Note: For fees and financial aid information specific to graduate students, please see the Graduate Education section of this catalog.
Click on any of the following links for information:
Estimated expenses for the 2014-2015 academic year include $6,682 for resident tuition and fees, $9,200 for room and board, and $4,075 for books and incidentals, bringing the total to $19,957. Non-California residents pay an additional $11,160 for full-time tuition ($372.00 per unit). CSU Stanislaus participates in the Western Undergraduate Exchange program which can qualify students from participating western states for reduced nonresident tuition.
Fall/Spring |
Tuition Fee > 6 units |
$2736.00 |
Tuition Fee < or = 6 units |
$1587.00 |
Associated Students, Inc. |
$60.00 |
Athletics |
$100.50 |
Health Facility |
$8.00 |
Health Services |
$177.00 |
Instructionally related activity |
$48.50 |
Student Recreation Complex |
$133.50 |
University Union |
$77.50 |
Late payment |
$25.00 |
Late registration |
$25.00 |
Parking, (optional) auto |
$180.00 |
Parking (optional) motorcycles |
$45.00 |
Student ID/Warrior card |
$0.00 |
ID card replacement, first time |
$5.00 |
*See the Schedule of Classes and the University Web site for the most up-to-date and complete information, including fees for Summer 2014, course fees, housing fees, etc.
The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees, without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by The Board of Trustees.
The above reflects systemwide fees that were approved for the 2014-15 academic year by the CSU Board of Trustees. These rates are subject to change.
Tuition and fees shown above apply to undergraduates only; please see the Graduate Education section of this catalog for teacher credential, graduate/postbaccalaureate, and doctorate fees.
Nonresident Tuition
The nonresident tuition fee of $372.00 per unit is payable by all students who have not been legal residents of the State of California for at least one year immediately preceding the residence determination date. Tuition payable by nonresident and foreign visa students is in addition to fees required of California resident students, except for enrollment in University extended education courses. Questions regarding residency classification for admission eligibility and tuition purposes should be directed to the Residency Technician in the Enrollment Services Office at (209) 667-3152.
Initial determination of residence status is made by University officials prior to or at the time of registration, and fees must be paid at registration. Full refund of nonresident fees paid will be made if final determination by the University legal adviser indicates that a student is a legal resident for fee purposes. For more information, refer to Determination of Residence in the Appendix.
Assembly Bill 540 Exemption from Nonresident Tuition
Any student who has attended a California high school full time for three or more years and has graduated from a California high school or attained the equivalent thereof (e.g., a High School Equivalency Certificate issued by the California Department of Education - a GED certificate alone does not qualify) will be exempt from paying nonresident tuition. An undocumented alien student who meets the above requirements must file an affidavit with the university indicating the student has applied for legal immigration status or will do so as soon as the student is eligible to do so.
Students who meet the exemption requirements and who are undocumented aliens are not eligible for any federal or state financial aid program. Students exempted from paying nonresident tuition under AB 540 are not eligible for the Governor’s Merit Scholar Programs.
The law does not distinguish between public or private high schools nor impose any time limit on how far in the past the student may have attained this status.
Credit Cards
Neither the main cashier’s office nor the CSU Stanislaus-Stockton Center cashier’s office will accept credit cards. Regular University fees may be paid online with VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express through CASHNet Smartpay, but users incur a 2.75% convenience fee. VISA, MasterCard, and Discover are accepted only at University Extended Education for payment of student fees. University Police and Parking Management Bureau accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Refund of Mandatory Fees Including Nonresident Tuition
Regulations governing the refund of mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, for students enrolling at the California State University are included in section 41802 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations. For purposes of the refund policy, mandatory fees are defined as those systemwide and campus fees that are required to be paid in order to enroll in state-supported academic programs at the California State University. Refund of fees and tuition charges for self-support programs at the California State University (courses offered through extended education) are governed by a separate policy established by the University.
To receive a full refund of mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, a student must cancel registration or drop all courses prior to the first day of instruction for the term; see the Academic Policies and Procedures section for dropping courses and withdrawal from the University.
For state-supported semesters, quarters, and non-standard terms or courses of four (4) weeks or more, a student who withdraws during the term in accordance with the University’s established procedures will receive a refund of mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, based on the portion of the term during which the student was enrolled. No student withdrawing after the 60 percent point in the term will be entitled to a refund of any mandatory fees or nonresident tuition.
