, provided the focus and readings do not overlap previous course content.

    Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement.

    Prerequisites: Completion of the Writing Proficiency Screening Test with a passing score, PHIL 2000 or equivalent, and two additional philosophy courses.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4260 - Twentieth Century Philosophy

    (3 Units)
    Intensive study of themes and issues in epistemology, philosophy of mind, and/or philosophy of language from the standpoints of the Pragmatist, Phenomenological, and Analytic traditions in 20th century philosophy.

    Prerequisites: Two upper-division philosophy courses.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4300 - Philosophy of Language

    (3 Units)
    Intensive study of recent theories of meaning and of the relationship between thought and language. Course themes will include meaning and reference, language games, speech acts, and language as the communication of thoughts, feelings, and information. Discussions also will focus on the application of language theory to problems in the artificial intelligence movement.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 3000, 3100, 3300, or 3500.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4350 - Human Interests and the Power of Information

    (3 Units)
    Reflective, critical analysis of connections between the pursuit of information and the broader context of human interests and purposes served by information, including how social influences shape our pursuit of information, and how information relates to factual belief and knowledge.

    Satisfies G.E. area F2. One of two paired courses in the G.E. Summit Program (Humans in the Information Age).

    Prerequisites: Consent of Summit Program Coordinator.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4401 - Professional Ethics

    (3 Units)
    Intensive study of moral issues and conflicts that arise when one attempts to reconcile the priorities of professional responsibilities and the world of business with those of an ethical frame of mind. Emphasis on issues surrounding the concepts of duty, rights, autonomy, justice, and regulation of business, together with extended reflections on the relationship between moral responsibility and the professions (drawing from specific fields such as engineering, medicine, and law).

    Satisfies G.E. area F2.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4420 - Philosophy and Education

    (3 Units)
    Exploration of important themes in philosophy and education. Emphasis on the transmission and reception of information in contexts that engage the student as a whole person. Critical analysis of the concept of knowledge cultivation as a transformative practice through which teachers engage their special responsibility for the cultivation of the individual as an active learner. Designed specifically for future teachers. (LIBS Integrative: Humanistic Inquiry)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4430 - Bioethics

    (3 Units)
    Basic themes and issues in biomedical ethics (e.g., right to care, informed consent, euthanasia, assisted suicide, abortion, confidentiality, resource allocation), with emphasis on ethical issues raised by new biotechnologies (e.g., stem cell research, cloning, bioengineering, organ farming, human/animal biotech, and gene mapping).

    Satisfies G.E. area F2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4440 - Business Ethics

    (3 Units)
    Critical and reflective exploration of ethical priorities and moral issues in the business world.  Emphasis on issues of regulation and oversight, potential conflict between personal moral values and business priorities, and corporate social responsibility and public good.

    Satisfies G.E. area F2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4450 - Eastern Philosophy: Concepts, Methods, and Context

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly Philosophy of Religion) Careful study of East Asian philosophies. In-depth analysis of concepts and methods, with special attention to social context and cultural tradition.

    Satisfies G.E. areas F2 and G.

    Prerequisites: Three units of philosophy and sophomore standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4500 - Philosophy of Art (WP)

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly Aesthetics) Philosophical examination of artistic activity including defining art, understanding its function, and analyzing creative expression, aesthetic experience, interpretation, evaluation, and representation.

    Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement.

    Prerequisites: Completion of the Writing Proficiency Screening Test with a passing score, one upper-division philosophy course or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4600 - Philosophy and Feminism

    (3 Units)
    (Offered under the subjects PHIL and GEND) Philosophical examination of the experience and status of women, the construction of gender, and the intersections between feminism, race, class, age, and sexual orientation.

    G.E. area G.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4700 - Contemporary Latin American Political Philosophy

    (3 Units)
    Explores contemporary Latin American writings on such themes as: colonialism, including neocolonialism and internal colonialism; cultural identity as an issue for Latinos, mestizos, and indigenous peoples; social justice and Catholicism; the relation between Marxist movements and struggles for national sovereignty; the relation between Latin America and the First World; the utopian vision and Guevara’s concept of the “new man.”

