Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]


  • KINS 3350 - Theory and Analysis of Dual Sports and Games

    (2 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 3350 Theory and Analysis of Racquet Sports) Course provides students with knowledge of techniques, skills, critical elements, scientific principles, and equipment for dual sports and games.  Students are given the opportunity to gain knowledge of developmental progressions, game strategies, safety, etiquette, and fair play.  Further, students are given the opportunity to apply critical thinking and teamwork through participation in sport and games.

    Prerequisites: Limited to junior and senior Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 1 hour; activity, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 3360 - Theory and Analysis of Team Sports and Games

    (2 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 3360 Theory and Analysis of Team Sports) Course provides students with knowledge of techniques, skills, critical elements, scientific principles, and equipment for team sports and games.  Students are given the opportunity to gain knowledge of developmental progressions, game strategies, safety, etiquette, and fair play.  Further, students are given the opportunity to apply critical thinking and teamwork through participation in sport and games.

    Prerequisites: Limited to junior and senior Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 1 hour; activity, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 3370 - Theory and Analysis of Fitness Activities

    (2 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 3370) Course provides the student with the knowledge base in the fundamental principles of lifetime fitness activities.  Techniques, strategies and philosophic viewpoints appropriate for teaching and administering fitness activity programs to individuals and groups will be emphasized.

    Prerequisites: Limited to junior and senior Kinesiology majors or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 1 hour; activity, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 3400 - Elementary Physical Education

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 3400) Course provides an overview of bodies of knowledge and methodology in the field of Physical Education as well as their application to elementary physical education.  This course is designed to provide the classroom teacher with a knowledge base in elementary physical education curriculum planning, motor development and appropriate selection of physical activities for children.  Included are labs and field experiences in an elementary school setting.

    Prerequisites: Limited to Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 3450 - Elementary Pedagogy for Physical Education

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 3450) Course provides an overview of bodies of knowledge and methodology in the field of Physical Education as well as their application to elementary physical education.  This course is designed to provide the physical education teacher with a knowledge base in elementary physical education curriculum planning, motor development, and appropriate selection of physical activities for children.  Included are labs and field experiences in an elementary school setting.

    Prerequisites: Limited to Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 3500 - Drugs in the Athletic Environment

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly HLTH 2300, HLTH 3500) Analysis of therapeutic sports drugs, ergogenics, illicit and/or recreational drugs. Reviews drug use policies and banned drugs of the IOC, the sports associations, and the NCAA. Examines the socio-economic, legal, and ethical health implications in the athletic environment.

    Satisfies G.E. area F3.

    Prerequisites: Limited to juniors and seniors.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 3650 - Theory and Analysis of Outdoor Education

    (2 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 3650 Outdoor Education) Basic backpacking, orienteering, mountaineering, Project Adventure, snow skiing, and instructional techniques for teaching these outdoor leisure pursuit activities and field experiences. Preparation for teaching in physical education in secondary schools.

    Prerequisites: Limited to senior Kinesiology majors or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 1 hour; activity, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 3700 - Sport in Society (WP)

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 3700) Introduction to the theoretical study of sport and its relationship to culture and society; investigation and analysis of literature that is concerned with the individual and his/her involvement in play, game, and sport. Emphasis will be on corporate sport and its impact on social institutions and processes.

    Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement.

    Prerequisites: Completion of the Writing Proficiency Screening Test with a passing score.  Limited to junior and senior Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 3800 - Sport and Exercise Psychology

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 3800, Sport Psychology: Concepts and Applications) Course examines theoretical and practical applications of psychological factors in sport and exercise settings.  Topics such as personality, motivation, anxiety, imagery, goal setting, exercise adherence, and overtraining are explored.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4030 - Epidemiology in Health Promotion

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly KINS 3030: Cardiovascular Health, Fitness, and Exercise) Public health based course promoting an understanding of epidemiology (distribution, determinants, and measurements) of chronic diseases and the role of health promotion concepts of assessment and intervention to alter modifiable risk factors.