For state-supported semesters, quarters, and non-standard terms or courses of less than four (4) weeks, no refunds of mandatory fees and nonresident tuition will be made unless a student cancels registration or drops all classes prior to the first day in accordance with the University’s established procedures and deadlines.
Students will also receive a refund of mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, under the following circumstances:
- The fees were assessed or collected in error;
- The course for which the fees were assessed or collected was cancelled by the University;
- The University makes a delayed decision that the student was not eligible to enroll in the term for which mandatory fees were assessed and collected and the delayed decision was not due to incomplete or inaccurate information provided by the student; or
- The student was activated for compulsory military service.
Students who are not entitled to a refund as described above may petition the University for a refund demonstrating exceptional circumstances, and the chief financial officer of the University or designee may authorize a refund if he or she determines that the fees and tuition were not earned by the University.
Information concerning any aspect of the refund of fees or concerning the refund policies of CSU Stanislaus for the return of unearned tuition and fees or other refundable portions of institutional charges is available from the Director of Student Financial Services, Mary Stuart Rogers Building, Suite 100, or at (209) 667-3063.
Cancellation of Registration or Withdrawal from the Institution
Students who find it necessary to cancel their registration or to withdraw from all classes after enrolling for any academic term are required to follow the university’s official withdrawal procedures. Failure to follow formal university procedures may result in an obligation to pay fees as well as the assignment of failing grades in all courses and the need to apply for readmission before being permitted to enroll in another academic term. Information on canceling registration and withdrawal procedures is available from Enrollment Services, (209) 667-3264.
Students who receive financial aid funds must consult with the Financial Aid office prior to withdrawing from the university regarding any required return or repayment of grant or loan assistance received for that academic term or payment period. Students who have received financial aid and withdraw from the institution during the academic term or payment period may need to return or repay some or all of the funds received, which may result in a debt owed to the institution.
Fees and Debts Owed to the Institution
Should a student or former student fail to pay a fee or a debt owed to the University, the University may “withhold permission to register, to use facilities for which a fee is authorized to be charged, to receive services, materials, food or merchandise, or any combination of the above from any person owing a debt” until the debt is paid (see Sections 42380 and 42381 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations).
Prospective students who register for courses offered by the University are obligated for the payment of fees associated with those courses. Failure to cancel registration in any course for an academic term prior to the first day of the academic term obligates the student to pay student fees including any tuition for the reservation of space in the course.
The institution may withhold permission to register or receive official transcripts of grades or other services offered by the institution from anyone owing fees or another debt to the institution. The institution may also report the debt to a credit bureau, offset the amount due against any future state tax refunds due the student, refer the student to an outside collection agency, and/or charge the student actual and reasonable collection costs, including reasonable attorney fees if litigation is necessary, in collecting any amount not paid when due.
If a person believes he or she does not owe all or part of an asserted unpaid obligation, that person may contact the Student Financial Services Office, (209) 667-3063, MSR 100. The Student Financial Services Office, or another office on campus to which the Student Financial Services Office may refer the person, will review all pertinent information provided by the person and available to the campus and advise the person of its conclusions.
Fee Waivers
The California Education Code includes provisions for the waiver of mandatory systemwide fees as follows:
Section 68120 -Qualifying children and surviving spouses/registered domestic partners of deceased public law enforcement or fire suppression employees who were California residents and who were killed in the course of active law enforcement or fire suppression duties (referred to as Alan Pattee Scholarships);
Section 68121 -Qualifying students enrolled in an undergraduate program who are the surviving dependent of any individual killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon building in Washington, D.C., or the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 in southwestern Pennsylvania, if the student meets the financial need requirements set forth in Section 69432.7 for the Cal Grant A Program and either the surviving dependent or the individual killed in the attacks was a resident of California on September 11, 2001.
Section 68075 (a) -An undergraduate student who is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States stationed in this state on active duty, except a member of the Armed Forces assigned for educational purposes to a state-supported institution of higher education, is entitled to resident classification only for the purpose of determining the amount of tuition and fees.
Section 68075 (b) -A student seeking a graduate degree who is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States stationed in this state on active duty, except a member of the Armed Forces assigned for educational purposes to a state-supported institution of higher education, shall be entitled to resident classification only for the purpose of determining the amount of tuition and fees for more than two academic years, and shall thereafter be subject to Article 5 (commencing with Section 68060).