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4800 - Nature Revisited: Environmental Issues in Philosophical Perspective

    (3 Units)
    Analysis of historically lodged perspectives on nature, wilderness, and environmental management in light of contested issues concerning restoration, conservation, preservation, and wise use practices. Application of abstract analysis to concrete regional issues. For prospective teachers interested in broadening the capacity of students to respect and value their place in nature. Designed specifically for future teachers. (LIBS Integrative: Humanistic Inquiry) (Capstone seminar in Permaculture minor.)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4960 - Senior Seminar

    (3 Units)
    Reading and class discussion leading to the writing, oral presentation, and defense of a philosophical essay by each student. May be repeated once.

    Prerequisites: Three upper-division philosophy courses and consent of adviser required.

    Offered: (Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4980 - Individual Study

    (1-3 Units)
    For undergraduate students prepared for independent study to supplement regular course offerings. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 4990 - Senior Thesis

    (1-3 Units)
    Research and critical analysis of a major philosophical theme or issue, emphasizing primary and relevant secondary readings. It is expected that the thesis will include analysis and critique of at least one contemporary philosophical work together with an evaluation of critical responses.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing, advanced coursework in philosophy, and consent of advisor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHIL 5980 - Individual Study

    (1-3 Units)
    For postbaccalaureate students prepared for independent work, and in need of advanced and specialized study in philosophy. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHSC 1300 - Environmental Pollution

    (3 Units)
    Survey of the pollution of the air, water, and land environment. The physical and chemical aspects of pollution by chemicals, pesticides, wastes, radioactivity, heat, and noise. Nuclear energy and radioactive pollution, solar energy, and other alternative energies and their environmental effects.

    Satisfies G.E. area B1.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHSC 2100 - Atmosphere, Weather, and Climate

    (3 Units)
    An introduction to weather and climate phenomena, with emphasis on the weather events that occur in California. Basic principles concerning behavior of the atmosphere and the physical processes underlying weather phenomena. Topics include cloud forms, precipitation, pollution, storms, weather maps, and elementary weather forecasting.

    Satisfies G.E. area B1.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHSC 3000 - Energy, Ecology, and Environment

    (3 Units)
    Fundamental physical science aspects of environmental science.  Topics include air pollution and associated atmospheric science, water pollution, nuclear energy and radioactive pollution, thermal pollution, and other environmental subjects.

    Prerequisites: Upper-division standing or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHSC 3500 - Solar and Other Alternative Energies

    (3 Units)
    Introduces the various techniques for utilizing solar energy and brings the students up to date on work to the present time on the broad spectrum of solar energy systems.  Other alternative energy sources such as fission and fusion powers, geothermal energy, energy from the wind and from solid waste will also be included.

    Satisfies G.E. area F1.

    Prerequisites: Upper-division standing or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHSC 4950 - Selected Topics in Physical Sciences

    (1-5 Units)
    Development of a selected branch of physical science. (Topics to be specified in Class Schedule) Topics may vary each term. Different topics may be taken for credit.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHSC 4980 - Individual Study

    (1-4 Units)
    For students capable of independent work in need of advanced and specialized study. The Physical Sciences department encourages students to submit proposals in areas of their interest. Proposals should outline their projects and exhibit concrete plans for their successful completion. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 1500 - Energy and Matter

    (3 Units)
    Survey of the basic concepts and principles of physics. Topics will range from classical Newtonian mechanics to modern theories of the atom and the nucleus.

    Satisfies G.E. area B1.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0106 or MATH 0110, or a passing score on the ELM test or equivalent.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 1502 - Energy and Matter Laboratory

    (1 Unit)
    Optional laboratory to accompany PHYS 1500.

    Satisfies G.E. area B1.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 1500 or concurrent enrollment in PHYS 1500.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 2100 - Basic Physics I

    (5 Units)
    (Formerly PHYS 1100) General physics without using calculus, Newtonian mechanics, wave motion, heat, and thermodynamics. Designed for general students and for students preparing for biology or medicine.

    Satisfies G.E. area B1.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1070 and MATH 1080, or MATH 1100, or MATH 1410, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 1 hour; laboratory, 3 hours)

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 2110 - Basic Physics II

    (5 Units)
    (Formerly PHYS 1110) Continuation of PHYS 2100. Electricity and magnetism, light, optics, atoms, and nuclei.