    Prerequisites: ZOOL 2235 Human Physiology is strongly recommended.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4100 - Curriculum, Organization, and Administration of Physical Education

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 4100; Curriculum Organization, Administration, and Instruction of Physical Education) Course provides the foundation for designing a comprehensive K-12 physical education curriculum.  Current trends and practices, instructional materials, methodologies, techniques, and evaluative methods are all explored in depth.  Included are field experiences in elementary and secondary school settings.

    Prerequisites: Limited to senior Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors or consent of instructor.  To be taken in the final spring semester of the degree.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4130 - Foods and Nutrition

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly KINS 3130, formerly HLTH 3100) Examination of general nutrition for promoting health, preventing obesity, and for optimal sport and exercise performance, including the nutritive value of foods, food labels, optimal nutrient recommendations, sport supplements, and energy production.

    Prerequisites: ZOOL 2235 is recommended.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4150 - Secondary Pedagogy of Physical Education

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 4150) Provides students with the knowledge base in pedagogical methods and effective principles in secondary physical education.

    Prerequisites: Limited to junior and senior Kinesiology majors or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4165 - Survey of Elementary School Health and Safety

    (1 Unit)
    (Formerly HLTH 4165, EDSC 4165) A survey of local, state, and federal statutes and policies related to the health and safety of K-12 pupils.  Reviews comprehensive school health and introduces the California Health Framework and Health Curriculum Standards.  Presents ways to teach health education in California schools. (Offered under the subjects KINS, EDMS, and EDSS)

    Prerequisites: Admission to MSCP/SSCP Program.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4200 - Motor Learning

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 4200) The application of psychological factors relating to the acquisition or performance of perceptual-motor skills. Emphasis upon the structure and function of the nervous system with specific reference to adaptive motor control. Includes an examination of the neurological integration involved in the maintenance of posture, orientation in space, and patterning of voluntary movement.

    Prerequisites: Limited to Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4230 - Coordinated School Health

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly School Health and Safety) Overview of health and safety issues pertinent to the elementary and secondary school levels.  Includes instruction on the Health Education Content Standards for California Public Schools and the Health Framework for California Public Schools.

    Prerequisites: Limited to Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4250 - Motor Development

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 4250) Introduces motor developmental concepts of infants, children, adolescents, and adults to prospective physical education teachers and school teachers.

    Prerequisites: Limited to Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4300 - Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 4300) Course provides a study of assessment, principles, and procedures to evaluate the effectiveness of physical education strategies that promote student achievement.

    Prerequisites: Limited to junior and senior Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4330 - Family Health

    (3 Units)

    (Formerly HLTH 4300) Analysis of health in the family in today’s multicultural society. Reviews relationship options, personal qualifications for marriage, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), family planning options, pregnancy, prenatal care, children’s diseases, and other family issues.

    Satisfies G.E. area F3 and G.

    Prerequisites: Limited to juniors and seniors.


    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4400 - Kinesiology

    (4 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 4400) A review and laboratory based analysis of anatomical structure, biomechanical principles, and general movement patterns as applied to sport and human movement.

    Prerequisites: ZOOL 2260; limited to Junior and Senior Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4500 - Exercise Physiology

    (4 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 4500 Physiology of Exercise) This course is an in-depth study of the effect of exercise on human physiology with practical applications on energy metabolism and its relationship to health, fitness, and peak human performance.  This course also includes laboratory experiences in the application of exercises and the analysis of the results.

    Prerequisites: ZOOL 2235; limited to Junior and Senior Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors, or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours, laboratory, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4510 - Environmental Health

    (3 Units)
    This multidimensional environmental health course integrates research, policies, social justice, and cultural values with environmental health between humans, the ecosystem, and their interaction.  The course will examine models and practice, evidence, and debates about the sources, causal connections, and impacts on the environment.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4520 - Gender Health (WP)

    (3 Units)
    Designed to enhance student understanding of, and skills to, address the social, environmental, and cultural factors influencing the development of gender and societal health.  Integration of research methodology, holistic approach to public health promotion, and statistical methods will be examined in assessment and intervention development.

    Satisfies upper-division writing proficiency requirement.