Veteran Dependent
Section 66025.3 -Qualifying children, spouses/registered domestic partners, or unmarried surviving spouses/registered domestic partners of a war period veteran of the U.S. military who is totally service- connected disabled or who died as a result of service-related causes; children of any veteran of the U.S. military who has a service-connected disability, was killed in action, or died of a service-connected disability and meets specified income provisions; any dependents or surviving spouse/registered domestic partner who has not remarried of a member of the California National Guard who in the line of duty and in active service of the state was killed or became permanently disabled or died of a disability as a result of an event while in active service of the state; and undergraduate students who are the recipient of or the child of a recipient of a Congressional Medal of Honor and meet certain age and income restrictions.
Section 68122 - Students who are victims of trafficking, domestic violence, and other serious crimes who have been granted T or U visa status are exempt from paying nonresident tuition if they (1) attended high school in California for three or more years; (2) graduated from a California high school or attained the equivalent; and (3) registered as an entering student or are currently enrolled at a CSU campus.
Section 68130.5 - Students who are not residents of California are exempt from paying nonresident tuition if they (1) attended high school in California for three or more years; (2) graduated from a California high school or attained the equivalent; and (3) registered as an entering student or are currently enrolled at a CSU campus. In addition, students without lawful immigration status will be required to file an affidavit stating that they have filed an application to legalize their immigration status, or will file an application as soon as they are eligible to do so. This exemption from paying nonresident tuition does not apply to students who are nonimmigrant aliens within the meaning of 8 U.S.C.1101(a)(15), except as provided by Section 68122 above.
Students who may qualify for these benefits should contact the Enrollment Services Office in MSR 120 for further information and/or an eligibility determination.
Veteran Deferral
Students qualified by the Veterans Coordinator in the Enrollment Services Office, (209) 667-3081, may have their payment deadline deferred until receipt of veteran benefits. Veterans, dependents of veterans, reservists, and active duty military personnel planning to use veterans educational benefits, or any student with questions concerning veterans educational benefits can obtain information at or by contacting a Veterans Services representative in the Enrollment Services Office.
CSU Concurrent Enrollment
Students concurrently enrolled at another CSU campus must have their Concurrent Enrollment form with fees paid certification by their HOME campus on file with the Records Coordinator in Enrollment Services prior to registering for classes in order to have their fees calculated properly.
Employees, Faculty, and Dependents
Qualifying CSU Stanislaus employees or their dependents must have their employee/dependent fee waiver on file with the Waiver Coordinator in the Enrollment Services Office, (209) 667-3264, prior to registering to have their fees calculated properly. This waiver must be submitted to the Human Resources Office for each term of enrollment. Forms and information are available from the Employee Benefits Coordinator in the Human Resources Office.
Senior Scholars
Qualifying students must have their Senior Scholar fee waiver on file with the Waiver Coordinator in the Enrollment Services Office,(209) 667-3264, prior to registering for classes to have their fees calculated properly. This waiver must be renewed each term. Questions should be directed to the Advising Resource Center, (209) 667-3304.
Third Party Pay
Students whose fees will be paid by another party (Vocational Rehabilitation, Workers’ Compensation, Private Industry Council, Americorps, local school districts, or employers, etc.) must have their fee authorization on file with the Cashier’s/Student Financial Services Office prior to registering for classes. Failure to do so may subject the student to improper billing and related late payment penalties. If the third party fails to pay, the student is fully responsible and liable for all charges incurred on his or her account. For questions, contact Student Financial Services at (209) 667-3063.
Higher Education Tax Incentives
The Tax Relief Act of 1997 (TRA 97) and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provide several federal tax incentives for students enrolled in post-secondary higher education.
- American Opportunity Credit
- Hope Scholarship tax credit
- Lifetime Learning tax credit
- Education IRAs
- Student Loan Interest deduction
- Tuition and Fees deduction
CSU Stanislaus cannot determine if students qualify for a tax credit or deduction or provide income tax advice. Please obtain IRS publication 970 and IRS form 8863 or contact a tax return preparer about your specific income tax situation. Additional information can be obtained from the Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-829-1040 or
Financial Aid
Noelia Gonzalez, M.A., Director
Office: |
Mary Stuart Rogers Educational Services Gateway Building, Room 100 |
Phone: |
(209) 667-3336 |
The Financial Aid and Scholarship Office administers Federal and State financial aid programs and University scholarship funds available to help students meet their educational expenses.