    Satisfies G.E. area B1.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2100 with a grade of C- or better.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 1 hour; laboratory, 3 hours)

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 2250 - General Physics I

    (4 Units)
    Calculus-based general physics course for science and mathematics majors. It covers basic mechanics, including motion in a plane, conservation of energy and momentum, rotational motion and angular momentum, harmonic motion and gravitation.

    Satisfies G.E. area B1.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1410 or consent of instructor.

    Offered: (Fall)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 2252 - General Physics Laboratory I

    (1 Unit)
    (Formerly PHYS 2350) Laboratory to accompany PHYS 2250.

    Satisfies G.E. area B1.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2250 or concurrent enrollment in PHYS 2250.

    Offered: (Fall)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 2260 - General Physics II

    (4 Units)
    Continuation of PHYS 2250. Covers electricity and magnetism, including electrostatics, basic circuits, magnetostatics, Faraday’s Law and Induction, and electromagnetic oscillations.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2250 and MATH 1420 or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1420.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 1 hour)

    Offered: (Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 2262 - General Physics Laboratory II

    (1 Unit)
    (Formerly PHYS 2360) Laboratory to accompany PHYS 2260.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2260 or concurrent enrollment in PHYS 2260.

    Offered: (Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 2270 - General Physics III

    (3 Units)
    Continuation of PHYS 2260, covering thermodynamics, waves, optics, and introductory quantum mechanics.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2250 and MATH 1420.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 2272 - General Physics Laboratory III

    (1 Unit)
    (Formerly PHYS 2370) Continuation of PHYS 2262, covering thermodynamics, waves and optics, and modern physics.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2260 and MATH 1420.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 2950 - Selected Topics in Physics

    (1-5 Units)
    Development of a selected branch of physics. (Topics to be specified in the Class Schedule) Topics may vary each term.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 3010 - Introduction to Mathematical Physics I

    (3 Units)
    Matrix algebra, tensors, formulations of the partial differential equations of classical and quantum physics, and the mathematical methods required for their solutions; integral transformations, theory of residues and conformed mapping, special functions. Examples are given from all fields of physics.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2260.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 3080 - How Things Work

    (3 Units)
    An introduction to physics and the ways in which different aspects of the subject are combined in designing many of the machines and appliances which are in common everyday usage.

    Satisfies G.E. area F1.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 3100 - Classical Mechanics

    (4 Units)
    Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, gravitation. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics, theory of oscillations, and the wave equation.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2260.

    Hours: (Lecture, 4 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 3200 - Heat, Light, and Sound

    (3 Units)
    An examination of several forms of energy and how we experience them in our everyday lives. It includes discussions of heat, light, and sound. Designed specifically for future teachers. (LIBS Integrative: Scientific/Mathematical Inquiry)

    Prerequisites: Completion of all G.E. requirements in areas B1 and F1, all with a grade C- or higher.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; activity, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 3320 - Electricity and Magnetism I

    (3 Units)
    Electrostatics, magnetostatics, electric current, electromagnetic induction, Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves, radiative reaction, relatiristic field transformation, electric and magnetic properties of materials, properties of wave guides.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2260.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 3520 - Modern Physics and Quantum Mechanics

    (3 Units)
    Special relativity, origin of quantum theory, the nuclear atom and Bohr theory, elements of quantum mechanics and applications, atomic and nuclear physics, some properties of solids, and elementary particles.

    Satisfies G.E. area F1.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2260 or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 3550 - Physics for War, Physics for Peace

    (3 Units)
    Discusses the scientific background behind some of the technologies which have found applications in both the civilian and military spheres.

    Satisfies G.E. area F1. One of two paired courses in the G.E. Summit Program (War and Peace).

    Prerequisites: Completion of lower-division area C2 requirements and consent of Summit Program Coordinator.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 3800 - Fundamentals of Nuclear Energy

    (3 Units)
    An introduction to the concepts, principles, systems, and applications of nuclear processes; structure of atoms and nuclei; radioactivity, nuclear reactions, fission, fusion, nuclear systems, radioactive waste disposal, biological effects of radiation, and applications of nuclear radiation to biology, agriculture, art, and archaeology.

    Satisfies G.E. area F1.

    Prerequisites: A lower-division science course.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4102 - Experimental Physics

    (2 Units)
    (Formerly Advanced Physics Laboratory) Project type experiments in mechanics, heat, electrodynamics, optics, atomic physics, nuclear physics, etc.  This course also covers the theory behind these experiments and basic techniques in data analysis.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 3520.