    Prerequisites: Completion of the Writing Proficiency Screening Test with a passing score.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4530 - Holistic Health

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly Health in a Diverse Society) Course explores the traditional ways of health and healing practices rooted in different ethnic groups and the role of selected complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices and promotions in the healthcare system.  Emphasis will be placed on experiential ways to promote healing and optimum health in the individual.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4540 - Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

    (3 Units)
    This course is intended to guide students, literally and experientially, to explore the complexity of entanglements among world spiritual traditions, and the effects on health and healing of body and mind.  Students will learn about mental illness and the stress process, and its relationship to individual wellness and total health.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4550 - Health Behavior

    (3 Units)
    Enhanced health knowledge and positive attitudes are necessary, but not sufficient for behavior change.  This course will examine theories and models that assist in increasing healthy behaviors for youth and adults.  Consideration of cultural differences, active communication, preparation, modification, and shared client-professional outcomes will be examined.

    Prerequisites: KINS 1000.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4560 - Health Program Assessment and Planning

    (3 Units)
    Designed to enhance student understanding of, and skills to assess, individual and community needs and the planning of health promotion programs.

    Prerequisites: Lower division prerequisites to the concentration, KINS 4030, and KINS 4530.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4570 - Health Program Design and Implementation

    (3 Units)
    Designed to enhance student understanding of, and skills to design and implement, health promotion programs.

    Prerequisites: Lower division prerequisites to the concentration, KINS 4030, and KINS 4530.  Limited to junior and senior Kinesiology majors or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4600 - Exercise Testing and Prescription

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly HLTH 4600. Formerly Health and Fitness Assessment) Selected areas of exercise testing, health, and fitness screening and evaluation.  Compiling information for exercise prescription and lifestyle counseling.

    Prerequisites: KINS 4300 and KINS 4130.  Limited to junior and senior Kinesiology majors or consent of instructor.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4650 - Health and Fitness Program Design

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly HLTH 4650) Development of health and fitness programs utilizing principles of fitness conditioning and health and fitness assessment.  Introduces principles and procedures of program management as applied to health and fitness programs for settings such as schools, businesses, and the community.

    Prerequisites: KINS 4600 or consent of instructor.  Limited to junior and senior Kinesiology majors or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4700 - Biomechanics

    (3 Units)
    This course provides a foundation of biomechanics and their applications to human movement.  Anatomical and mechanical principles of human movement will be explored with an emphasis on activities pertaining to sport, exercise, and physical activity.

    Prerequisites: KINS 4400.  Limited to Junior and Senior Kinesiology majors.

    Hours: (Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 3 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4800 - Adaptive Physical Education

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 4800) Course examines the nature of specific disabilities, the ways in which physical activities are modified to meet the movement needs of the individuals with disabilities, and the laws which have implications for the physical education program for the students with disabilities.

    Prerequisites: Limited to junior and senior Kinesiology and Liberal Studies majors or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4900 - Exercise is Medicine

    (3 Units)
    This capstone course is intended to present evidence, and to develop a deeper understanding, of how exercise can prevent diseases and improve the quality of life.  This course covers a broad range of relevant topics for students entering fields related to physical activity.  These topics include hypokinetic diseases, musculoskeletal disease, cancer, aging and mental health.  Because this course requires students to think critically and make their own conclusions regarding the research literature, how to evaluate research articles, epidemiological data and study design are an essential component of this class.  Finally, studies are presented that focus on mechanisms and cause and effect in regards to the development, prevention, progression, and reversal of disease states.

    Prerequisites: KINS 4600 and Senior standing.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4950 - Field Work or Practicum in Kinesiology

    (1-2 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 4940 and HLTH 4940) Designed for students interested in gaining either off-campus (field work) or on-campus (practicum) experience in coaching, teaching health, athletic training, or wellness settings. May be repeated for a total of 2 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of department chair.  Limited to senior Kinesiology majors.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 4980 - Individual Study

    (1-4 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 4980 and HLTH 4980) For students capable of independent work in need of advanced or specialized study.