New students should review the Financial Aid information contained in the CSU Admission Application booklet or online at All applicants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at Students not eligible to file a FAFSA can file a California Dream Act Application at Upon receipt of the FAFSA of the Dream Act, the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office may request additional information. Application deadlines are observed, and students are encouraged to complete their applications as soon as possible, since funds are limited. The priority filing deadline is March 2 of every year for the following academic year. For example, March 2, 2015 is the priority filing deadline for the 2015/2016 academic year. Students interested in more information regarding financial aid, scholarship programs, or application procedures should inquire directly to the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office. The standard applicable to Financial Aid recipients for Satisfactory Academic Progress is found on the Financial Aid Website under “Academic Requirements.” Students can access their financial aid status online at
Financial Aid Programs for Qualified Students
Cal Grants
These State-funded awards are made by the California Student Aid Commission to eligible California residents on the basis of financial need and academic eligibility. Applicants must file a valid FAFSA or California Dream Act Application by March 2. New applicants must also provide a GPA verification by the deadline to the California Student Aid Commission ( Students receiving a fee waiver or fee sponsorship are not eligible to receive this grant.
- Cal Grant A provides undergraduate students with payment of systemwide California State University (CSU) fees. Students receiving a fee waiver or fee sponsorship are not eligible to receive this grant.
- Cal Grant B provides undergraduate students with an award for books and living expenses in the first year, and beginning with the second year, also provides payment of CSU systemwide fees.
Federal Pell Grant
The Pell Grant Program is a federally funded program available to qualified undergraduate students and credential candidates. These grants are designed to be the base award in a student’s financial aid package to which other funds may be added according to total eligibility.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
These awards are federally funded and are granted to undergraduate students who demonstrate the greatest financial need.
Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
Loans are made through the Departmetn of Education to parents of dependent undergraduate students. Repayment of loans at a variable simple interest begins immediately upon disbursement of funds. More information and applications are available at the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office.
Federal Perkins Loan
This Federal program provides long-term, low-interest loans in amounts governed by established eligibility and availability of funds. Five percent simple interest is charged and repayment begins nine months after the date the borrower ceases to maintain at least half-time enrollment. In some cases deferred payment or loan and interest cancellation is possible.
Federal Work Study Program
Eligible students may be able to work on or off campus to earn all or a portion of their financial aid awards.
Short-Term Loan Fund
Short-term loans to meet educational expenses are available to enrolled students. A maximum of $200 may be borrowed with repayment in 60 days.
State University Grant
These State-funded awards cover a portion of the fees paid by eligible undergraduate and graduate students who are California residents. Students receiving a fee waiver or fee sponsorship are not eligible to receive this grant.
State Educational Opportunity Program Grant
Students admitted through the Educational Opportunity Program who have financial need may be funded under this State program.
Federal Direct Loans
Loans are made available to students through the Department of Education. A subsidized loan is awarded on the basis of financial need. Students will not be charged any interest before repayment begins (typically six months after graduating, withdrawing, or dropping below half-time enrollment), or during periods of deferment. The Federal Government subsidizes the interest during these periods. An unsubsidized loan is not awarded on the basis of need; in effect, anyone may qualify regardless of income level. The student will be charged interest from the time the loan is disbursed, and has the option of making interest payments quarterly or “capitalizing” the interest - adding it to the principal so that the loan is actually growing during in-school and deferment periods. Some students may qualify for both types of loan during the same enrollment period; final eligibility will be determined by the Financial Aid Office. All loan applicants must enroll as at least half-time students. Loan amounts may be limited based on dependency status, class level, and total cost of education. Further information and application materials are available at the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office.
Student Assistant Employment
Student employment on campus is administered through Human Resources in MSR 320. Students can view non-Workstudy and Unit 11 (teaching assistants and tutors) job openings online 24/7 or in the Human Resources Office during regular business hours.
Selective Service Registration
The federal Military Selective Service Act requires males residing in the United States to register with the Selective Service System within 30 days of their 18th birthday. Males between the ages of 18 and 25 must be registered. Males born after December 31, 1959 may be required to submit a statement of compliance with the Act and regulations to receive any grant, loan or work assistance under specified provisions of existing federal law. In California, students subject to the Act who fail to register are also ineligible to receive any need-based student grants funded by the state or a public postsecondary institution.