    Hours: (Lecture, 1 hour; laboratory, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4250 - Analog and Digital Electronics

    (4 Units)
    (Formerly PHYS 4210 and PHYS 4220) An introduction to analog and digital electronics. Topics will be chosen from the following: AC and DC circuit analysis, diodes, transistors and operational amplifiers, feedback, active filters, transducers, Boolean logic, basic gates, sequential logic, flip-flops, counters, and an introduction to microprocessors.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2260.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4300 - Microprocessor Electronics

    (3 Units)
    Basic concepts and principles of microcomputer designs; microprocessor programming and operation; input and output; interfacing with other circuits, including analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2260.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4400 - Computer Simulation Methods in Physics

    (3 Units)
    An introduction to computer simulation methods, with applications to physical systems.  Organized with two weekly lectures in which the programming methods are presented.  The lab is project-oriented and allows students the freedom to work at their own pace, and to pursue problems consistent with their own interests and background.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2260.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4450 - Nuclear and Particle Physics

    (3 Units)
    Elements of nuclear structure; nuclear transformation; nuclear models; electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions; properties of Leptons and Hadrons; symmetries and conservation laws; resonance particles, quarks and subhadronic particles; tools of nuclear and particle physics research.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2260 or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4510 - Quantum Mechanics I

    (3 Units)
    Development of Schrodinger’s equation and its interpretations. Mathematical techniques for solution of problems in one and three dimensions. Perturbation and scattering theory. Solution of the hydrogen atom problem. Application to atomic phenomena.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 3520 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4530 - Thermal and Statistical Physics

    (4 Units)
    Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. A unified approach following Gibbs, based on a microscopic description using quantum states. Fermi, Bose, and “Classical” systems are discussed with applications to standard and current topics.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 3520 or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 4 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4560 - Solid State Physics

    (3 Units)
    Crystal structure, metal crystals, molecular crystals. Thermal, electrical, magnetic properties of crystals. Free electron model of metals, band theory of solids.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 3520 or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4900 - Modern Optics and Lasers

    (3 Units)
    Principles of geometrical optics, reflection, refraction, polarization, coherence and interference, Kirchhoff’s diffraction theory, Fourier methods in optics, optics of solids, lasers and holography.

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2260 or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4910 - Spectroscopy, Techniques and Application (WP)

    (3 Units)
    Spectroscopic instrumentation and techniques; detectors; atomic structure and spectroscopy; spectroscopy of diatomic molecules.

    Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement.

    Prerequisites: Completion of the Writing Proficiency Screening Test with a passing score, PHYS 3520 or CHEM 4020.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4930 - Lasers and Holography

    (4 Units)
    Interference and coherent light, holographic recording and image reconstruction, properties of holograms and a geometric interpretation, semi-classical radiation fields, coherence theory, induced and spontaneous emission, theories and properties of lasers.

    Prerequisites: Upper-division standing or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4950 - Selected Topics in Physics

    (1-5 Units)
    Development of a selected branch of physics. (Topics to be specified in Class Schedule) Topics may vary each term. Different topics may be taken for credit.

    Prerequisites: Upper-division standing or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4980 - Individual Study

    (1-4 Units)
    For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 4990 - Undergraduate Thesis

    (1-2 Units)
    Undergraduate thesis research. May be repeated for a total of 3 units.

    Prerequisites: Senior status with a major in physics, and GPA of 3.25 in all Physics major courses completed at CSU Stanislaus.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 5990 - Thesis

    (1-6 Units)
    Master’s thesis research. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Classified graduate standing and consent of graduate committee.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PHYS 6100 - Teaching Kinematics in the High School

    (3 Units)
    A physics course with a focus on mechanics, providing physics advancement for high school teachers. Course covers developing the curriculum,strategies for teaching in the High School classroom, and assessment.

    Prerequisites: Appropriate teaching credential and consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours)

    Offered: (Summer)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 1010 - Elementary Portuguese I

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly FLAN 1016). First year Portuguese. Development of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills to bring about oral proficiency. Introduction to the Portuguese culture.