    Prerequisites: Consent of department chair.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 5010 - Sport Administration

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 5010, Seminar in Administration and Supervision of Physical Education) Examination of theory and practice related to sport administration.  Emphasis on leadership, program organization and evaluation, financial management, equipment and facilities management, risk management, and related law.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 5020 - Exercise and Sport Science

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 5020, Analysis of Sport Motion) Practical application of exercise and sport science, including motor behavior, anatomical kinesiology, biomechanics, exercise physiology, and training theory.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 5030 - Psychological and Sociological Issues in Sport

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 5030, Sociological and Psychological Implications in Physical Education) Sport and exercise psychology theories and skills and sport sociology theories and concepts will be examined as they relate to issues in sport, physical education, and exercise.  The impact on athletes, coaches, students, physical education teachers, and exercise participants and leaders will be explored.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 5050 - Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Physical Education

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 5050) Examination of theory and practice related to curriculum, instruction, and assessment in physical education.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 5980 - Individual Study

    (1-4 Units)
    (Formerly PHED 5980) For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study. May be repeated for a total of 6 units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of Department Chair.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 7005 - Continuing Thesis or Project

    (0 Units)
    Non-credit course.  Applicable to those students who have completed all registration for graduate coursework and who have registered for the maximum number of thesis or project required by their program.  Students must register each semester or term until they have secured faculty approval for their theses or projects.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • KINS 7006 - Continuing Comprehensive Examination

    (0 Units)
    Non-credit course:  Applicable to those students who have completed all registration for graduate coursework required by their program.  Students must register for each semester or term in which they take their comprehensive examination unless they are enrolled in other coursework.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 1000 - Beginning Field Experience

    (3 Units)
    Introduction to the Liberal Studies major, the credential program, and the teaching profession. Course requirements include 30 hours of tutoring in an elementary school setting. Fingerprint clearance from the Public Safety office on campus and tuberculosis clearance must be completed before the first week of the semester to insure timely placement for field experience. Placements may be limited or unavailable for students with felony convictions.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 1010 - Beginning Field Experience Examination

    (3 Units)
    Open to Liberal Studies majors with extensive past work in California public schools and with proof of current paid or unpaid placements in K-6 public school classrooms containing 25% or more language diversity. Allows students to fulfill the Liberal Studies major prerequisite, Beginning Field Experience, without university classroom participation. The Liberal Studies Department provides a syllabus and assignments, but no other instruction or support for this course.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 2000 - Intermediate Field Experience

    (3 Units)
    Students observe K-8 classroom environments and analyze observations in discussions and writing, noting student characteristics, teaching styles, and classroom management techniques. This observation-based analysis increases awareness and teaching effectiveness. Fingerprint clearance from Public Safety office on campus and tuberculosis clearance must be completed before the first week of the semester to insure timely placement for field experience. Placements may be limited or unavailable for students with felony convictions.

    Prerequisites: LIBS 1000.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 2010 - Intermediate Field Experience Examination

    (3 Units)
    Open to Liberal Studies majors with proof of current paid or unpaid placements in K-8 public school classrooms with 25% or more language diversity. Students with such placements may fulfill the Liberal Studies major prerequisite, Intermediate Field Experience, without university classroom participation. Students complete observation logs, assigned papers, personal graduation plan, and portfolio assignments on their own without direct instruction. The Liberal Studies Department provides a syllabus, but no other instruction or support for this class.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 2500 - Liberal Studies Portfolio Workshop

    (1 Unit)
    Course for Liberal Studies majors seeking guidance in the development of their required personal portfolios. Focus on subject matter competency, California K-8 Content Standards, Service Learning tutoring and observations in K-6 classrooms, technology, diversity, integrated learning, California Teacher Performance Expectations, individual education plans, and development as a professional educator. May be repeated for a total of 2 units. May be taken concurrently with LIBS 3000.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 3000 - Community and Diversity (WP)

    (4 Units)
    Introduction to the Liberal Studies major and the University. Focus is on multiculturalism and diversity, including perspectives on cultural/linguistic differences, gender roles, and the differently labeled. Course requirements include 30 hours of classroom observation. Fingerprint clearance from the Public Safety office on campus and tuberculosis clearance must be completed before the first week of the semester to insure timely placement for field experience. Placements may be limited or unavailable for students with felony convictions. Satisfies upper division writing proficiency requirement. Open only to Liberal Studies majors.