Selective Service registration forms are available at any U.S. Post Office, and many high schools have a staff member or teacher appointed as a Selective Service Registrar. Applicants for financial aid can also request that information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) be used to register them with the Selective Service. Information on the Selective Service System is available and the registration process may be initiated online at
Students who demonstrate academic excellence may receive monetary support from nearly 140 available scholarships, many offering multiple awards. Any full-time matriculated CSU Stanislaus student may apply. Scholarships are funded by private gifts, business donations, and endowments. Most awards range from $100 to $5,000 per academic year, averaging about $500.
Since 1996, more than $10 million has been pledged and/or gifted to the CSU Stanislaus Foundation in support of scholarships, endowed scholarships, and endowed operations from private donors. Recruiting scholarships are designated for entering freshmen and transferring community college students. Department scholarships are for students who have declared a specific major. Open scholarships are unrestricted. For complete information, contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office at (209) 667-3336 or visit the website at
Availability of Institutional and Financial Assistance Information
The following information concerning student financial assistance may be obtained from the Director of Financial Aid/Scholarships, Mary Stuart Rogers (MSR) Building, Room 100, (209) 667-3336:
- Student financial assistance programs available to students who enroll at CSU Stanislaus;
- The methods by which such assistance is distributed among recipients who enroll at CSU Stanislaus;
- The means, including forms, by which application for student financial assistance is made and requirements for accurately preparing such application;
- The rights and responsibilities of students receiving financial assistance; and
- The standards the student must maintain to be considered to be making satisfactory progress for the purpose of establishing and maintaining eligibility for financial assistance.
- The way the school provides for Pell-eligible students to obtain or purchase required books and supplies by the seventh day of a payment period and how the student may opt out;
- The terms of any loan received as part of the student’s financial aid package, a sample loan repayment schedule, and the necessity for repaying loans;
- The general conditions and terms applicable to any employment provided as part of the student’s financial aid package;
- The terms and conditions of the loans students receive under the Direct Loan and Perkins Loan Programs;
- The exit counseling information the school provides and collects for student borrowers; and
- Contact information for ombuds offices available for disputes concerning federal, institutional and private loans.
The following information concerning the cost of attending CSU Stanislaus is available from the Financial Aid/Scholarships Office, (209) 667-3336:
- Tuition and fees;
- Estimated costs of books and supplies;
- Estimates of typical student room and board costs and typical commuting costs; and
- Any additional costs of the program in which the student is enrolled or expresses a specific interest.
Information concerning the refund policy of CSU Stanislaus for the return of unearned tuition and fees or other refundable portions of costs is available from the Financial Services Office, (209) 667-3063.
Information concerning CSU Stanislaus policies regarding any refund due to the Federal Title IV student assistance programs as required by the regulations is available from the Financial Aid Office, (209) 667-3336.
Information concerning the academic programs of CSU Stanislaus may be obtained from the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, MSR 370, (209) 667-3082 and may include:
- The current degree programs and other educational and training programs;
- The instructional, laboratory, and other physical plant facilities which relate to the academic program;
- The faculty and other instructional personnel;
- Data regarding student retention at CSU Stanislaus and, if available, the number and percentage of students completing the program in which the student is enrolled or expressed interest; and
- The names of associations, agencies, or governmental bodies which accredit, approve, or license the institution and its programs, and the procedures under
which any current or prospective student may obtain or review upon request a copy of the documents describing the institution’s accreditation, approval, or licensing.
Information regarding special facilities and services available to handicapped students may be obtained from Disability Services, MSR 210,(209) 667-3159.
Information concerning the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse and rehabilitation programs may be obtained from the Dean of Students Office, MSR 340, (209) 667-3144.
Information concerning policies, procedures, and facilities for students and others to report criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on campus may be obtained from Public Safety/University Police Services, PSS, (209) 667-3114. The department also releases an annual campus security report and annual fire safety report.
Information regarding student retention and graduation rates and, if available, the number and percentage of students completing the program in which the student is enrolled or has expressed interest may be obtained from the Institutional Research Office, MSR 360, (209) 667-3281.
Information concerning athletic opportunities available to male and female students and the financial resources and personnel that CSU Stanislaus dedicates to its men’s and women’s teams may be obtained from the Athletics Department, G7, (209) 667-3016.