    Satisfies G.E. area C3.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 1015 - Intensive Portuguese Language Teaching for CLAD (Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development)

    (3-6 Units)
    Elementary Portuguese course designed to meet the foreign language requirements of CLAD students. Introduces students to the language and culture by developing listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 1020 - Elementary Portuguese II

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly FLAN 1026). First year Portuguese. Continuation of PORT 1010.

    Satisfies G.E. area C3.

    Prerequisites: PORT 1010 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 2010 - Intermediate Portuguese I

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly FLAN 2016). An intermediate-level course in the Portuguese language, emphasizing expanding competency in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing Portuguese in the context of culture.

    Satisfies G.E. area C3.

    Prerequisites: PORT 1010 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 2020 - Intermediate Portuguese II

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly FLAN 2026). Continuation of PORT 2010.

    Satisfies G.E. area C3.

    Prerequisites: PORT 2010 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 3010 - Advanced Portuguese I

    (3 Units)
    Oral and written practice of the language through class discussion of selected works and written compositions about related topics.

    Prerequisites: Two years of college-level Portuguese or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 3200 - Portuguese Culture(s)

    (3 Units)
    A survey of persisting features of the Portuguese cultural identity in Europe and in the Americas, including heritage, lifestyles and major institutions. Taught in Portuguese.

    Prerequisites: PORT 2020 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 3301 - Survey of Portuguese Literature

    (3 Units)
    A survey of the literature of Portugal from its beginnings to the present day with emphasis on major authors and works. Taught in Portuguese.

    Prerequisites: PORT 2020 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 3302 - Survey of Brazilian Literature

    (3 Units)
    A survey of the literature of Brazil from its origins to the present day with emphasis on major authors and works. Taught in Portuguese.

    Prerequisites: PORT 2020 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 3303 - Aspects of Portuguese Poetry

    (3 Units)
    A survey course on the development and evolution of Portuguese poetry, from the Middle Ages to the present. A study of poetic forms, trends, innovations, and continuities. Taught in Portuguese.

    Prerequisites: PORT 2020 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 3420 - Literature and Civilization in the Age of Discovery

    (3 Units)
    A study of the most representative literary works of the Portuguese Golden Age (15th to part of the 17th century): chronicles of the discoveries, cultural exchanges, and alterations of world views. Taught in Portuguese.

    Prerequisites: PORT 2020 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 3430 - Literature of the 19th and 20th Centuries

    (3 Units)
    A study of the most representative authors and works in the various genres, from the Romantic to the Contemporary period, focusing on selected preoccupations of the Portuguese literary scene. Taught in Portuguese.

    Prerequisites: PORT 2020 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 3440 - Modern Portuguese Fiction

    (3 Units)
    A study of the most representative modern authors of the genre; trends, innovations, and continuities. Taught in Portuguese.

    Prerequisites: PORT 2020 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 3510 - Portuguese Conversation

    (1 Unit)
    Designed for intermediate and advanced students interested in improving oral proficiency through free conversation and discussion of current cultural Portuguese issues. Course may be repeated twice, for a maximum of 3 earned units.

    Prerequisites: PORT 2010 or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 3930 - Survey of Portuguese and Brazilian Literatures in Translation

    (3 Units)
    A presentation of major works and writers to reveal the interest and the originality of Portuguese and Brazilian literatures through the ages. Taught in English.

    Satisfies G.E. area F2.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 4950 - Selected Topics in Portuguese

    (1-5 Units)
    Development of a selected topic in Portuguese. (Topics to be specified in the class schedule.) Topics will vary. Different topics may be taken for credit.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PORT 4980 - Individual Study

    (1-3 Units)
    For students prepared for independent work and in need of advanced or specialized study. May be repeated for 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 1201 - American Government

    (3 Units)
    Critical analysis of American political structures and processes. Meets U.S. Constitution and California state and local government requirements for General Education.

    Satisfies G.E. area D1.

    Offered: (Fall, Spring)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 1202 - Service Learning in American Democracy

    (1-6 Units)
    An opportunity to link concepts from American Government (PSCI 1201) to an experience in community agencies and organizations through service learning. Guidance is provided in laboratory for reflecting on experience.