    Prerequisites: Completion of Writing Proficiency Screening Test with a passing score.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 3101 - English Language Arts and Social Science Subject Matter Review

    (1 Unit)
    Course is designed for students who have successfully completed relevant English Language Arts and Social Science subject matter courses and are preparing to take CSET 101.  Course will review subject matter concepts included in the Common Core and California Content Standards, with emphasis on connections across disciplines. Course may be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of relevant subject matter courses.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 3102 - Math and Science Subject Matter Review

    (1 Unit)
    Course is designed for students who have successfully completed relevant Math and Science subject matter courses and are preparing to take CSET 102.  Course will review subject matter concepts included in the Common Core and California Content Standards, with emphasis on connections across disciplines.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of relevant subject matter courses.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 3103 - Visual and Performing Arts Subject Matter Review

    (1 Unit)
    Course is designed for students who have successfully completed relevant Visual and Performing Arts subject matter courses and are preparing to take CSET 103.  Course will review subject matter concepts included in the Common Core and California Content Standards, with emphasis on connections across disciplines.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of relevant subject matter courses.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 3500 - Navigating University Requirements

    (1 Unit)
    Course is designed for Liberal Study majors seeking guidance in the development of their required Individual Education Plans (IEP).  Focus on fulfilling Subject Matter Preparation requirements with lower- and upper-division General Education, LIBS major, and concentration requirements.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 3810 - Children’s Literature in Education

    (3 Units)
    Course examines ways in which literature written for a young audience presents the world of school and education.  Through reading, discussion, and reflection, we explore concepts of schooling as seen in texts from a range of historical periods and cultures that are written for a range of reading levels. Designed specifically for future teachers. (LIBS Integrative: Humanistic Inquiry)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 4000 - Exploring Careers in Education

    (3 Units)
    A course for Liberal Studies majors seeking guidance in the various credential options and choices.  It is an undergraduate elective course intended to assist Liberal Studies students with knowledge development and early preparations to the CSU Stanislaus credential programs.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 4800 - Language Development and Acquisition for Educators

    (3 Units)
    Course will provide Liberal Studies majors the foundational understanding of issues related to interaction of first and second languages in K-8 classrooms.  Course includes fundamental components of human language, such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, as well as specific theories and practices related to second language acquisition in the classroom.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 4910 - Cooperative Education

    (2-4 Units)
    Provides an opportunity for Liberal Studies students to acquire experience as research or instruction assistants or community project volunteers, under the supervision of a Liberal Studies coordinator. May be repeated for a total of 8 units.

    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 4920 - Liberal Studies Deans’ Team

    (2 Units)
    Exploration of the elements of effective communication and classroom management with individuals of diverse backgrounds. Students will learn and practice effective verbal and non-verbal communication and active listening while facilitating weekly small group discussions of LIBS 1000 students. Students are required to attend training and debriefing sessions and LIBS 1000 discussion class sessions. May be repeated for a total of 8 units.

    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 4930 - Liberal Studies Peer Advising

    (2 Units)
    Exploration of the elements of effective communication with individuals of diverse backgrounds. Students will learn and practice effective verbal and non-verbal communication and active listening while exploring university policies, expectations, regulations, general education and liberal studies program requirements. May be repeated for a total of 8 units.

    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 4940 - Liberal Studies Internship

    (2-4 Units)
    Provides Liberal Studies students the opportunity to apply, integrate, and explore educational experiences as interns in public or private settings. Participation in regularly scheduled meetings with department coordinator and completion of internship packets are required. May be repeated for a total of 8 units.

    Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and consent of department coordinator.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 4945 - Liberal Studies Peer Advising Internship

    (2-4 Units)
    Provides opportunities for Liberal Studies majors to acquire supervised peer experiences in settings on-and off-campus. Participation in regularly scheduled meetings and written assignments required.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 4960 - Senior Seminar

    (3 Units)
    A summative assessment course in which students reflect on the nature and extent of their liberal arts education and defend their subject matter competence. Students are required to demonstrate their abilities to integrate studies across disciplines and their competencies within those disciplines. This course is intended for the final semester of the Liberal Studies major.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of LIBS 3000.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 4964 - Liberal Studies Senior Capstone

    (1 Unit)
    Required summative assessment seminar in which Liberal Studies majors demonstrate their abilities to integrate studies across disciplines.  Course includes final portfolio assessment, professional interview, and other exit requirements.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of the three-part California Subject Matter Examination for Teachers:  Multiple Subject (CSET) or copmletion of three LIBS Subject Matter workshops available through University Extended Education, or any combination of three CSET exams and LIBS Subject Matter workshops.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • LIBS 4980 - Individual Study

    (1-4 Units)
    For students capable of independent work and in need of advanced and specialized study. Designed to supplement regular course offerings. May be repeated for a total of six units.