Information concerning teacher preparation programs, including the pass rate on teacher certification examinations, may be obtained from the Credential Processing Center, DBH 303, (209) 667-3534.
Information concerning grievance procedures for students who feel aggrieved in their relationships with the university, its policies, practices and procedures, or its faculty and staff may be obtained from the Dean of Students Office, MSR 340, (209) 667-3144.
Average Support Cost Per Full-Time Equivalent Student and Sources of Funds
The total support cost per full-time equivalent student (FTES) includes the expenditures for current operations, including payments made to students in the form of financial aid, and all fully reimbursed programs contained in state appropriations. The average support cost is determined by dividing the total cost by the number of FTES. The total CSU 2013/14 budget amounts were $2,330,500,000 from state General Fund (GF) appropriations (not including capital outlay funding) and before adding $16.3 million CalPERS retirement adjustment, $1,539,029,000 from tuition fee revenue and after tuition fee discounts (forgone revenue), and $408,305,000 from other fee revenues for a total of $4,277,834,000. The number of 2013/14 FTES is 336,510 resident target and 14,358 non-resident students for a total of 350,838 FTES. The GF appropriation is applicable to resident students only whereas fee revenues are collected from resident and nonresident students. FTES is determined by dividing the total academic student load by 15 units per term (the figure used here to define a full-time student’s academic load).
The 2013/14 average support cost per FTES based on GF appropriation and net tuition fee revenue only is $11,312 and when including all sources as indicated below is $12,476, which includes all fee revenue in the CSU Operating Fund (e.g. tuition fees, application fees, and other campus mandatory fees). Of this amount, the average net tuition and other fee revenue per FTES is $5,551.
2013/14 |
Amount |
Average Cost per FTES |
Percentage |
- State Appropriation (GF)1
2,330,500,000 |
6,925 |
55.5% |
1,539,029,000 |
4,387 |
35.2% |
408,305,000 |
1,164 |
9.3% |
Total Support Cost |
4,277,834,000 |
12,476 |
100.0% |
1Represents state GF appropriation in the Budget Act of 2013/14; GF is divisible by resident students only (336,510 FTES).
2Represents CSU Operating Fund, Tuition Fee and other fees revenue amounts (net of tuition fee discounts) submitted in campus August 2013/14 final budgets. Revenues are divisible by resident and nonresident students (350,838 FTES).
The average CSU 2013/14 academic year, resident, undergraduate student basic tuition fee and other mandatory fees required to apply to, enroll in, or attend the university is $6,695 ($5,472 tuition fee plus $1,223 average campus-based fees). However, the costs paid by individual students will vary depending on campus, program, and whether a student is part-time, full-time, resident, or nonresident.
Procedure for the Establishment or Abolishment of Campus-Based Mandatory Fees
The law governing the California State University provides that specific campus fees defined as mandatory, such as a student body association fee and a student body center fee, may be established. A student body association fee must be established upon a favorable vote of two-thirds of the students voting in an election held for this purpose (Education Code, Section 89300). The campus President may adjust the student body association fee only after the fee adjustment has been approved by a majority of students voting in a referendum established for that purpose. The required fee shall be subject to referendum at any time upon the presentation of a petition to the campus President containing the signatures of 10 percent of the regularly enrolled students at the University. Student body association fees support a variety of cultural and recreational programs, childcare centers, and special student support programs. A student body center fee may be established only after a fee referendum is held which approves by a two-thirds favorable vote the establishment of the fee (Education Code, Section 89304). Once bonds are issued, authority to set and adjust student body center fees is governed by provisions of the State University Revenue Bond Act of 1947, including, but not limited to, Education Code sections 90012, 90027, and 90068.
The process to establish and adjust other campus-based mandatory fees requires consideration by the campus fee advisory committee and a student referendum as established by Executive Order 1054, Setion III. The campus President may use alternate consultation mechanisms if he/she determines that a referendum is not the best mechanism to achieve appropriate and meaningful consultation. Results of the referendum and the fee committee review are advisory to the campus President. The President may adjust campus-based mandatory fees, but must request the Chancellor to establish a new mandatory fee. The President shall provide to the fee advisory committee a report of all campus-based mandatory fees. The campus shall report annually to the Chancellor a complete inventory of all campus-based mandatory fees.
For more information or questions, please contact the Budget Office in the CSU Chancellor’s Office at (562) 951-4560.