    Corequisites: PSCI 1201

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 1210 - American Government Exam

    (3 Units)
    Examination course which allows students who are knowledgeable about American government to meet the G.E. requirement for the course by examination. Texts are assigned. The Political Science Department does not provide instruction or support for the course other than a syllabus.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 1250 - State and Local Government Exam

    (1 Unit)
    Examination course which allows students who are knowledgeable about California State and local government to meet the G.E. requirement for the course by examination. Texts are assigned. The Political Science Department does not provide instruction or support for the course other than a syllabus.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 2000 - Introduction to Political Science

    (3 Units)
    Examination of the foundations of political science and political behavior in the West. Emphasis is placed on broadening the understanding of political science as a discipline. Recommended for majors.

    Satisfies G.E. area D2.

    Offered: (Fall)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 2030 - Global Politics

    (3 Units)
    Introduces the basic characteristics of the modern interdependent world: interdependence, multiple perspectives, cultural diversity, ideological diversity, world capitalism, global politics, socialist revolution.

    Satisfies G.E. areas D2 and G.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 2950 - Selected Topics in Political Science

    (1-5 Units)
    Development of a selected branch of political science. (Topics to be specified in Class Schedule) Topics may vary each term. Different courses may be taken for credit.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3000 - Ancient & Medieval Political Thought

    (3 Units)
    Political thought of Greeks, Romans, and early Christians. Examines questions such as the nature of justice, the best form of political authority, and the proper relationship between religion and government.

    Prerequisites: PSCI 1201.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3010 - Modern Political Thought (WP)

    (3 Units)
    Political thought from the seventeenth century to present, with emphasis on such European philosophers as Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Marx.

    Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement.

    Prerequisites: Completion of the Writing Proficiency Screening Test with a passing score and PSCI 1201.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3011 - Political Thought in the Modern World

    (3 Units)
    Political thought from the early modern period to the present, with emphasis on Western political theorists such as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau, Marx, and Rawls.  No writing proficiency (WP) component.  Credit cannot be given for both PSCI 3010 and PSCI 3011.

    Prerequisites: PSCI 1201.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3030 - American Political Thought

    (3 Units)
    Examines selected American views of political life. Individuals or movements from the following list will be selected and analyzed: Puritanism, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, Marshall, the Jacksonians, Pro- and Anti-Slavery Thought, Populism, Progressivism, Nativism and the Ethnic Experience, Black Political Thought, Contemporary Conservatism.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3055 - Marx on the Human Condition

    (3 Units)
    Examines Marx’s unique and controversial contributions as one of the most important political thinkers of the modern era. Concludes with a consideration of relevance of Marx’s thought in the era of globalization.

    Satisfies G.E. area F3.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3210 - Legislative Process

    (3 Units)
    Examines the organization and operation of the United States Congress. Emphasis is placed on legislative behavior, committee decision-making, leadership strategies, and congressional reform.

    Prerequisites: PSCI 1201.

    Offered: (Fall)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3220 - Constitutional Law

    (4 Units)
    Studies the nature and scope of judicial review in American politics, focusing specifically on the development of lines of precedence in the areas of presidential and congressional power, federalism, equal protection, and privacy.

    Prerequisites: PSCI 1201.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3225 - Civil Liberties

    (4 Units)
    Examines selected issues in American civil liberties, emphasizing such areas as speech, press, religion, and criminal procedures. Designed especially for prelaw students.

    Satisfies G.E. area F3.

    Prerequisites: PSCI 1201.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3230 - Political Parties and Interest Groups

    (4 Units)
    Studies the organization and activities of political parties and interest groups in the American political system. Emphasis is placed on the varieties and techniques of interest groups, the role of parties in elections and party reform.

    Prerequisites: PSCI 1201.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3235 - Political Campaigns and Elections

    (3 Units)
    Examines the principal features and consequences of American political campaigns; emphasis is placed on campaign strategies, the media; polling, contributions, and electoral outcomes.

    Prerequisites: PSCI 1201.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3240 - Media and Politics

    (4 Units)
    Examines political roles of mass media in American politics, including television news effects on political attitudes, political actors’ use of media, and media’s influence on democratic governance.

    Prerequisites: PSCI 1201.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • PSCI 3250 - Public Opinions and Voting Behavior

    (4 Units)
    American voting behavior, psychological dimensions of citizen decision-making in a democracy, political attitudes and beliefs, and campaign tactics. Field work.

    Prerequisites: PSCI 1201.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore


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