    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 0099 - College Preparatory Math

    (1 Unit)
    Students will use a CAI software (e.g., ALEKS or some other software) covering the standard college prep math topics from pre-algebra, beginning algebra, and intermediate algebra.  This course is only open to incoming freshmen prior to matriculating and satisfies the CSU’s Math Early Start requirement.  Credit earned does not count toward unit requirements for graduation.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 0103 - Pre- and Beginning Algebra

    (4 Units)
    Uses methods and strategies that have been designed to enhance student success in the course. Transition from arithmetic to algebra; operations on real numbers and algebraic expressions; polynomials, rational expressions, square roots; solving elementary equations and word problems. Satisfactory completion of this course fulfills the prerequisite for MATH 0106. Credit earned does not count toward unit requirements for graduation, for general education, or for any major. Prebaccalaureate Note: Courses numbered 0001-0999 are prebaccalaureate level and do not carry unit credit toward the 120 units required for a bachelor’s degree.

    Prerequisites: ELM score between 0 and 32.

    Hours: Four lecture hours per week, utilizing directed learning activities.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 0106 - Intermediate Algebra for Non-Science/Math

    (4 Units)
    Uses methods and strategies that have been designed to enhance student success. Introduction to the basic properties of arithmetic, real numbers, variables, equations, algebraic expressions, functions, and their graphs. Includes evaluation of expressions and formulas; translation from words to symbols; solutions of linear equations and inequalities; absolute value; powers and roots; solving two linear equations in two unknowns; applications. Credit earned does not count toward unit requirements for graduation, for general education, or for any major. Four lecture hours per week, utilizing directed learning activities. Primarily for business, social science, humanities, fine arts, and undecided-major students. Prebaccalaureate Note: Courses numbered 0001-0999 are prebaccalaureate level and do not carry unit credit toward the 120 units required for a bachelor’s degree.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0103 or ELM score between 34 and 48, inclusive, or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 0110 - Intermediate Algebra for Math/Science

    (4 Units)
    Fundamental operations, laws, terminology, and notation of algebra; concepts of expression, set, variable, function, graph, equality, equations, and identity; drill with fractions, exponents, and radicals; linear and quadratic equations; systems of equations; introduction to logarithms; introduction to functions, including function notation, polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential, and logarithmic functions; introduction to conic sections. Credit earned does not count toward unit requirements for graduation, for general education, or for any major. Four lecture hours per week, utilizing directed learning activities. Primarily for science, math, and technology-oriented students. Prebaccalaureate Note: Courses numbered 0001-0999 are prebaccalaureate level and do not carry unit credit toward the 120 units required for a bachelor’s degree.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0103 or ELM score between 34 and 48 inclusive, or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1000 - Excursions into Mathematics

    (3 Units)
    An introductory course which provides an overview of contemporary mathematics for students who have no technical background. Emphasizes mathematics as used in real life problems. Topics may be selected from the areas of elementary number theory, metric system, geometry, probability, statistics, power of the pocket calculator, and computers.

    Satisfies G.E. area B3.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0106, or 0110, or a passing score on the ELM test, or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1030 - Elementary Foundations of Mathematics I

    (3 Units)
    Elementary set theory, number systems, properties of real numbers, solutions of equations, and inequalities. Recommended for students seeking a multiple subject teaching credential. Satisfies G.E. area B3.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0106, or 0110, or a passing score on the ELM test, or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1040 - Elementary Foundations of Mathematics II

    (3 Units)
    Continuation of MATH 1030. Functions and graphs, elementary probability and statistics, Euclidean geometry, measure, and introduction to analytic geometry. Recommended for students seeking a multiple subject teaching credential.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1030 with a grade of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1070 - College Algebra

    (3 Units)
    Review of basic algebraic topics and basic analytic geometry, complex numbers, functional notation, graphs, polynomials and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations, and conic sections.

    Satisfies G.E. area B3.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0106, or 0110 (MATH 0110 strongly recommended), or a passing score on the ELM test, or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1080 - Trigonometry

    (3 Units)
    Angles, trigonometry of right triangles, trigonometric functions of real numbers, trigonometric identities, trigonometric equations, inverse trigonometric functions, law of sines, law of cosines, polar coordinates, and selected applications.

    Satisfies G.E. area B3.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1070 with a grade of C- or better or a passing score on the Trigonometry/Precalculus Screening Test.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1092 - Graphing Calculator Laboratory

    (1 Unit)
    Advanced problem solving and collaborative learning utilizing graphing calculators. Instruction and demonstrations will be done with the TI-83 Plus calculator; students may use other comparable graphing calculators. Problems will be taken from first year mathematics, chemistry, biology, and other quantitative areas of study, utilizing directed learning activities.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1100 - Precalculus

    (4 Units)
    Introduction to analytic geometry, functions, circular and trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities, transcendental functions, and complex numbers.

    Satisfies G.E. area B3.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0106, or 0110 (MATH 0110 strongly recommended), or a passing score on the ELM test and equivalent or a passing score on the Trigonometry/Precalculus Screening Test.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1410 - Calculus I

    (4 Units)
    Inequalities, functions and graphs, limits and continuity, the derivative, differentiation of algebraic and trigonometric functions, applications of differentiation, the definite integral, and applications of the definite integral.

    Satisfies G.E. area B3.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1080 or 1100 with a grade of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1412 - Calculus I Laboratory

    (1 Unit)
    Advanced problem-solving and collaborative learning in Calculus I mathematics. To receive credit, students must attend one of the 2-hour sessions each week.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1410 with a grade of C- or better or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1410.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1420 - Calculus II

    (4 Units)
    Exponential functions, parametric equations, thorough techniques of integration, applications of the definite integral, introduction to first order ordinary differential equations, L’Hôpital’s rule, and infinite series.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1410 with a grade of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1422 - Calculus II Laboratory

    (1 Unit)
    Advanced problem-solving and collaborative learning in Calculus II mathematics. To receive credit, students must attend one of the 2-hour sessions each week.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1420 with a grade of C- or better or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1420.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1500 - Finite Mathematics

    (3 Units)
    Counting processes, elementary probability, systems of linear equations and inequalities, matrices, linear programming, simplex method, Markov chains, selected applications.

    Satisfies G.E. area B3.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0106, or 0110, or passing score on the ELM examination, or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1600 - Statistics

    (4 Units)
    Introductory course designed for students in the behavioral, biological, and social sciences. The description of sample data, probability and probability distributions, sampling and estimation, testing hypotheses, correlation and regression, introduction to analysis of variance.

    Satisfies G.E. area B3.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0106, or 0110, or a passing score on the ELM test, or equivalent

    Hours: (Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours)

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1610 - Statistics for Decision Making

    (3 Units)
    Introductory course for students in business administration. Data summarization, review of probability distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation, regression. May use statistical computer packages.

    Satisfies G.E. area B3.

    Prerequisites: MATH 0106, or 0110, or a passing score on the ELM test, or equivalent.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1620 - Probability and Statistics

    (4 Units)
    Introductory course for mathematics and computer science majors. Combinatorics, probability and random variables, descriptive statistics, estimation, hypothesis testing, and correlation and regression. Use of computers for simulation and statistical analysis.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1410 with a grade of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1910 - Calculus with Applications I

    (3 Units)
    The fundamental concepts of calculus and their applications to problems in the behavioral, biological, chemical, decision, and social sciences will be introduced. Functions, graphs, limits, the derivative, and definite integral. A student may not earn credit for both MATH 1410 and MATH 1910.

    Satisfies G.E. area B3.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1080 or MATH 1100 with a grade of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 1920 - Calculus with Applications II

    (3 Units)
    Fundamental concepts of calculus and their applications to problems in the behavioral, biological, chemical, decision, and social sciences will be introduced. Logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric functions, techniques of integration, applications of the definite integral, and introduction to calculus in higher dimensions. Not open to students seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics or physics; nor is it open to students seeking a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry, physics, or mathematics.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1910 or 1410 with a grade of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 2300 - Discrete Structures

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly MATH 3500) Discrete mathematical structures and their application in computer science. Sets, logic, proof, relations, and functions. Topics selected from combinatorics, recurrence equations, and graph theory.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1100 or both MATH 1070 and MATH 1080 with a grade of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 2410 - Multivariate Calculus

    (4 Units)
    Vectors in three dimensions, solid analytic geometry, partial differentiation, multiple integration, differentiation under the integral sign, and vector field theory.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1420 with a grade of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 2460 - Introduction to Differential Equations

    (2 Units)
    First order differential equations, second order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, power series solutions, and selected applications.

    Prerequisites: MATH 2410 with a grade of C- or better or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 2530 - Linear Algebra

    (3 Units)
    Linear equations and matrices, vector spaces, inner product spaces, linear transformations, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and selected applications.

    Prerequisite: MATH 1420 with a grade of C- or better or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 2610 - Mathematics Through the Ages

    (3 Units)
    Development of history of mathematics with an orientation toward the various civilizations and cultures that contributed those ideas.  Topics to include history of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and their relationships.

    Prerequisites: At least nine semester units of college-level mathematics and one year of full-time teaching, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 2670 - Linear and Abstract Algebra for Teachers

    (4 Units)
    Covers California Subject Matter Requirements in linear and abstract algebra, including algebra of vectors and matrices and building blocks in abstract algebra (emphasizing groups and extending to rings and fields).

    Prerequisites: MATH 1070 with a grade of C or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 2950 - Selected Topics in Mathematics

    (1-5 Units)
    Development of a selected branch of mathematics. (Topics to be specified in the class schedule) Topics may vary each term.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 3030 - Geometry for Teachers

    (3 Units)
    Mathematical connections across the curriculum. Real numbers and geometry. Number patterns and geometric patterns. Geometry and algebra. Transformational geometry. Geometric probability and statistics. Recommended for students seeking a multiple subject teaching credential. Not applicable to the major or minor in mathematics.

    Satisfies G.E. area F1.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1030 and 1040 with a grade of C- or better, junior standing, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 3040 - Insights from Mathematics

    (3 Units)
    Mathematical connections across the disciplines. Mathematical topics selected from various disciplines such as art, music, philosophy, politics, and the natural sciences. Not applicable to the requirements for the majors or minor in mathematics. Designed specifically for future teachers. (LIBS Integrative: Scientific/ Mathematical Inquiry)

    Prerequisites: Completion of all lower division math and science requirements in the Liberal Studies major and upper division G.E. F1, with grades of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 3060 - Modern Geometry

    (3 Units)
    Logic of proofs, Hilbert’s Axiom System. Incidence, separation, congruence, and continuity. Geometry and real numbers. Neutral Geometry, Non-Euclidean Geometry. Transformations.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1420 with a grade of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 3110 - History of Mathematics

    (3 Units)
    Origin and development of mathematical ideas from early civilization to the present time. Recommended for prospective and in-service teachers.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1420 with a grade of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 3230 - Differential Equations

    (3 Units)
    Topics selected from linear systems, existence and uniqueness theorems, singular points, stability theory, transform analysis, and partial differential equations.

    Prerequisites: MATH 2460 and 2530 with grades of C- or better, or consent of instructor.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 3350 - Applied Mathematical Models

    (3 Units)
    Roles of mathematical models in society. Use of mathematical models to solve real world problems. Models in behavioral, life, management, and social sciences will be emphasized. Not applicable to the requirements for the majors or minor in mathematics. Satisfies G.E. area F1.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1040, 1500, 1600, 1610, or 1620 with a grade of C- or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore

  • MATH 3400 - Set Theory and Logic

    (3 Units)
    (Formerly MATH 3420) Basic set theory and logic (especially as they apply to writing and understanding mathematical proofs), relations, functions, the Well-Ordering Theorem, and mathematical induction.

    Prerequisites: MATH 1420 with a grade of “C-” or better.

    Schedule of Classes | University Bookstore


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